Its so ironic that these people are willing to threaten yourself and others with illlegal violence only because you take part in and support an industry which is totally legal and the only reason most of Africas' game is still around for them to go on an uninformed crusade advocating measures that have been proven the world over to be more detrimental that beneficial.
To all you anti-hunters out there, I'm not going to try and convince you that your crusade is harmful to conservation, I wont tell you that I myself have done more for conservation in Africa then 99.9% of the signatures on the last petition you signed, I wont try and argue that I love nature more than you do and know more about its ins and outs than you do. I'm not about to call you out from behind your computer, writing death threats and ask you to actually come over to Africa, get involved in conservation or at the very least spend a night out in the African bush.
I'm not niiave enough to think any of the above will change your outlook on hunting nor will it bring you any closer to actually contributing to conservation because the people this is aimed at aren't on an honest crusade, you hypocrites out there are just trying to give yourself a cause, make you feel like you're doing good and stroke your egos by spreading lies or at the very least uninformed opinions and mistruths about hunting. I wont try to convince you that the real threat to conservation Africa is poaching and not organised, regulated hunting.
If you're looking for someone else to send death threats, I'm waiting, PM me and I'll give you my email, address London, phone number and anything else you want. Be a man about it and ask, I might even agree to meet you so we can talk it through and see if we can reach some common ground? If I can't convince you there's better ways to spend your energy, I welcome you to threaten my life.
Before I sign off, I leave you with this. Food for thought?
Doesn't it make you want to get off your high horse and sheepishly slink away into the shadows when you realise 99% of you have never got off your arses and patrolled game fences removing snares like myself and the majority of hunters do? Snares that kill over days through dehydration, starvation and agony? How about antipoaching patrols? Have you ever laced up your boots, picked up a rifle and put your life on the line for the animals you claim to love? I don't know about you, but I have and I will do so again and again as will many thousands of hunters the world over, because we love the bush and outdoors. Kind of makes those death threats seem misplaced and futile now doesn't it?