9.3x62mm vs. .375 H&H Mag

I am not, not "getting along." Expressing opinions when opinions are asked for should be expected and anticipated, this is after all an opinion forum, whether based on first hand experience, or as is so often the case on the internet, "armchair experience." Nobody is asking you to agree, feel free to counter anything you disapprove of, as will I, but telling someone to "pipe down" is fighting words where I come from. After 35 years in the career I come from, I don't take kindly to that. I am fine with the ignore function in both directions, if that brings you peace.

I believe that I suggested you give it a rest, not to ‘pipe down’. And I suspect that I’ve laced up the blades and dropped the gloves just as often as you have if we are getting into that ridiculous comparison. Regardless, there are many on here who are not armchair experts. They have actually used these calibers in Africa on dangerous game. That experience is worth listening to, and trumps any ballistics table or computer calculation. Do with that what you will, I’m done with the conversation.
I believe that I suggested you give it a rest, not to ‘pipe down’. And I suspect that I’ve laced up the blades and dropped the gloves just as often as you have if we are getting into that ridiculous comparison. Regardless, there are many on here who are not armchair experts. They have actually used these calibers in Africa on dangerous game. That experience is worth listening to, and trumps any ballistics table or computer calculation. Do with that what you will, I’m done with the conversation.

"Give it a rest" and "pipe down" are the same thing. Men only talk like that to other men on computers... I'm done with this too, but you've been "dancing with the girl you brung."
"Give it a rest" is a request, if slightly exasperated in tone. In a script it could be delivered as a command of sorts, or a plea.

"Pipe down" is a command. In a script, the next step would be someone backing down, or fighting. Unless the pecking order has already been established.

Where they converge is if a person isn't capable of language nuance, or doesn't operate within them. Incapacity is a limitation, but not choosing to recognize nuance, can be highly effective.

Somewhere, someone with blue hair is breaking these social norms down for dangerous game hunters...
"Give it a rest" is a request, if slightly exasperated in tone. In a script it could be delivered as a command of sorts, or a plea.

"Pipe down" is a command. In a script, the next step would be someone backing down, or fighting. Unless the pecking order has already been established.

Where they converge is if a person isn't capable of language nuance, or doesn't operate within them. Incapacity is a limitation, but not choosing to recognize nuance, can be highly effective.

Somewhere, someone with blue hair is breaking these social norms down for dangerous game hunters...

"OR"... Some passive-agressive internet entity, can't quite say what they mean, which is "shut up"....which is the underlying message of "give it a rest" or "pipe down." The nuance is not simply in the language, but also the demeanor and intent.

Having said that, I think all parties have moved on to more important things... like arguing about cartridges and loads.
I simplified things between the two cartridges, which is in my nature, and when carting them both across the pond.

300 grain A-Frame.

In the 9.3, 2,425 fps MV using a temperature resistant powder.
in the H&H, 2,450 fps MV with a different temperature resistant powder. This one duplicates the Federal Premium Safari A-Frame load which happens to be consistent and accurate from my barrel.
Gentleman and ladies, if I may offer my 2 cents (which is all it’s worth!), I’ve found willfully getting into a pissing contest on the internet is akin to intentionally stepping in dog poop! Why? It’s not as if you’re going to step outside and settle your differences. I agree with Rule303, often things are taken out of context, why else would my wife get angry over a text message I sent her!?

As a brand new member (not without experience though), I am very impressed overall with the tremendous knowledge and experience displayed by members here. Also, the unselfish sharing of knowledge and overall friendliness, I very much enjoy this site!

I think many here are quite successful in their chosen professions and often times, type A personalities will clash and clash hard! I know in my previous professions this was quite common, the testosterone was dripping off us! Just men being men. I think most of us would have a beer with one another after the fist to cuffs!

I love both the 9.3x62 and 375 H&H. I love the history behind both cartridges. I currently possess a CZ 550 Kevlar American stock 9.3x62 mounted with an Leupold VX3 2.5-8x36mm and it’s one of my favorite rifles. I have previously owned 375 H&H and I plan on acquiring another, “just to have.” With the right bullet, in the right place, both will get the job done!
Cutting thrugh the chafe, I doubt if anyone can tell the difference in killing effect between a 375 H&H and a 9,3x62, Ive used both a good deal, they worked the same as any African PH will tell you or so it seemed to me..the rest is just in your mind..
I read the whole thread and reserved an 80's Sako AV Deluxe 375 H&H. I was also thinking of a nice Sauer 202 9,3x62 but this thread made me convinced that I prefer 6000 Joules instead of 5000. I had a CZ in 9,3 some 25 years ago, got a couple of moose but I switched to 45-70 Marlins back then with 350 Hornady @ 2150 fps, aporoaching 4900 J. Many a moose down. Just preferred handling a Marlin in bush with a dog. Got an SBL atm. It's close to a 9,3 but not the same - here in Finland most moose are shot at 40 meters or so. 95% hunters use 308, the smallest legal for moose. I'm different, even had a 338 Lapua for a while . My heavy 45-70 boolit is 470 grns cast FN by Robert Applegate.

