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  1. M

    For Sale Updated & Expanded List Of Hunting & Gun Books From Personal Library

    Hi, I would take the following if they’re still available, please: H-18 H-22 S-4 M-3 I’d also be happy to use the AFRICA JULY code if you’re sure you don’t mind!
  2. M

    Autobiography of one of our most accomplished members

    Meant to post this earlier, but I messaged Hunter-Habib and purchased two copies directly via wire transfer. Everything was very polite, smooth, and professional and I received my books in good shape! Haven’t read it yet, but it looks incredibly interesting! If you’re thinking you’d like a...
  3. M

    Selling - Two Books!

    Hi, I’d like to purchase Augusts in Africa from you if it’s still available?
  4. M

    CBL Debate Over, CBL Loses

    I’m not sure if it’s entirely accurate to describe CBL hunting as a method of harvesting the animals for commercial sale of parts to China. Isn’t it the case that the parts (including the trophy) were exportable back to the U.S. prior to the Obama administration banning them? So not really CBLs...
  5. M

    Opinions please: Pros/Cons of .375 Ruger vs .375 H&H

    While my experience is fairly limited, I have hunted large/dangerous game with both calibers. There were no issues with either one, but I personally much prefer the H&H. My understanding also is that the case taper and belt give a slight advantage in reliability (extraction and feeding), which...
  6. M

    Mammals of the Pleistocene Era, which would you like to hunt and what cartridge would you use?

    Although it is fiction, the novel Time’s Last Gift by Philip José Farmer presents an interesting perspective on the Magdelenian period in Europe (including “modern” express rifles). I highly recommend that book!
  7. M

    Books For Sale

    Hi, if available, I would like #2, #3, #7, #18, and #19, please. Thanks!
  8. M

    AHers on Maui

    Thanks for the information! I’ve been there once before for just a couple days, and it is a truly delightful place (although I didn’t see any of the fabled Axis deer!). What a blessing to have family there that you can take advantage of for hunting! ;) Cash_tx, I’d be grateful for any...
  9. M

    AHers on Maui

    I am going to be on Maui Feb. 16-21 (along with FrogMorton). Are there any AHers in the vicinity who might like to meet up for a drink or bite to eat (or a cigar)? If so, we’d love to chat and swap hunting stories! Thanks! Gary
  10. M

    Cigarettes question

    I flew into Johannesburg in November of last year with a carton of cigarettes and a box or two of cigars. Customs didn’t even ask about tobacco, so I wouldn’t hesitate to bring larger quantities in the future. Also, if you happen to fly through Doha (Qatar) you really owe it to yourself to...
  11. M

    *Scope Added To Package!* Beautiful Custom AHR Ruger RSM .458 Lott For Sale

    I’ll take it. Sending you a PM now, let me know if it doesn’t come through.
  12. M

    Hunting Hawaii

    I am going to be on the Big Island this winter and am interested in doing some hunting for Polynesian boar while there. Does anyone have any advice/recommendations for guides, etc? I have been looking at the website for Nahele Outfitters and they both look like a good outfit. Any input would be...
  13. M

    If you happen to find yourself in the UK...

    We will be visiting the Salisbury and Berkshire area May 6-9. Would be glad to meet up for a pint if it worked (and I’m always grateful for a chance to talk about hunting!).
  14. M

    Greetings from Alaska

    Hi, I am from Alaska (and have lived here most of my life). Done a fair amount of hunting here for moose, bear, caribou and small game, and hunted in South Africa for the first time last May (and can’t wait to go back). I primarily use a 338 Win. Mag. at home (and used loaner guns in Africa)...