Australia today

Bob, l had my say and was finished with it but l think l need to respond to you
to show you why l think like l do

"Your remarks to @blacks are harsh to say the least and bordering on very rude"
l agree with you my remarks were harsh and bordering on very rude,
like blacks l stand by everything l have said, he is not an authority on what has happened in Melbourne or Victoria and should not be telling people how it is without any knowledge, l do believe he is entitled to his opinion and l'm glad he said it was his opinion because what he had been saying was coming across as if he were talking facts when he was not

"Yes a few people have lost their jobs and businesses during this China flu debacle"
you obviously have not been through Melbourne and seen all the for lease signs everywhere from closed down businesses, but its not just Melbourne its all over Victoria

"even that clown that was only 4.5 klicks from his home wasn't wearing a mask"
have another look at him tied up on the ground Bob, yes he was, its hanging off his right ear, there were no protesters anywhere in the vicinity, he did not have his mask on for the interview but not wearing your mask without exemption is a $200 fine in Victoria, so you think its ok to throw someone to the ground and jump all over them pointing a pump action shotgun at them because they have not got a mask on? we know better than to be pointing firearms, its not ok
l mentioned in earlier posts about Australians who think this behaviour by police is ok,
that these people deserve it for some reason, sorry but l do not get it
the truth is that if you are talking about the Avi report l posted he actually interviewed people who were treated with massive overreach by the police, if that is cherry picking so be it but at least its the truth or is the video that the lady has of that guy being jumped on by the police a lie?
Bob the camera does not lie and there are many videos of the same thing with different people

"Our government spent billions in assisting businesses and individuals to keep business open and people employed which I didn't hear of any other countries doing"
in fact Bob my daughter who lives in America got covid payments for her family
here is a link to a study that apparently was done on the response of 166 countries that gave coronavirus bailouts and Australia was not the most generous Bob

"In any shit storm like this there will be a percentage of casualties but Australia has tried to minimise it"
by wrecking the economy shutting businesses, reducing the police force and very experienced front line health workers who have worked all through the pandemic so far by mandating no jab no job that is unconstitutional
the frontline healthcare workers are being replaced in Vic by international workers so Dan has said
for what? the numbers are still climbing its all for nothing

"Even the CFMEU said it was professional protesters and neo- nazi white supremartists that made them look bad"
yea that was a funny one, LOL c'mon Bob you dont believe that one, if that were true Bob why would two tradies have a meeting with John Setka in the middle of it to try and sort it, Setka wanted the tradies to march to parliament house and they wanted him to lead them but after the meeting with the two tradies John Setka was on radio saying the rubbish you have just repeated while they were waiting for him to come out and talk to them
if you watch the link l will post bellow you can watch the start to finish of the CFMEU tradie's protest against their union, warts and all, this was not against the government
that is if you really want to see what actually happened
sorry its in two parts and is long but is not like what the biased MSM portrayed it

"You will find neither tell much in the way of reality"
no Bob watch the live feed above and you will see that it is a very good representation of what actually happened and is more in line with what l meant about seeing the true news

"How about talking to people that this has actually affected and get their views before hopping on you high horse and putting others down"
you mean like my wife whose 140k per year business that has folded and will not be opening again
or the four workers she had to put off that have family's to feed?
l could go further Bob but thats enough, l cannot open your eyes for you

anyway Bob,
no different to Blacks, l wish him and you the best and hope l have given you some insight
Sorry to hear your wife lost her business and 4 staff. We have empty shops up here as well that won't reopen.
Yes it's not a good thing to happen but it was inevitable with these lock downs but I feel it was better than the alternative.
In Australia we still have a good economy and low unemployment but things have changed in this brave new world and I don't think it's for the better but we will have to live with it for a long time to come.
That's the reality of life now.
They had to call in the military here in Alberta. Hospitals , ICU's overwhelmed. The fat and the elderly as some people say have filled up the ICU

I hope Australia doesn't have to go through this . Been a shit show here in Alberta.

Can't wait for the end of this so we can get back to talking about hunting and why the .243 is so bloody horrible, and why anyone who uses a Hornady bullet on dangerous game has a mental condition .