I also shoot 300 WM, 470 NE double (yes I practise with 476 cast bullets a lot), a few smaller cals down to 22-250. Never had a 375 and I like older Sakos, got two Super Deluxes,too. And a Target in 308, all 80's guns. I'm very familiar with the good old basic Sako rifles.

The barrel has corroded a little because of old copper is in there, I checked with a borescope. But it is in nice condition with an excellent trigger - AND the nice bear head inlay in the pistol grip, I just can't pass. A hand lap may be in order.


I just like a bit more gun than minimum for whatever the given task is.
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got a couple of moose but I switched to 45-70 Marlins back then with 350 Hornady @ 2150 fps, aporoaching 4900 J. Many a moose down.
a great combo for almost anything! a 45-70 like you have it loaded is a great load/rifle combo for anything smaller than a cape buffalo, and i bet it would work there too!
a great combo for almost anything! a 45-70 like you have it loaded is a great load/rifle combo for anything smaller than a cape buffalo, and i bet it would work there too!
Yeah, a bit out of topic but I preferred the compact, fast handling Marlin to a (nice) CZ 550. Still do,especially the SBL with the straight stock is a very pleasant shooter.

Close range double lung, bullets stop to the opposite hide perfectly mushroomed. 100+ meters they don't expand that good and make two holes. Still kill fast.
I read the whole thread and reserved an 80's Sako AV Deluxe 375 H&H. I was also thinking of a nice Sauer 202 9,3x62 but this thread made me convinced that I prefer 6000 Joules instead of 5000. I had a CZ in 9,3 some 25 years ago, got a couple of moose but I switched to 45-70 Marlins back then with 350 Hornady @ 2150 fps, aporoaching 4900 J. Many a moose down. Just preferred handling a Marlin in bush with a dog. Got an SBL atm. It's close to a 9,3 but not the same - here in Finland most moose are shot at 40 meters or so. 95% hunters use 308, the smallest legal for moose. I'm different, even had a 338 Lapua for a while . My heavy 45-70 boolit is 470 grns cast FN by Robert Applegate.

I also shoot 300 WM, 470 NE double (yes I practise with 476 cast bullets a lot), a few smaller cals down to 22-250. Never had a 375 and I like older Sakos, got two Super Deluxes,too. And a Target in 308, all 80's guns. I'm very familiar with the good old basic Sako rifles.

The barrel has corroded a little because of old copper is in there, I checked with a borescope. But it is in nice condition with an excellent trigger - AND the nice bear head inlay in the pistol grip, I just can't pass. A hand lap may be in order.



I just like a bit more gun than minimum for whatever the given task is.
Good day sir. An excellent choice of rifle and cartridge! With a 375 H&H you can't go wrong for an all around rifle. Love my 375 ad wouldn't part with it for love nor money. That said, my favorite medium bore is still the 9.3X62. Handloading with premium bullets and modern powders you can get 94% of what the 375 H&H delivers. I'm in the process of having my 9.3 restocked in a very nice piece of walnut as the factory stock is rather plain. That rifle has accounted for more African game than my other medium bores and deserves a nice stock. Again, congratulations on your choice. Do enjoy it.
Good,day to you,Sir.

In addition to these 24 pages,I consulted Vihtavuori.

With a 300 A-Frame, there is still a safe 900 Joules (663 ftlbs) , 75 m/s (246 fps) difference in favor of 375 H&H and I want that edge. I practise 300 meters regularly with my medium bore / small bore hunting guns. Just to be prepared for that occasional required long shot.

I once cleaned up a gut shot moose @ 380 meters with 338 Lapua. 375 H&H should be good up to 250 m, depending on the bullet and accuracy,of course.
Hello all!

I’ve been doing some homework into the whole .375 H&H Mag vs 9.3x62mm business.
Now, what I have to say on the matter is this….

The .375 H&H has a decided advantage over the the 9.3x62mm only when the 9.3x62 is loaded to original pressures.

Now, with that being said, once you start loading the 9.3x62 to 64k psi, the same pressure the .375 H&H runs at, they are pretty much equal.

Yes, I can hear the gasps, and the snorts of derision already coming about from what I just said, from the die hard .375 H&H fans.

But, I am not just callously saying that to stir the pot, so to say, nor am I trying to cause a fight.
I do have data to back up what I’ve said, and will post said data in pic form after I am done writing here.

I also want to let everyone know that, the data for the .375 H&H is with a standard 24 inch barrel, whereas the 9.3x62mm data is with a 22 inch barrel.

If the 9.3x62mm is given a 24 inch barrel, and a modern, strong bolt action, there isn’t any reason to not load it to such pressures, except for maybe one, and that’s free recoil.

