The Sambar are no problem as they are browsers, and if anything are benefical as they eat the woody weeds- plus they are good eating.
The Kangaroos being native and given they directly compete with the cattle are a much bigger problem. There are government licenced hunters that can cull the roos. We had 450 taken off one property last year and you can hardly notice the difference, there are still 1,000s. And this gets to the point of public perception. Currently globally there is a campaign against all the fooball boot manufactures to stop using K-Leather (Kangaroo Leather) Which is a totally sustainable natural product and replace it with a synthetic hydrocarbon based inferior alternative - logic has nothing to do with it, it is all emotional. If we don't recognise and accept that emotional public campaigns could be the demise of our sport then we are naive. We must not condone any inhumane actions if we want our sport to continue.
After that rant. Here is how dingoes are controlled.
In my state Dingoes are protected, but wild dogs are vermin.