That is much more fun
You forgot about @BeeMaa and his obsession with the over engineered toy he has in his R8 Blaser.
Sorry to hear your wife lost her business and 4 staff. We have empty shops up here as well that won't reopen.
Yes it's not a good thing to happen but it was inevitable with these lock downs but I feel it was better than the alternative.
In Australia we still have a good economy and low unemployment but things have changed in this brave new world and I don't think it's for the better but we will have to live with it for a long time to come.
That's the reality of life now.
thanks for listening Bob
my wife and l are ok at this time but the 4 workers relied on the money, life is very different for them
l agree with what you say about changes, still more to come, good and bad
we can only speak about what we know and in different parts of Australia it is totally different
WA is having grand finals, partying and dancing for an example, and they are protesting
people will not act or worry about what is happening till it actually is happening to them
hey in Metro you are locked down allowed out for 2 hours a day within the limits of your 15klm zone, strict curfew over night, no visitors, cant go for a coffee but you can go to a brothel
in regional you cant have visitors but you can go for a coffee with a total stranger or go to a brothel LOL

a joke l heard
a bloke gets a snotty nose, he is worried about covid
so he goes to his doctor who sends him for a test
he returns to the doctors complaining how he has been worried sick
he tells the doctor how he has not been able to sleep with all the worry
his doctor gives him a negative result and tells him he has a cold
he asks his doctor when will this all end?
his doctor looks at him and says "how would l know, l'm a doctor, not a politician"

like that other joke l told that 99.7% would not get
thanks for listening Bob
my wife and l are ok at this time but the 4 workers relied on the money, life is very different for them
l agree with what you say about changes, still more to come, good and bad
we can only speak about what we know and in different parts of Australia it is totally different
WA is having grand finals, partying and dancing for an example, and they are protesting
people will not act or worry about what is happening till it actually is happening to them
hey in Metro you are locked down allowed out for 2 hours a day within the limits of your 15klm zone, strict curfew over night, no visitors, cant go for a coffee but you can go to a brothel
in regional you cant have visitors but you can go for a coffee with a total stranger or go to a brothel LOL

a joke l heard
a bloke gets a snotty nose, he is worried about covid
so he goes to his doctor who sends him for a test
he returns to the doctors complaining how he has been worried sick
he tells the doctor how he has not been able to sleep with all the worry
his doctor gives him a negative result and tells him he has a cold
he asks his doctor when will this all end?
his doctor looks at him and says "how would l know, l'm a doctor, not a politician"

like that other joke l told that 99.7% would not get
So what's the other joke? I guess that you are one of the 0.3% that would get it?
So what's the other joke? I guess that you are one of the 0.3% that would get it?
c'mon TT, fair suck of the sauce bottle mate, you cant be that many stubbies short of a six pack LOL
l think your pulling my leg a bit there mate LOL

anyway in case you are it is a joke mate, satire so its not meant to be 100% correct, its been around for a while and is in response to the health authorities who originally said 99.7% of people who had covid would not know they had it or have an adverse reaction to it LOL
like this one, "that its the only sickness you have to get tested for to know you have it"

while l'm here and to keep with the title of the thread "Australia today" there is some current news about the court cases going on in Australia at the moment, for those interested
sorry its only on faceache so those who have face book will be able to see it from the link below it hasn't been uploaded to youtube yet, when it is l will post it up
this interesting report from Mike Palmer know your rights group is titled "Proof Vaccines aren't mandatory, Great news for Victorians, Specific question...
Well you got me there cobber, dog never got a look at the rabbit, feel like a right raw prawn.
One thing that I have noticed with internet theorist's, the more vocal and alternate their views the higher their self appointed intelligence and need to be heard by the simple folk so they can be saved from the diabolical leader's who are secretly suppressing them. If only we all had Facebook and the time to do our own "research", must be hard finding time to spend with your pet squirrels
why you so aggro TT? like your as mad as a cut snake
no need to be so bent out of shape and turn this all personal mate

tell you what l have learnt in my research as an internet theorist, being more vocal, with self appointed intelligence and an alternate view LOL l really laughed at that one "alternate view"
anyway, when someone plays the man and not the ball they have nothing LOL
if because l have different views to you and you dont like it, debate it and show proof,
you dont learn from being in an echo chamber and l am very happy to see your side
you are belittling yourself making it personal, time to put your big boys undies on mate
its like if you dont agree you will take your ball and go home after you throw some insults

because you dont have Faceache, and believe me l only got it for the self appointed intelligence ;)
here's some of what is in the report from the NSW court case against Brad Hazard
remember this is "in court and under oath" it is not my or Mike Palmers opinion
. workers are not being Forced to get the covid vaccine
.Hazards side admits they probably have the power to force vaccination if some terrible disease like Ebola was threatening society
some answers Christine Mcarthy gave in the court under oath
.it is true that double vaccinated people are 13 times more likely to catch and spread the virus
.the vaccines are dangerous to pregnant women or those planning to fall pregnant
.the vaccines have never been studied for effectiveness and safety

what l have written above is only a small portion of what is in the report from the know your rights group and is not an opinion, it is answers made under oath by our so called experts
l am glad to do the research for you mate;)
but life is too short so here's another joke for you

one Lab rat says to the other
when you going to get the covid vax?
the other Lab rat says "when they finish the human trials"
I found proof on the internet


Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison spoke to the UN General Assembly last week. The Aussie leader promoted his country’s long tradition of freedom and human rights.