I hope to open a few eyes to those who may be on the fence about getting a 9.3x62mm, and hopefully opening the eyes of those who are objective .375 H&H aficionado’s too.

@Bob Nelson 35Whelen
I’ve been taking a play out of your playbook, and have applied it to the good Ol’ 9.3x62mm.
Plus, there is another gentleman by the name of Bob Mitchell here in the states, who has done the same thing.


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I don't think you can properly compare Hornady book data to QL predictions. The Hornady data is actual measured data. Put it to the test on a chronograph...
Hello all!

I’ve been doing some homework into the whole .375 H&H Mag vs 9.3x62mm business.
Now, what I have to say on the matter is this….

The .375 H&H has a decided advantage over the the 9.3x62mm only when the 9.3x62 is loaded to original pressures.

Now, with that being said, once you start loading the 9.3x62 to 64k psi, the same pressure the .375 H&H runs at, they are pretty much equal.

Yes, I can hear the gasps, and the snorts of derision already coming about from what I just said, from the die hard .375 H&H fans.

But, I am not just callously saying that to stir the pot, so to say, nor am I trying to cause a fight.
I do have data to back up what I’ve said, and will post said data in pic form after I am done writing here.

I also want to let everyone know that, the data for the .375 H&H is with a standard 24 inch barrel, whereas the 9.3x62mm data is with a 22 inch barrel.

If the 9.3x62mm is given a 24 inch barrel, and a modern, strong bolt action, there isn’t any reason to not load it to such pressures, except for maybe one, and that’s free recoil.

I hope to open a few eyes to those who may be on the fence about getting a 9.3x62mm, and hopefully opening the eyes of those who are objective .375 H&H aficionado’s too.

@Bob Nelson 35Whelen
I’ve been taking a play out of your playbook, and have applied it to the good Ol’ 9.3x62mm.
Plus, there is another gentleman by the name of Bob Mitchell here in the states, who has done the same thing.


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Something like a century's worth of field experience says both are excellent cartridges. I don't think many will argue that. I guess I'm trying to say that the gist of your point is made already. I have .375s because I grew up reading about them and because in my ignorance I was unaware of the 9.62 for many, many years. It's easy to see how others land on the other side of that fence! On the other hand, I wouldn't confuse the .375 with the 35 Whelen - there is a difference. Most people hunt with a rifle, learn their capabilities and quite easily live within them. Only a desired step change in cartridge performance will cause them to change. Weatherby 378 vs 9.62, maybe, if all your shots are beyond 400 yards!
Well my .375 and .458 Lott are identical right down to weight. The .375 is a bit heavy, the Lott a little light. I shoot them equally well and I feel that the Lott opens up shot opportunities that may not be advisable with the smaller calibers. I also just like the way the Lott hits them. It is a very significant difference.
Interesting. I was looking for a Ruger Magnum Safari in .375 H&H. Found one, found it to be way too muzzle heavy, could never shoot it instinctively. Same day, same place, bought the .375 Ruger African - very nice handling rifles, does kick harder than what I had been looking for. Then got a Ruger Magnum Safari in .458 Lott - great rifle, handles easily, can shoot instinctively....recoil to me is vicious with 500 gr bullet. It catches up to me after about 5 rounds. One day at the range, I fired 15 Lotts from teh bench, followed by a session with my .454 Casull FA revolver. After 20 rounds or so, I found myself unable to pull the trigger.....I have very good ability to not jerk the trigger, but that doesn't translate to always being able to squeeze it properly! I found I could neither squeeze nor jerk... Fortunately, in my dilletante world, I can just shoot fewer rounds an be OK. But my experience surprised me, I wonder if anyone else has run across that....
Dont know if I commented on this thread earlier but this much I believe.
Whatever the 9.3x62 can do, the .375 can with with less pressure. I mean seriously lets get real. Loaded to max in rifles of the same barrel length and strength, the .375 cannot be beat by the considerably smaller round. Like saying oh my top .308 loads are more powerful than the .30-06, sure compared to what?
Load them both to max no contest. Same thing here, bunch of baloney.....
The .375 has a larger base to push on and a larger boiler room, end of story, another silly "look what I can do ma", blah blah blah!
NEXT! Here is a pic I posted the other day in another similar thread.
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Far right is the .375 with the 9.3 3rd from the right, all holding 70 grs of powder.
Get freaking serious!
All else equal, pressure determines velocity. At a given pressure, the .375 will have a greater velocity that than the 9.62, due to it's slightly greater cross-sectional area.

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John Kirk wrote on Macduff's profile.
Great transaction on some 375 HH ammo super fast shipping great communication
akriet wrote on Tom Leoni's profile.
Hello Tom: I saw your post about having 11 Iphisi's for sale. I have been thinking about one. I am also located in Virginia. Do you have photos of the availables to share? My email is [redacted]

Thanks and regards,

Natural Bridge, Virginia