The issue of canned lion hunting / CBL is obviously very emotive and divisive , but as it is an argument based on each persons own perception of ethics , morality and principles it is an argument that cannot be "won" by either viewpoint as both sides believe they are right , irrespective of any of the facts , and neither side will be convinced otherwise - I am of the opinion this is the reality of the situation .
Some members have posted information from "experts" to try and prove their side of the argument , I am in no way an expert and cannot dispute or argue the scientific facts , my opinion is based on what I believe to be right or wrong , but to give a more balanced view to the members that may be interested there is another expert on this topic whose name has not been mentioned ( unless I missed it ) , and that is Professor Paul Funston , an internationally recognised expert on Lions . His expert opinions and references to his work can easily be found by googling him. It might be educational for some members .