The booking agent and the outfitter probably had a contractual relationship, not an employment relationship.

And in many situations there may not even be a contract in the normal sense. It may be an entirely verbal arrangement where the outfitters agrees to pay a percentage to the self proclaimed "booking agent" for clients he/she brings in. I do believe it would be wise of any outfitter to have some sort of vetting process before doing business with a new agent, I'm not entirely sure what that would look like. And in this buyer's market at least when it comes to African hunts, any agent with green money is likely to get any outfitter's attention.

@jeff, I've read your posts in this thread and overall I concur with your sentiment. But I'm not sure how an outfitter in one country can "oversee where the clients funds are going" as you put it. Unless it's a long term relationship between the outfitter and agent, I can't see any outfitter putting anything on the calendar until a deposit has been paid.

And I'd guess also that it would only take one time for a hunt to go unpaid for from an agent, for that relationship to end and right quickly.
I was thinking about this agent and outfitter as I understand they are in the same country. I also think you're correct about a outfitter vetting his booking agent and they should have a written contract not just verbal as over time misunderstandings can result, even with both parties being honest. I also agree and don't see how a outfitter would schedule a hunt with no deposit being paid from the agent.
This booking agent is completely insolvent but driving a brand, new loaded pickup truck per the earlier post in this thread? I am not getting something here!
:S Wanted::V Guillotine:
The outfitter was ripped off no doubt, but since agent was in employed by the outfitter and the client is instructed by the outfitter to pay his funds to their agent, it's part of his business operation, some moral or ethical responsibility ? He needs to run his business like a business and oversee where the clients funds are going. I'm not implying that the outfitter was crooked but did he oversee things properly? How many hunts were booked and he not receive payment promptly ? Did it go on for some time?
We have no idea. Yes someone maybe could have rand he alarm bells sooner but we just don’t know.
I think with all these booking agents sending emails all the time as their main way of doing business there will be more fraud in the future.
I wonder if the principals are in their “Estancia” in Argentina right now?
Funny thing that I am watching this thread and ran across this memorandum at my office today from some time ago which was mailed or emailed to me on or about January 10, 2019. Good thing I did not send this company any money and take the bait that I had "won" a South Africa Hunt for (3) Hunters, a $9,300 Value*."

I bet the trophy fees would be sky high !!
How do you “win” something and then are asked by the same party for a cash deposit or other monies before receiving your “prize”?
How do you “win” something and then are asked by the same party for a cash deposit or other monies before receiving your “prize”?

I wonder how many took them up on that email. That sounds like those free trips to Florida that were peddled years ago. You just needed to pay a small handling fee. :rolleyes:
I cant believe their website is up and selling hunts....
Might be worth contacting your credit card company or bank. A credit card company has many perks and this situation may be one of them. It could possibly be a disputed transaction as well.
Might be worth contacting your credit card company or bank. A credit card company has many perks and this situation may be one of them. It could possibly be a disputed transaction as well.

Thanks but I paid by check unfortunately.
One does not have to travel to Nigeria to find scam artists. There are plenty of crooks and thieves right here in North America.

Looking at that letter you posted, these guys went to the Nigerian school of scamming.
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These scammers need to “win” a trip directly to the county jail!
Unfortunately, I am one of the hunters who lost over $9k on a hunt this fall with GSS. I have not had any luck reaching GSS or their consultant. While I am extremely upset about my loss, I did do my homework and visited with GSS representatives, including their president Rich and his father Dick, numerous times at SCI prior to booking this first hunt with them. I feel like I did, as always, my homework and am not sure how any hunter could have predicted this. You go to SCI and talk with outfitters and booking agents and you have to have confidence that you are working with reputable people. But like in all aspects of life, that is not always the case. I don't think readers on this forum should group all booking agents into the same category as GSS. I have used agents many times for hunts all over the world and think most are very honorable and try to hook you up with the best outfitters. Clearly with GSS, the owners had other issues in their lives that led to this unfortunate situation for many of us. I am not defending them and plan to pursue all options to try to collect my $9k+, but realize the likelihood of getting something from nothing is slim. I hope this doesn't give our hunting community, booking agents and outfitters a black eye. Please don't judge all by one bad apple. As for my outfitter, I have been working with him directly to try to make my hunt still happen. Yes, many of us have lost big money with GSS, but many of the outfitters have, as well. My outfitter had already purchased my flights between two countries and has not asked me for a dime of that money. He is out $2k on that alone, plus he is not getting the number of hunters he is accustomed to having in camp so he is losing even more. He only received a very small, less than $1k, of my deposit from GSS and has offered me an extreme discount on my hunt. I am still considering whether to invest additional money on this hunt since I have already spent $9k+, but have complete respect for my outfitter for trying to work with me. To the discussion on the outfitter's responsibility, I am in the camp of not holding the outfitter responsible since they too have lost on their dealings with GSS. Again, if you had met any of the GSS team previously, I'll bet most would agree that it would have been difficult to predict this outcome. They seemed on the up and up as you would expect any agent or outfitter attending SCI would be. I am not trying to debate their reputation with anyone on here, just pointing out that they should not influence your opinion of other agents or outfitters. I agree that we all need to be more diligent in our efforts to select an agent or outfitter, but am not sure how anyone could have seen this coming. Maybe I am just trying to make myself feel better about my loss. Oh well, happy hunting to all. I, for one, will not let this stop me from hitting the hills this fall or anytime in the future. The future of hunting may not be the same as it once was in all countries, but I plan to continue to do my part to promote hunting and support all participants involved in this wonderful opportunity that we all love, including booking agents. They are an integral part of the hunting community and without them, many outfitters would not exist. Thanks to all on this discussion for your views and sorry for anyone else who has lost with GSS. I wish you well on your future adventures.
gblank, sorry to read about your $9,000 loss. You seem more accepting and forgiving than many. I assume state prosecuting attorneys or the US Trustee’s Office in the proper jurisdiction is investigating this entire case for possible action against any wrongdoers.