Deactivist took the Prime Minister’s speech and filled it in with reality.

Australia under Morrison is unrecognizable. Surely, he knows this. And obviously, he doesn’t care.
This is one of the best videos made on the new world order and lying politicians.

Point to note: most, if not all this coverage is selectively displayed, and was filmed in Victoria, a r/w socialist-leaning state, with it's own laws, and police, as well as a very close association with the PRC, and the belt and road program. This is a similar situation to that applying in von Gruff's homeland, New Zealand. Way over the top action by both sides, Police and protesters. Personally, I'll keep my own counsel, and front my local state/federal representative, face to face. Waste of time in many circumstances; we get a chance to vote the Bastards out every few years ...
This is a similar situation to that applying in von Gruff's homeland, New Zealand. Way over the top action by both sides, Police and protesters.
Too right Geoff but there isn't the international coverage to report and almst nothing from the a$$ kissing media here. The shee commie is a disaster for the country playing to the UN programe and taking so mucch of the country and giving to the tribes. She gave one of the maori gangs 2.7 million as they said they wanted to do a drug rehab for them and the tribes they come from but a fortnight later the police confiscated 2 million in a drug seisure.
They want to seize all the water assets from the local councils and give controll of it all to the moari.
the shee commie is a tragic experience for the country in so many different aspects but as I saya there is almost no reports that would have any bearing on any discussion as our footrint (NZ members that is) is very limited on the forum
I am certainly very interested in this, as my daughter want a to do a study abroad next academic year. She would like to attend either University of Queensland or Bond. She like that Bond is in Gold Coast (the Beach) but does not like how small it is. UQ on the other hand does have a station physically on the Reef. Perhaps some of our OZ members can shed some light on (1) will Queensland be fully open by next academic year [full freedom of movement and no masks or masks optional] and (2) which would you choose for your child, Bond or UQ?

I understand that QANTAS is restarting DFW/SYD service in December, but on an B-787 and not an A380.
Almost all Universities in Oz have or had links to the Confucius program, with a LOT of PRC control; think abot it
@Von Gruff
Gary the media only shows one side and bad news sells.
They interview one person who stated that he saw a lot of his companies shirts at the protest. He doesn't know where the shirts came from as he only employed a few people and the number far out weighed his employees.
A lot of the protesters were also professional protester that go from town to town staring up shit. There were also a lot of right wing extremists mixed in with them.
All protest whether they be against lockdown, BLM and othe always have a mix of legitimate and dickhead protester.
It's a pity the media can't give a balanced view of things but why let the truth get in the way when a good lie is better. Feed enough people enough bullshit for long enough and they end up believing it.
Media? Balance view? Ha !!
Next trip will be safari #4...I'm addicted ;) (y)
Oh, I wish; plane exist, but other factors intrude ...
Too right Geoff but there isn't the international coverage to report and almst nothing from the a$$ kissing media here. The shee commie is a disaster for the country playing to the UN programe and taking so mucch of the country and giving to the tribes. She gave one of the maori gangs 2.7 million as they said they wanted to do a drug rehab for them and the tribes they come from but a fortnight later the police confiscated 2 million in a drug seisure.
They want to seize all the water assets from the local councils and give controll of it all to the moari.
the shee commie is a tragic experience for the country in so many different aspects but as I saya there is almost no reports that would have any bearing on any discussion as our footrint (NZ members that is) is very limited on the forum
Comprende, Mate. We get little feedback from Aotearoa, sadly; my best source is a cousin who lived and worked over there for years, and has maintained contacts. I long to go back, and see more ...
Too right Geoff but there isn't the international coverage to report and almst nothing from the a$$ kissing media here. The shee commie is a disaster for the country playing to the UN programe and taking so mucch of the country and giving to the tribes. She gave one of the maori gangs 2.7 million as they said they wanted to do a drug rehab for them and the tribes they come from but a fortnight later the police confiscated 2 million in a drug seisure.
They want to seize all the water assets from the local councils and give controll of it all to the moari.
the shee commie is a tragic experience for the country in so many different aspects but as I saya there is almost no reports that would have any bearing on any discussion as our footrint (NZ members that is) is very limited on the forum
As Baaahrokybama bleated: "We'll tell you what we want you to hear."
Comprende, Mate. We get little feedback from Aotearoa, sadly; my best source is a cousin who lived and worked over there for years, and has maintained contacts. I long to go back, and see more ...
That is the other thing that is making a lot of us more than a bit grumpy. The country is called New Zealand. That other name was a name made up by an english writer who visited and wanted to add some flavour but there was never anything name they had for the country as they were all tribal so there was no concept of the whole of the country and even when the treaty was written and signed it was New Zealand and not that other made up name that didn't exist untill a lot of years later.
They are raminng the language down the throats of everyone and it rankles that a language useless for anything except internal satisfaction is being thrown into every single aspect of the countries governence, all radio and tv is increasingly being flooded with it when only a very small fraction of the country even understands it let along is fluent or uses it for anything else except to show that they can. Everything is being renamed with some (usually made up) maori word that the vast majority of the country does not understand. Typical leftist BS. They are trying to change the names of every town and landmark to cater to a peopke that gave up soveriegnty and now want it all back (talk about reperations in the US has got nothing on what they want here.
I have nothing against other languages or cultures but have a great deal against having it forced down our throats at every turn. I refuse to watch any of the tv or listen to the radio for that very reason. Even our sprts teams have taken to leaving New Zealand off the name they go by and have lost my interest because of it.
Point to note: most, if not all this coverage is selectively displayed, and was filmed in Victoria, a r/w socialist-leaning state, with it's own laws, and police, as well as a very close association with the PRC, and the belt and road program. This is a similar situation to that applying in von Gruff's homeland, New Zealand. Way over the top action by both sides, Police and protesters. Personally, I'll keep my own counsel, and front my local state/federal representative, face to face. Waste of time in many circumstances; we get a chance to vote the Bastards out every few years ...
there is a lot of backflipping happening all around Australia at the moment because of court cases that are happening at the moment
in the facebook link l posted above it is explained that workers in Victoria who do not bet vaxxed for there job get government assistance in covid disaster cash $750 per week

