MS 9x56
AH elite
First of all I have no dog in this fight, second I have never laid eyes on a Blaser R 8. What I can offer is a gun enthusiast and life long hunters input. In over 40 years of perusing gun shops all over the USA and being a member of several gun clubs over the years, I have not seen, handled or met a shooter who owned an R 8. Maybe I ain't high brow enough or maybe I am not Blazers target customer. Honestly I don't even know what they cost. Maybe the problem is there is just not much information disseminated to Joe average hunter. I have looked at many calibers suitable for dangerous game and own a number of medium bore rifles, but honestly never considered Blazer just because I have never been exposed to any information about them. I own a Mannlicher Schoenhauer model 1905 in 9x56 MS built in 1921 that I dreamed of for over 30 years before acquiring. Why? Because there was a lot of information and literature about them. I also own a CZ 550 FS in 9.3x62 that I dream of taking to Africa one day soon. Why ? Because they were available and I could handle them in local gun shops. Blazer R8 never heard of, never seen one. Honestly how do you expect to sell a product no matter how good, if it is not accessible. Just one hunters opinion.