@ Zambezi: I was largely of the opinion that only SA and Namibia were holding things together for about five surrounding countries, through SA employment, trade, expertise, overlapping transportation abilities, power production, etc etc. If SA goes the way of Zimbabwe, what will happen to the surrounding economies?
In a way asking, who is competent to be the regional leader, economic fallback? Dismal is a word that comes to mind...especially applied to game populations/hunting accessibility. Sooner or later, some of the "leaders" are going to need to be given a thrashing to show them that things can't be allowed to go down the rat hole as they often did after de-colonization. Bailing bad leadership out of responsibility for man made famine only perpetuates the problem. People rising up and demanding better is curtailed by misplaced foreign aid, IMO. (and I have done a lot of do-gooding in my time, some I look back upon proudly, and some that in hindsight might well have been skipped altogether.)