AGENT: WARNING About Northwoods Adventures


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Dec 19, 2014
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I am sorry that my first post here ever should be a negative one but I wanted to warn hunters about a crooked booking agent, Northwoods Adventures. To introduce myself I am an experienced African hunter and have hunted several times in Africa so I am not a newbie. I responded to the advert below, which is placed in the SCI magazine in more or less every issue.
As it seemed like a terrific deal for plains game I decided to book a hunt in Namibia for 2015.
On contacting Mr. Gary D. Strasser he told me that I had to send in a deposit of $1,000 before I was sent a hunt contract. I found this to be a bit odd, but since it was not that big an amount I trusted him and sent him a check. I waited and waited for the contract and chased him up numerous times but there was always some excuse. Finally I got fed up and asked him to return my deposit both on the phone as well as via registered letter. He is now refusing to send me back my deposit as he states that as per his website if a deposit is paid it is not refundable! I have never looked at his website and frankly have never heard such utter nonsense, given that a Hunt Contract is typically the binding agreement of what services are provided.
If the man cannot even send me a Hunt Contract, what assurance do I have that someone will be there to meet me when I get off the plane in Africa! Of course after this saga I have no intention of going on a hunt arranged by him.
I have approached SCI and they have said that they cannot stop Northwoods Adventures from advertising, but would be happy to start an enquiry in to the matter, for which I have to pay $500!
I have started legal proceedings against Mr. Gary D. Strasser from Northwoods Adventures but also wish to warn the hunting community about this scam artist.

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That just sucks.
Good luck with the litigation.
I am sorry that my first post here ever should be a negative one but I wanted to warn hunters about a crooked booking agent. To introduce myself I am an experienced African hunter and have hunted several times in Africa so I am not a newbie. I responded to the advert below, which is placed in the SCI magazine in more or less every issue.
As it seemed like a terrific deal for plains game I decided to book a hunt in Namibia for 2015.
On contacting Mr. Strasser he told me that I had to send in a deposit of $1,000 before I was sent a hunt contract. I found this to be a bit odd, but since it was not that big an amount I trusted him and sent him a check. I waited and waited for the contract and chased him up numerous times but there was always some excuse. Finally I got fed up and asked him to return my deposit both on the phone as well as via registered letter. He is now refusing to send me back my deposit as he states that as per his website if a deposit is paid it is not refundable! I have never looked at his website and frankly have never heard such utter nonsense, given that a Hunt Contract is typically the binding agreement of what services are provided.
If the man cannot even send me a Hunt Contract, what assurance do I have that someone will be there to meet me when I get off the plane in Africa! Of course after this saga I have no intention of going on a hunt arranged by him.
I have approached SCI and they have said that they cannot stop him from advertising, but would be happy to start an enquiry in to the matter, for which I have to pay $500!
I have started legal proceedings against Mr. Strasser but also wish to warn the hunting community about this scam artist.


I have attended one SCI event and that was enough for my lifetime.
a thousand bucks , deposit , before any info is shared , this guys a prostitute..............
good luck with this , think your gunna need it......

thought SCI , was the hunters ,helper in the name of a hunting orginisation.
they must have some duty of care , allowing him to advertise in there magazine

the legal proccese ,may find you out even more in the pocket.

welcome to AH , enjoy the site.
l hope the rest of your participation , is a whole better experience ........
Welcome to AH! Sorry you had such a terrible experiance, can tell you that there are many very good Outfitters right here on AH.
Welcome to AH, sorry about your incident that sux. There's an awesome group of folks here.
First, welcome to AH. Hope you will stay and participate.

Second, thanks for the heads up. I remember those advertisements in the back of SCI magazine when I was a member. Its pathetic they let companies like that advertise in their magazine that is "First for Hunters".

Third, there are a number of quality outfitters in Namibia that are members here if you want to book with them. Not sure you will be able to get as good a deal as the advertisement, but you will get a quality hunt. Feel free to vent an outfitter on AH. The members will be happy to help.

All the best.
Wishing you the best - seems like someone's word is not what is used to mean.

Disappointed with SCI - have become more disenfranchised with this organization over time. If they are allowed to advertise then SCI should stand by the hunters and outfitters listed within their communications.


Sorry about your troubles, but thanks for sharing.
Why anyone would send a check before signing a contract is beyond me.

Gone are the days of taking a man at his word.

An advertisement in a glossy magazine should not relieve you from exercising due diligence.

SCI, DSC, and the NRA have ALL given the boot to unscrupulous advertisers just this year.

Fortunately for us, your unfortunate experience may weed out one more.

Here's hoping better luck with future adventures.
Buyer must always beware. However, I find it ( as a lifetime SCI member) unconscionable that they would actually charge you $500.00 to do an inquiry into a dispute with one of its advertisers. Something advertised in the SCI mag or newsletter adds credibility that you are dealing with a reputable player. IMO, they have an obligation to protect their members and fellow hunters...especially if they are indeed "first for hunters"
Very sad that you have been cheated. SCI should stand with you and the inquiry should cost 0000000.
Thank you for telling us all about this. As mentioned there are list of agents and outfitters on this site who will book you a hunt at a fair price.
Welcome to AH! This is the right place to do research before you book.
I can understand that SCI might want a fee paid in advance before they look into something or someone. There are lots of complaints in the hunting business, many of which - as we have seen from time to time on this site - are not valid.

Having said that, I absolutely believe that if the complaint turns out to be valid, the fee should be refunded.

And for SCI to say that they have no control over their advertisers is not correct. I'm not saying they didn't say that - just that of course they have control over what they allow to be advertised in their publications.
Sorry to hear about that. I would personally track him down and look him in the eye! You can tell a lot by man when you are face to face and he has no phone or email to hide behind.

Would it no be possible to have an official SCI representative be a member of this forum and reply to threads like this? Same for PHASA, NAPHA etc...just to add clarity to certain situations?
SCI used to care, the complaints took too much time, then they basically said buyer beware. And because it's a volunteer effort, money was needed to investigate. Whether it an auction or advertisement, research is needed. I could list a ton of stuff that hasn't worked out.

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Longfeather1 wrote on Cmwkwarrwn's profile.
Hello Clark
Thanks for the interest in my rifle. If you want to discuss it further you can email me direct at [redacted] or call my cell number [redacted].
Look forward to talking with you.
Jack Kramer
quacker attacker wrote on JMV375's profile.
Hello, My wife and I hunted with Marius 2 years ago. He fit us into his schedule after a different outfitter "bailed" on us. He was always very good with communications and although we didn't end up meeting him personally, he called us multiple times during our hunt to make sure things were going well. We were very happy with him.
TERMINATOR wrote on Cuthberto's profile.
Reach out to the guys at Epic Outdoors.

They will steer you right for landowner tags and outfitters that have them.

I have held a membership with them for years and they are an invaluable resource.

Way better that asking random people on the internet...WAY better

Raskolnikov743 wrote on skydiver386's profile.

Did you ever find your 30-06 CZ550? I own a fairly solid conditioned one, if you wanted to talk.
