AH fanatic
also I gotta tel you, if you haven't looked at a Meopta lately you're making a mistake - not quite a swarovski, but very close
The formula is simple: the diameter of light beam coming out of the ocular = the diameter of the objective / (divided by) the magnification.Yes, @One Day... had a very detailed explanation of all this in one of his posts on a thread but I can't remember which one.
First of all I don't think we (the majority of us anyway) should shoot at game much past 400 yards and rarely at that. But we do have rifles that are capable, and I have pulled it off. I think WAB was amazed that anyone would bother dialing a turret at that range which I also agree with. So I guess this means we don't really need turrets for hunting if we know our rifle and practice. New shooters today however seem to maybe be caught up in the technology and like dials and buttons to play with. Us old school folks seem to like the KISS principal. And also see beauty and elegance in simplicity.I agree, they would do themselves a credit to get a fixed 4x and practice.
7 mm is the maximum size the human pupil can dilate at dusk or dawn.
Almost every big game animal I have successfully hunted has been with a Leupold scope. I started that way about 50 plus years ago and never found a reason to change. I do however have a beat up pair of Swarovski binos that have been around the world in the last 20 years plus and are still awesome."POS Leupod"
A 2,5-10x or 3-12x either 50 or 56 is much favored as a allround scope by many due to the dusk dawn one . With the newer types like 3-15x56 of a compact version it’s also quite useful .Primarily a European thing. I was shooting a blaser topped by Swarovski with a 56 mm objective lens in Romania. It fit well as the stock was set up for it. On my first stag it made no difference over a more typical scope. My second stag was before first light. The stag was roaring as he walked up the side of a meadow. That scope made all the difference.
I will say, the first time I lived in Wyoming legal shooting ran until an hour after sundown. That’s pretty dang dark!