Australia today

That is the other thing that is making a lot of us more than a bit grumpy. The country is called New Zealand. That other name was a name made up by an english writer who visited and wanted to add some flavour but there was never anything name they had for the country as they were all tribal so there was no concept of the whole of the country and even when the treaty was written and signed it was New Zealand and not that other made up name that didn't exist untill a lot of years later.
They are raminng the language down the throats of everyone and it rankles that a language useless for anything except internal satisfaction is being thrown into every single aspect of the countries governence, all radio and tv is increasingly being flooded with it when only a very small fraction of the country even understands it let along is fluent or uses it for anything else except to show that they can. Everything is being renamed with some (usually made up) maori word that the vast majority of the country does not understand. Typical leftist BS. They are trying to change the names of every town and landmark to cater to a peopke that gave up soveriegnty and now want it all back (talk about reperations in the US has got nothing on what they want here.
I have nothing against other languages or cultures but have a great deal against having it forced down our throats at every turn. I refuse to watch any of the tv or listen to the radio for that very reason. Even our sprts teams have taken to leaving New Zealand off the name they go by and have lost my interest because of it.
l have been watching the graf boys from NZ for many years now and have watched there videos on how the NZ government has been poisoning the deer with 1080
it is disgusting IMHO and lately to hear that it may be happening here in OZ gives me palpitations
but this is the new woke lefty greeny progressives, if its not native get rid of it

but this is the new woke lefty greeny progressives, if its not native get rid of it

Well, the socialist greenies are not native… I’m just saying…
l have been watching the graf boys from NZ for many years now and have watched there videos on how the NZ government has been poisoning the deer with 1080
it is disgusting IMHO and lately to hear that it may be happening here in OZ gives me palpitations
but this is the new woke lefty greeny progressives, if its not native get rid of it

The greenies have done enourmous damage to the country in so many ways like they do everywhere they stamp thier insidious footprint in the land and water environment but they also have had damaging influence in our oil and gas, drugs, parenting and it goes on and on.
The greenies have done enourmous damage to the country in so many ways like they do everywhere they stamp thier insidious footprint in the land and water environment but they also have had damaging influence in our oil and gas, drugs, parenting and it goes on and on.
we are having similar problems here in Victoria, farmers in the Otway's have told me how they have been told there will be aerial dropping 1080 baits for the wild deer
all our political parties are turning green or have green factions within that are influencing them
what l dont get though is that the greens are usually the squeakiest wheel about everything and anything but they have not said a word about anything that is happening in Australia regarding covid restrictions, abuse's or the draconian rules, they have even helped Dan Andrews in Victoria get extensions for his emergency rules, what l have seen is that the greens are a part of the so called great reset that was supposed to be a conspiracy theory LOL some people still think it is
it was quite funny how Pauline Hanson was laughed out of Parliament by the greens for trying to introduce a bill for Australia to ignore the great reset then the next day the add came out
the greens MP Janet Rice said in Parliament Pauline needed a tin foil hat LOL
"you will own nothing but you will be happy" is the catch cry,
its funny because l know people who own nothing but they are not happy
it has been said that this is what's driving the covid pandemic, all l know is that what is happening in Australia in my neck of the woods is not Australian and seems like it is straight out of the CCP handbook, we cannot believe anything from the MSM as they act like PR for the government
our biggest problem is the divide that has been created and encouraged
we have not peaked yet though IMHO things will get worse before they get any better
there is a massive push to mandate everything and get everyone Jabbed,
the emergency use authority will be gone soon, watch how big the protests are then and how many
the court cases are having a big impact on how things are changing for the better so far

lets see if anyone can answer this, "what is the most common symptom of covid"
The shee commie in charge here and her lot have just granted themselves more power to do as they please without consultation so the UN adgenda is being pushed hard. I dont listen to the television "news" but do have access to what is being pushed and she is hell bent on getting everyone in the same boat with multiple jabs of, and for, this experiment in human compliance.
The flue will run rampant through the country as it has everywhere else and much of what they do will only make it worse untill it has run its course with increasingly jabbed people being the problem with spreading it arround.
No one has said it yet so I will. If Australia wasn't effectively disarmed I suspect the heavy handed restrictions of liberty would not be as severe. Here in the United States the most severe C19 restrictions are all in dominantly blue states and cities. Life is pretty normal in red states. Blue states have severe restrictions and laws against free gun ownership. Red states are just the opposite. They welcome gun ownership. Any chance there's a correlation?

The statistics regarding C19 are somewhere between flawed and fraudulent. That's true across the industrial world. A lot of people that died with C19 didn't die directly because of C19. They died because their immune systems were already taxed by other issues. Obesity, age, COPD, and other illnesses. Stop buying the narrative that C19 is uniquely dangerous. It isn't. The number of HEALTHY people that have died as a direct result of and exclusively because of C19 is minuscule. That's as true in Australia as it is elsewhere in the world.

