I read somewhere that "Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit" said to mean that sarcasm is unkind and not very funny.
Yes, I have seen my fair share of issues with Weatherbys as well as the people who tried to use them.
Most just plain could not handle the recoil which always ends up bad for the animals being hunted as well as the rest of the hunting party(PH, game scouts, trackers..).
I did hunt with one client using a 340 Weatherby that could handle it and yes everything that he shot with it was basically DOI. However I have never seen anybody who can handle either the 378 WM or the 460 WM with any kind of competence. Yes sure there may be a few around who can handle them, I however have never seen one.
I have never said on here all Weatherby cartridges are crap neither have I said Weatherby actions are crap. What I have said is that 378 and 460 WM cartridges are both very poor choices for African DG and more so if that rifle happens to be a Weatherby rifle.
Yes I have seen Weatherby rifles go off when the bolt is closed and also seen them go off when the safety is disengaged and then the issue I had with my own Weatherby action that I elaborated on in a different post.
Sure you can ridicule me for using the wrong terminology at the time(thankfully corrected by somebody who has more knowledge than me with regards to Weatherby actions) however the fact remains that if that allen screw is loose then the rifle does not function as intended and is in fact dangerous to use.
At least it appears we agree on one point.
I was not trying to be disrespectful but when somebody makes a bold statement such as that I cannot believe it, simple as that.
Well the only way that is remotely possible I guess is if you have hunted very few animals in that 67 years otherwise it is still my opinion that it is:
If that is taken as disrespectful, ask admin to remove the smiley!
I certainly did not join this forum to boast about my hunting career, dish out PH numbers and outfits I have and still work for or post pictures of DG game I hunted with clients over the years etc.
I found this to be a very informative forum and the best one out there with regards to hunting, in particularly Africa and feel I can make a positive contribution.
I do have 44 years hunting (27 years as a Professional Hunter) as well as 23 years as a DG foot safari guide experience and I am happy to share my knowledge and personal experiences.
Yes opinions regarding topics may differ and we will never all agree that x is better than y and sometimes things may come across slightly different than exactly what is said but that all makes for interesting conversation and allows individuals to make up their own minds.
Perhaps the way I say things are a bit too straight forward to the liking of some but it is the way it is.
You can call me what you like, internet PH or whatever you fancy as a name, and you most certainly can make your own assumptions with regards to somebody you know nothing about, I have nothing to prove with regards to that, I know the extent of my hunting career and what I have and have not done.
If anything I said here offends anybody I apologise as that is not my intention. If you still feel offended you are welcome to PM me.
Thankfully the OP made an excellent choice and yes I do not like 378 WM or 460 WM rifles and I do not recommend there use on African DG.
For some of the smaller Weatherby cartridges, yes there use for them and some actually make sense.
I am currently still contemplating converting my one 375 H&H to AI which for all practical purposes is the same as a 375 WM.
All the best.