Tundra Tiger
AH legend
@michael458 ... Thank you for the kind words. Terminals... The zebra was shot broadside at 50 yards after a long belly crawl stalk through some really freaking thorny stuff. Frankly, I think my PH wanted to see what my gun and bullet would do before moving on to buffalo. At that range, I doubt the bullet even slowed down going through. Tongue in cheek, mostly, it's possible the zebra hit the ground before the bullet finally did. It was impressive. It was fast. The buffalo... 45 yards, frontal shot. She was facing us, and she wasn't happy. Honestly, I had some concerns about a frontal shot but my PH felt confident and told me to take it, so I did. She traveled about 20 yards before keeling over and letting out a death bellow. She was dead well before we got to her. I was super impressed. The bullet did not exit, but time did not allow the opportunity to look for the bullet. She was a mature cow that my PH estimated at 1300 pounds. I was very happy with the performance in both cases. I would certainly use Cutting Edge bullets again, and have considered trying them in a couple of other rifles.