I've given your thoughts consideration and I will weigh in on the subject.
First off, this is the best website on the net considering the base subject of the site and the strong feelings that it can generate. Everyone here has held to the utmost in decorum and conduct even when viewpoints differ. Gentlemen (and women) one and all. As was recently posted, "a breath of fresh air".
Jerome, I personally will stand with you on any stage, in any forum, in any crowd in support of this forum.
My name is Cliff Biggs
I live in Page, Arizona
My phone number is 702 845-3376
My personal email is
If anyone thinks that childish and illegal acts will intimidate me they better have a second thought.
Bring it on!
The kind of action that they originate strikes at the heart of what we, in the USA, believe in and have fought for and died for for more than two centuries. And yes, I put it that high in importance! (Can anyone say, Zimbabwe?)
It is embolized in our Constitution and so important that it was chiseled in stone as the First Amendment to our Constitution, it is the RIGHT of free expression and speech.
I look at this "attack" as nothing less than an attack on our Constitutional Rights as most of the posters are from the United States of America. Canada and Australia have a long history of standing with us on this issue through several wars and I will not cower from the challenge nor hide in the shadows on something I believe in so strongly.
Now to the subject of your base question- to post or not to post the flaming emails.
It is my belief that one can not legislate stupidity nor can one fight true ideology, no matter how misdirected, by "getting in the trenches with them". They are looking for notoriety among their own peers, publicity among the general public and confirmation of their position and importance in any public forum they can find.
By going to their level we only give credence to their beliefs. One only has to look at the mountains of evidence that contradict the recent closing of hunting in southern Africa to see that empirical data does not sway the ideology of idiots.
While the postings may give "us" some temporary interest and vicarious enjoyment it would only, in reality, give another public forum for their postulations.
I am not keen on posting the offending emails as it goes against the grain of all we have done here to maintain an even keel on decorum and manners. Lets not destroy that for a moment of gratification. Let's hold ourselves to a higher level than our opponents.
We will not win this fight by seeking their level. We will not win this fight in one battle or engagement. We will win this fight over the long run with sound reasoning and the highest of morals.
Jerome, I have PM'd you on another matter for your input and I want to thank you and Brick and the others for the hard work it took to piece together what must have been a difficult puzzle.