The loss of freedom is a slippery slope. When people allow their freedoms to be diminished under the guise of the common good they almost never get them back. It's easy to slide down the slippery slope but it's next to impossible to get back up.

It's easy to agree with restrictions when they don't affect you personally or the effects on you are relatively minor. I don't care where you live in Australia you should be greatly concerned about what's going on in Melbourne and Sydney. It may not have much of an impact on you yet but you're next.

Somebody referenced that everything will be over on 18 October and everything will get back to normal. What happens on 18 October? Whatever it is I'll be watching closely to see what happens. The cynic in me that distrusts all things government suspects that come 19 October Australia will still be a police state.
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Well, the socialist greenies are not native… I’m just saying…
Are they "feral" ?? to be "culled" ?? so tempting ...
Other people can hear you guys, just thought you might like to know so you don't get embarrassed.
Yup, it's gonna take a while; C19, as Bonk wrote, is, at most a CONTRIBUTOR to the deaths being reported, for the reasons he quoted. Yup, had my shots, and deep discussions with my Doc (He's as much a friend as my Doctor, which is pretty rare for most people) . I'm in high risk category, worst I got from it a "fluey" type of day on the day after my first shot.
Best advice? Get your shots and pay respect o socialising advice.
Are they "feral" ?? to be "culled" ?? so tempting ...

Yup, it's gonna take a while; C19, as Bonk wrote, is, at most a CONTRIBUTOR to the deaths being reported, for the reasons he quoted. Yup, had my shots, and deep discussions with my Doc (He's as much a friend as my Doctor, which is pretty rare for most people) . I'm in high risk category, worst I got from it a "fluey" type of day on the day after my first shot.
Best advice? Get your shots and pay respect o socialising advice.

And if you think a flimsy cotton mask is doing anything to protect you, give your head a shake.
Are they "feral" ?? to be "culled" ?? so tempting ...

Yup, it's gonna take a while; C19, as Bonk wrote, is, at most a CONTRIBUTOR to the deaths being reported, for the reasons he quoted. Yup, had my shots, and deep discussions with my Doc (He's as much a friend as my Doctor, which is pretty rare for most people) . I'm in high risk category, worst I got from it a "fluey" type of day on the day after my first shot.
Best advice? Get your shots and pay respect o socialising advice.
Think his point of view is if you where more heavily armed you wouldn't need to socially distance or get the needle. Personally the Australian privelage to own firearms makes more sense than the right to bear arms. If we had more gun's the government wouldn't push us around? Elections seem to work for the most part, we all disagree but get along without the need for civil war that we never got over. In Australia we have left right and middle without a blind hatred for anyone on the opposite side or down the center
In Australia we have left right and middle without a blind hatred for anyone on the opposite side or down the center
You really believe that bit? Seriously?

As an aside. I have not worn a mask outside since this crap began, not once and I walk around all over town, and no one has ever asked me to mask up outside, cops drive by and wave.
And still not vaccinated and no plans to do so.
Doctor on TV who I respect says this is about over, the Delta is likely the last variant.
You really believe that bit? Seriously?

As an aside. I have not worn a mask outside since this crap began, not once and I walk around all over town, and no one has ever asked me to mask up outside, cops drive by and wave.
And still not vaccinated and no plans to do so.
Doctor on TV who I respect says this is about over, the Delta is likely the last variant.
Same here. I got one shot in April and am still feeling side effects. No damn way will I get another one. I don't and won't put one of those useless asswipes on my face unless I am forced to to enter a store or other business where they are required. Even then I pull it down so I can breathe. I haven't had any ill effects at all. If anyone says anything I tell them this is America. We have choices, theirs to wear one, mine not to. Some don't like it but it ends the conversation.
You really believe that bit? Seriously?

As an aside. I have not worn a mask outside since this crap began, not once and I walk around all over town, and no one has ever asked me to mask up outside, cops drive by and wave.
And still not vaccinated and no plans to do so.
Doctor on TV who I respect says this is about over, the Delta is likely the last variant.
Sure do, what's your opinion of Biden/Harris supporter's? What's their opinion of you?
You really believe that bit? Seriously?

As an aside. I have not worn a mask outside since this crap began, not once and I walk around all over town, and no one has ever asked me to mask up outside, cops drive by and wave.
And still not vaccinated and no plans to do so.
Doctor on TV who I respect says this is about over, the Delta is likely the last variant.
Rarely wear a mask. most of them aren't up to "doing the job", besides I'm pretty much a hermit, rarely socialise much. Only wear one when I'm out in public, or sharing my car with someone I love
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I would like to hear the thought process on that as well even if there is nothing quite like a gov't holding a "privelege" over your head.

