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    AUSTRIA: Alpine Ibex With St. Hubertus Hunting Tours

    When charged by the inch have hunters in Europe got an extreme sticker shock?
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    I'm finally retired - Another Chapter Closes

    Congrats . I’m 18 years out
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    Anyone know sci minimum for turkeys?

    I couldn’t get in either so it’s likely them and not you having the issue
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    Questions about the Golden Wildebeest

    In my opinion it is a blue wildebeest. Also in real life it is a blue . I see no issue entering it. That’s like having a separate category for a white bison . It’s still a bison
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    Questions about the Golden Wildebeest

    It’s a color variation of a blue wildebeest
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    Who else subscribes to Field & Stream magazine?

    It’s not that we need them but that the desire to hunt them causes spreads . I read the article yesterday and reached out to a high fence guy I know to see what he’s thinking . At the end of the day you cannot wipe out the animal and have people hunting them. Too much money in that
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    Pig/hog damage to crops

    Hunter I’m going to correct something here . If humans ate sodium nitrate like this we would die as well. It’s not necessarily about being able to process it. It’s about the amount of the toxin take in. Eleven blue men discusses the effects of nitrite poisoning in humans . Amazon is trying to...
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    Pig/hog damage to crops

    I always hear about the damage too but the hunts aren’t cheap. I don’t think it’s right to try and have it both ways .
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    Kentucky Elk

    No advice but congratulations. I’m in Ohio and just learned about the Kentucky elk draw
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    Point creep is killing my western hunting dream before it starts as someone who got in late in lafe I don’t think I’ll ever catch up. I decided to save and pay for the guides tags and maybe have the chance and some of those animals
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    Difficulties exporting trophies from Argentina?

    Outfitter could keep the client updated for one
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    .375 h&h for whitetails

    Seems like overkill but the guys doing it keep doing you
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    Rolex- the stupidest, lamest company

    They just shoot you first . It’s easier . Being big is a minor deterrent . Depend on how much someone else values your stuff
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    Cape Buffalo Mount Question

    I hear about over boiling quite often . What can hunters do to ensure it doesn’t happen
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    Best balls

    I enjoy heart . I cannot stand liver
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    Classic Winchester Model 70 For Sale

    Thought the same he had some forum activity
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    Spoke with Bill at Swift Bullets yesterday

    I’m in the meat industry and this is spot on . Illegals suppress wages . They make it harder to maintain a standard of living . I don’t care how hard some of them work . They do not elevate the country
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    Financially ready for a Safari?

    No respondent financed their safari or played an equivalent shell game This part I enjoyed the most . It’s also probably why these people can enjoy nicer things and the “splurge” of safaris . I see so many people put wants on credit then complain they can’t get ahead .
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    Financially ready for a Safari?

    Starting to plan my first now 1.) Did you have credit card, automobile, consumer debt, when you went on your first safari? No but kids on the way may change that 2.) Did you have a mortgage when you went on your first safari? just finished it 3.) What percentage of your annual before-tax...
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    Hippo on land Vs. Buffalo for first Dangerous Game hunt?

    Are you serious that hippo is cheaper in Zimbabwe ? So if I wanted to do dangerous game of hippo and crocodile I might be better served to do Zimbabwe for that instead of rsa?
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    Thoughts on the 350 Legend

    I use it in Ohio for deer I’ve shot two with it and both died . One immediately one had a tracking job that was my fault . I think it works well under the conditions it’s used for . I also like it because my wife can shoot it with no issues .
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    Hippo on land Vs. Buffalo for first Dangerous Game hunt?

    Seems to me like it’s basically a combo with a crocodile
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    Rolex- the stupidest, lamest company

    Your best friend is part of the problem for a Guy who just wants to get a watch and not pay double .i think The grey market is just ads who sell to friends and split the profit since ads aren’t supposed to sell above msrp
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    Age of first African hunting trip

    I’m planning for my 40th birthday . Started putting aside some of every check into a safari fund I have a budget in mind and when I get about halfway I’ll book my trip and that should give me a year or more to finish saving for the shipping and taxidermy and maybe an extra animal or teo
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    Rolex- the stupidest, lamest company

    I want a milgauss . They discontinued them and the price went up so I’ll likely not buy one but calling around I’ve had the same issue .
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    Wanted Kudu Horns

    Generally ram rookhawk . I did a google search or kudu shofar and apparently it’s a thing in Yemen
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    Any Other Interests???

    I like to turn when I get time and the stars align . I’m not great but I like focusing on the lathe and letting everything else go to the back of my brain I did pens and bottle openers for my groomsmen
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    Ruger No.1 220 Swift

    Damn I really enjoyed that caliber
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    Leverevolution ammo 45-70

    This fragmentations what I’ve been worried about I know the lever revolutions have a little more range but I don’t shoot on the high end much if at all based on hunting where I live .
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    Leverevolution ammo 45-70

    I have a 45-70 and put Leupold optics on it. I am looking for a regular round to buy and sight in . I really like the federal hammer down as a production round and it appears the same ballistically as the federal fusion but they are tough to find near me. My question involves lever revolution...
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    Kudu Skin Wanted To Make Something For The Wife

    Awesome if you can it’s appreciated. If not it’s still appreciated
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    Kudu Skin Wanted To Make Something For The Wife

    I’d rather you post pictures specifically the bison robe because I want one . I’d also like to see the cigar holders as I’m a fan myself and that sounds awesome . :)
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    Trusting A Wild Animal - And Nearly Killed By Him

    I got flogged by a goose you don’t realize what the wings can do until you take a few to the face
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    Post Covid Rising Safari Cost

    Yeah I was really looking at Wyoming between tag decreases and price increases im done
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    Saw this on a FB page today

    So it’s okay if it was a white man? Or did you mean to say a man’s head ?
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    Lion Hunting Packages 2024 - South Africa

    I went looking for this post to see the painting again and show my wife as I really like it. Can you pm me who you had do it. I got lost on the other lion thread and forgot all about this one . Maybe not even for lion but this may be a great thing for an office with another animal
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    SOUTH AFRICA: Eastern Cape Plains Game With Doornrivier Safaris

    Waiting for the rest . Your pictures are amazing
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    Which species draws you back to Africa?

    I’ve never been but planning . Looks like 2025. Or 2026 . I’d like to get a buddy or two together because I think that would up my experience but it will likely be solo. I have a list of plains game that’s pretty standard kudu wildebeest impala zebra warthog. I’m obsessing over warthog . Such a...
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    Which species draws you back to Africa?

    I’d like to read that for sure
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    Lion Hunting Packages 2024 - South Africa

    So if not importable what exactly do you get besides shooting one
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    Lion Hunting Packages 2024 - South Africa

    Out of curiosity can you explain lion categories
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    Ammo & component price increasing

    And as long as they keep finding buyers, it won’t go away
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    Leupold VX-3 HD 1.5 x 5 CDL not holding zero?

    I just passed on this scope because I read of so many issues with this exact thing
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    Whitetail deer season 2023-2024

    I took my first buck and it was my first deer with a bow last weekend . He’s not huge but it’s special to me
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    What is the future of the fine firearms market

    85 here hoping for the same
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    I may sell my giraffe mount

    A lot less than you paid for it
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    First hunt, short notice

    Good luck I hope this works out for you
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    USA: First Fenced Hunt

    Yeah it’s south east Ohio . I did look at hog hunts in Tennessee but they were a bit steep for me . I’m getting married and do some home improvements before I start saving for africa