I see your point and I'm on your side...but there is a little glitch with the above post that should be straightened out.
One R8 receiver and 2 barrels is still only only one rifle no matter how you cut it. If you were to make your own foam cut out, it is conceivable to fit 2 complete R8 rifles in a Pelican 1700. I'm not sure how close this would put you to a 50# weight limit, but I don't believe there would be room for more than 2 (or maybe 3) calibers total by doing this particular combination.
What my wife & I do...each take our own R8's in separate cases. This way if there is a problem, at least we have options to get at least one of the rifles back up and running. Last resort would be a camp rifle (preferably a 375H&H) that I make sure and ask our PH to have available before our trip.
I'd give
@Newboomer a little slack on the one caliber issue. He may have posted about taking a couple of different rifles on another thread, but he also may have changed his views. Just one trip to Africa can have such an effect. Simplifying packing by only taking one rifle, like a M70 375H&H is a great way to pair down on weight and it's good for EVERYTHING on the menu. Premium softs and solids (for the T10) and he's done. The one gun safari is alive and well.