Yes, the 2A is a beautiful thing.
So if the only people with free access to firearms weren't going to use them to shoot people and start an anti gun movement wouldn't be a better idea than allowing access by people who shouldn't be allowed to use a spoon let alone a gun because it's a right? Don't agree with our gun laws but do agree that not everyone should have the right to own them. Never had a bad experience with Queensland police or weapon's licencing, they have always gone out of their way to be helpful, hardly feel threatened and as if they are holding my privelage over me.
Are they "feral" ?? to be "culled" ?? so tempting ...

Yup, it's gonna take a while; C19, as Bonk wrote, is, at most a CONTRIBUTOR to the deaths being reported, for the reasons he quoted. Yup, had my shots, and deep discussions with my Doc (He's as much a friend as my Doctor, which is pretty rare for most people) . I'm in high risk category, worst I got from it a "fluey" type of day on the day after my first shot.
Best advice? Get your shots and pay respect o socialising advice.
its a great idea to protect the vulnerable, you being high risk its probably worth your while having your Jabs so if you do get the Wu Flu you should not get it bad, Hopefully, but you are right IMHO to listen to your doctor ;) each to their own
l hope your good doctor friend has put you on Vitamin D, C and zinc to boost your immunity

but it still comes down to choice and if their are people who do not want the Jab because they want to wait for a better option or what ever they should be able to choose for themselves, its not like covid is as bad as Ebola or polio ect...
my doctor has said if you get it bad its like a flu on steroids but the virus does not want to kill you, its a parasite its the comorbidities that will kill you or the wrong treatment for it

looks like nobody has had a go at giving an answer to the question l put up earlier
"what is the most common symptom of covid"
the answer is "nothing" because the majority of people who get it dont know they have it

here is a video that takes the P!ss just for a laugh
So if the only people with free access to firearms weren't going to use them to shoot people and start an anti gun movement wouldn't be a better idea than allowing access by people who shouldn't be allowed to use a spoon let alone a gun because it's a right? Don't agree with our gun laws but do agree that not everyone should have the right to own them. Never had a bad experience with Queensland police or weapon's licencing, they have always gone out of their way to be helpful, hardly feel threatened and as if they are holding my privelage over me.
it would be better if an American explained the process but my daughter who lives in Albuquerque has opened my eyes to how we in Australia have no idea about the American gun laws because of how it is portrayed as being the wild west by the MSM but its not exactly open slather or free access from what l have been told, not everyone can buy or own guns
and you cannot have a lot of the guns we think you can eg... machineguns ect.. apparently
she has her gun licence as well as concealed carry that is required in many states, she could not buy or own a firearm till she became a resident
there is a lot more behind the mass shootings than free access to guns IMO
in Victoria we do not call firearms weapons because weapons are used to kill people and we are not allowed to kill people, l understand Qld does call firearms weapons
in Victoria we can have our firearms licence taken off us for a speeding ticket, you have to be a real clean skin or your privileges may be taken away in our nanny state, l suppose like you can for the anti association laws you have in Qld

United States 1Pass an instant background check that considers criminal convictions, domestic violence and immigration status. 2Buy a gun. Many states have additional buying restrictions, including waiting periods and expanded background checks.

its a great idea to protect the vulnerable, you being high risk its probably worth your while having your Jabs so if you do get the Wu Flu you should not get it bad, Hopefully, but you are right IMHO to listen to your doctor ;) each to their own
l hope your good doctor friend has put you on Vitamin D, C and zinc to boost your immunity

but it still comes down to choice and if their are people who do not want the Jab because they want to wait for a better option or what ever they should be able to choose for themselves, its not like covid is as bad as Ebola or polio ect...
my doctor has said if you get it bad its like a flu on steroids but the virus does not want to kill you, its a parasite its the comorbidities that will kill you or the wrong treatment for it

looks like nobody has had a go at giving an answer to the question l put up earlier
"what is the most common symptom of covid"
the answer is "nothing" because the majority of people who get it dont know they have it

here is a video that takes the P!ss just for a laugh
Most common one I've researched are "flu-like symptoms; aches and pains for a day or two. Those who suffer most, or pass on almost are compromise health-wise ... Insofar as gun laws apply, I've studied them, both in Oz, and the U S, as well as other western countries. Provide the antis, and politicians keep their ignorant noses out of the system, MOST decent, law-abiding Aussies SHOULD be OK ... My observations are that adequate knowledge is severely lacking within general Police and almost all political circles. Put people with genuine firearms know-how in chare.

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