On a somewhat lighter note, I may start demanding tax returns, credit reports, bank statements, criminal background checks, drug tests, financial statements, university transcripts, bond applications, DNA records, government licensing permits, and land deeds from all parties before booking a hunt.
Unfortunately, I am one of the hunters who lost over $9k on a hunt this fall with GSS. I have not had any luck reaching GSS or their consultant. While I am extremely upset about my loss, I did do my homework and visited with GSS representatives, including their president Rich and his father Dick, numerous times at SCI prior to booking this first hunt with them. I feel like I did, as always, my homework and am not sure how any hunter could have predicted this. You go to SCI and talk with outfitters and booking agents and you have to have confidence that you are working with reputable people. But like in all aspects of life, that is not always the case. I don't think readers on this forum should group all booking agents into the same category as GSS. I have used agents many times for hunts all over the world and think most are very honorable and try to hook you up with the best outfitters. Clearly with GSS, the owners had other issues in their lives that led to this unfortunate situation for many of us. I am not defending them and plan to pursue all options to try to collect my $9k+, but realize the likelihood of getting something from nothing is slim. I hope this doesn't give our hunting community, booking agents and outfitters a black eye. Please don't judge all by one bad apple. As for my outfitter, I have been working with him directly to try to make my hunt still happen. Yes, many of us have lost big money with GSS, but many of the outfitters have, as well. My outfitter had already purchased my flights between two countries and has not asked me for a dime of that money. He is out $2k on that alone, plus he is not getting the number of hunters he is accustomed to having in camp so he is losing even more. He only received a very small, less than $1k, of my deposit from GSS and has offered me an extreme discount on my hunt. I am still considering whether to invest additional money on this hunt since I have already spent $9k+, but have complete respect for my outfitter for trying to work with me. To the discussion on the outfitter's responsibility, I am in the camp of not holding the outfitter responsible since they too have lost on their dealings with GSS. Again, if you had met any of the GSS team previously, I'll bet most would agree that it would have been difficult to predict this outcome. They seemed on the up and up as you would expect any agent or outfitter attending SCI would be. I am not trying to debate their reputation with anyone on here, just pointing out that they should not influence your opinion of other agents or outfitters. I agree that we all need to be more diligent in our efforts to select an agent or outfitter, but am not sure how anyone could have seen this coming. Maybe I am just trying to make myself feel better about my loss. Oh well, happy hunting to all. I, for one, will not let this stop me from hitting the hills this fall or anytime in the future. The future of hunting may not be the same as it once was in all countries, but I plan to continue to do my part to promote hunting and support all participants involved in this wonderful opportunity that we all love, including booking agents. They are an integral part of the hunting community and without them, many outfitters would not exist. Thanks to all on this discussion for your views and sorry for anyone else who has lost with GSS. I wish you well on your future adventures.

Thanks for letting us know of your situation. Where and what are you hunting? I am told we will not see a penny of our deposits. What a shame.

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John Kirk wrote on Macduff's profile.
Great transaction on some 375 HH ammo super fast shipping great communication
akriet wrote on Tom Leoni's profile.
Hello Tom: I saw your post about having 11 Iphisi's for sale. I have been thinking about one. I am also located in Virginia. Do you have photos of the availables to share? My email is [redacted]

Thanks and regards,

Natural Bridge, Virginia