quoted from the article in the herald sun below

"Victorians who flout the state’s vaccine mandate to be allowed Covid payments

Workers who do not comply with the state’s vaccine mandate and are stood down from their jobs, will be eligible to claim Covid disaster payments.

Tom Minear and Kieran Rooney

2 min read

October 7, 2021 – 7:38AM

Victorians who flout the state government’s sweeping vaccine mandate from next Friday will be able to claim support payments worth up to $750 a week if they are stood down and forced to stay home."
Point to note: most, if not all this coverage is selectively displayed, and was filmed in Victoria, a r/w socialist-leaning state, with it's own laws, and police, as well as a very close association with the PRC, and the belt and road program. This is a similar situation to that applying in von Gruff's homeland, New Zealand. Way over the top action by both sides, Police and protesters. Personally, I'll keep my own counsel, and front my local state/federal representative, face to face. Waste of time in many circumstances; we get a chance to vote the Bastards out every few years ...
@geoff rath
Mate old Scott Morrison vetoed Dan the man and told China to politely shove their belt road up their arse. If we want a road we will build it. Didn't go down well with China.
You guys have put up with more than I did to go all the way to Africa and back. Terrifying to watch how any police office will obey orders against someone who simply isn't wearing a mask.

This is from the Daily Wire.

Avi's videos are very insightful as well.
That is the other thing that is making a lot of us more than a bit grumpy. The country is called New Zealand. That other name was a name made up by an english writer who visited and wanted to add some flavour but there was never anything name they had for the country as they were all tribal so there was no concept of the whole of the country and even when the treaty was written and signed it was New Zealand and not that other made up name that didn't exist untill a lot of years later.
They are raminng the language down the throats of everyone and it rankles that a language useless for anything except internal satisfaction is being thrown into every single aspect of the countries governence, all radio and tv is increasingly being flooded with it when only a very small fraction of the country even understands it let along is fluent or uses it for anything else except to show that they can. Everything is being renamed with some (usually made up) maori word that the vast majority of the country does not understand. Typical leftist BS. They are trying to change the names of every town and landmark to cater to a peopke that gave up soveriegnty and now want it all back (talk about reperations in the US has got nothing on what they want here.
I have nothing against other languages or cultures but have a great deal against having it forced down our throats at every turn. I refuse to watch any of the tv or listen to the radio for that very reason. Even our sprts teams have taken to leaving New Zealand off the name they go by and have lost my interest because of it.
Sajesame here in Australia; latest is renamimg Fraser Island ...

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