Low class comment??? Last time I checked we where entitled to our own opinions, I gave mine, you prefer sitting in a blind and shooting a buffalo from a blind over water or alfalfa, go ahead have fun enjoy, not my style or the way I prefer to hunt. In many places it is illegal, most dont care....I do, my opinion my choice, you want to pop them out a blind you are welcome to do so....
Any recommendations where I can do so in Zim, Tanzania or Zambia? I would like to add a bit of wild side but dinont want to walk or track?
Yes, we are all entitled to voice our opinions, as i voiced mine on your low class comments.
You pretend to know what i prefer, really ? is that your ignorance, or your hurt ego talking.
You've never met me, don't know me and have no idea what i prefer.
Pretty brave remarks to make when hiding behind the anonimity of a internet alias.
Why don't you post your brave remarks and opinions on other peoples hunts under your proper name and the business name under which you operate. Show us your stones big guy.
You infer this practice is illegal. To the best of my knowledge this specific hunt was conducted in S.A, YOUR country, which not only condones this practice, and many others, but sanctions it BY LAW. NO ?
My apologies in advance.
I mistook you for a professional hunter.
My interpretation of someone of the title comes with the expectation that encompasses a little more than just a license.
A sense of decorum, respect and an ability to remain objective and serve the needs of the client.
This is not about you, it's about the client, after all HE is paying NOT YOU.
If it's legal, your's, AND MINE, opinion are irrelevant.
Don't like it then get the laws of YOUR country changed.
A wise old man once said to me that it is much better to sit quiet a look stupid than to open your mouth and remove all the doubt.
You seem to be lacking the limelight.