Cape Buffalo pictures




Zambia, Botswana, and Tanzania.

I just read my post above. I hope it didn’t come off as a bow hunting snob. I am not an archery purist or snob.

In fact, I look forward to the next trip with a single shot and new to me double rifle.
I enjoy the process of dialing in equipment and the prep in total. I’m not married to one particular tool.
SA ( 375 )Zambia ( 458 ) Zimbabwe ( 458 ). The first shot at the Zim bull was point blank range as we surprised him ( and us) in the thick brush on a river bank!!
Good luck

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Speaking of Ironwill.. I have their 125gr broadheads! Can't wait to see how the broadheads you have perform on a Buffalo!


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I am two cows in, and someday there WILL be a bull... and it'll be a lever gun that kills him.

My two... The first was a frontal shot at a pissed off cow. It only took a single shot and she was down in about 20 or so yards. (2021) The second was a month ago. She was trotting by right to left, and the shot hit her behind the shoulder and took out her heart. She went down in about 30ish yards.

Both were shot with a Marlin GBL (.45-70) shooting handloads utilizing Cutting Edge 325 grain brass solids.

I want a bull. But on this most recent trip I wasn't willing to give up on a number of plains games species to afford the bull. I am 56 - not a spring chicken, but I have time; a bull will happen (maybe more than one!)

P.S. I blame my recent one on @PARA45 ... He shared photos of his cow, and I decided I wanted another buffalo; I was originally going to forego buffalo completely on this trip.



I live in a town of 2400. They try to give me the senior discount at the store every damned time I am there. I get it. I LOOK old.

Truth? Chronologically I am 56, but I feel 23 and I have an 8 year old inside me I let out from time to time. I honestly feel the best I have since college. Don't be fooled by the packaging.

I live in a town of 2400. They try to give me the senior discount at the store every damned time I am there. I get it. I LOOK old.

Truth? Chronologically I am 56, but I feel 23 and I have an 8 year old inside me I let out from time to time. I honestly feel the best I have since college. Don't be fooled by the packaging.
You must live right. I will be 70 in about 3 weeks and I dont feel a day over 83!:LOL:
True story... A few weeks back, I was having breakfast with my PH, Don Laaks. It was his daughter's 10th birthday. He was face timing her, and he invited me over to his phone to sing Happy Birthday with him. As we looked at the screen and his daughter's cherubic face, I heard him say "Look who I have with me! It's Father Christmas!"

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T/C wrote on Dewald's profile.
Hi Dewald,
I am looking for a copy of Wright's "Shooting the British Double Rifle" (3E).
Please PM me (T/C) if you still have one.
Thank you very much in advance!!!
I am game for a meat and eat. My attempt at humor.
rigby 416 wrote on rifletuner's profile.
Come from cz like that.
John A Flaws wrote on Horbs's profile.
500 schuler magazine.jpg
500 schuler bore.jpg
500 and 425 rifles.jpg
500 and 425 magaizne.jpg