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  1. Pheroze

    Springer Spaniel Puppies

    I am working on the Mrs right now...any advice?
  2. Pheroze

    Springer Spaniel Puppies

    Having a dog to hunt with is one of those unfulfilled dreams I have. I am jealous of those of you who have such fine companions, and the knowledge to keep them happy. Well done.
  3. Pheroze


    Freud's essays are interesting to revisit. His theories on how we internalize and self-police our beliefs are spot on. The internet has made those exterior influences much more apparent. And, perhaps, dragging those voices out into the open allows anyone to be more critical if they want to...
  4. Pheroze

    Walrus with Canada North Outfitters

    That is nice to hear. They really have a good reputation. And, from I have read, they invest in the local community quite a bit.
  5. Pheroze

    Walrus with Canada North Outfitters

    The outfitter ships to Advanced Taxidery. He says they do incredible replicas.
  6. Pheroze

    Walking With Elephants....

    How many reports like this has there been in the last year? It seems like an epidemic. Very sad, especially as it was so preventable.
  7. Pheroze

    Walrus with Canada North Outfitters

    Oh no pressure now lol
  8. Pheroze

    Bullet vs bore size

    Hello friends. This is an excerpt from the response I got from Barnes: Shooting it in a .410 diameter barrel “can” raise pressures slightly. If you choose to use it, absolutely begin with starting powder charges and work up, all while watching for pressure signs.
  9. Pheroze

    Walrus with Canada North Outfitters

    Trip is booked and paid for. Rifle is dialed in with 400 gr Swift A-Frames. I head out August 1.
  10. Pheroze

    Bullet vs bore size

    I was think that too. In a round-about way I heard that the CEB folks do not thinks it would be an issue with 0.001 over sized.
  11. Pheroze

    Do I carry Scope in carry-on? Checked luggage? Attached to rifle in locked box itself?(Joberg/SA Flight, United)

    I have not. Another time I went I used a Tough Pak and the scope was on the rifle. The scope was fine and kept its zero (Alaska Arms rings, trijicon scope)
  12. Pheroze

    Do I carry Scope in carry-on? Checked luggage? Attached to rifle in locked box itself?(Joberg/SA Flight, United)

    Good question. I went to South Africa in 2022. The customs person saw my scope in my carry-on. She inspected it and took it to an office. When she came back she warned me that it would have been an problem if it was a scope because it has to remain attached to the rifle. I can only guess they...
  13. Pheroze

    Bullet vs bore size

    Hello all I received a reply from Jörgen Boström the CEO at North Fork. His advice is that the .411 bullet in a .410 barrel could damage the barrel. I accept that there is a potential liability to saying otherwise if something went wrong. But this is the advice. I will post when I hear from...
  14. Pheroze

    Bullet vs bore size

    Those brass CEB type bullets would be the hardest. I will be interested to hear from them.
  15. Pheroze

    Bullet vs bore size

    A number of chamberings have various bore sizes, either historically or by accident. Most recently I have noticed that the 400 H&H can have 0.410 or 0.411 I was told by Swift that their 0.410 bullet will obtund and shoot fine in the .411 bore. But, can a .411 diameter bullet be fired through a...
  16. Pheroze

    Ruger No1 400H&H

    What a great project! I would love to see it when you have finished it. I have a 400 H&H with a Douglas .411 barrel. I just finished developing a load of 400 gn Swift A Frames with 81 gn H4350. They average 2344 fps and are very accurate, under an inch at 100 yards. The Swifts are .410 but I...
  17. Pheroze

    Walrus with Canada North Outfitters

    I believe shots are about 50m. I am working on a load for the 400 H&H of a 400gr Swift A-Frame. Time is short so there is a lot of work to be done. It's a fun kind of work though!
  18. Pheroze

    Walrus with Canada North Outfitters

    Hello, I am looking at a cancelation hunt for a hunt on the ice for these blubbbery beasts. I really like the reputation this outfitter has - they operate as a quality PH, managing the ecosystem, building relationships with the community and organizing unique trips to the artic. They appear to...
  19. Pheroze

    Predator Culling Study

    Good bye
  20. Pheroze

    Predator Culling Study

    No, thats not at all what I am writing. I have no idea how my words are being interpreted the way they are in this thread. I will try again 1. If the government is going to cull it sould make sure the results are studied. I never said they should study it. I said it has to be evaluated. 2...
  21. Pheroze

    Predator Culling Study

    I don't disagree. My point was to clarify my original statement that the government should ensure outcome studies are done of any intervention they conduct.
  22. Pheroze

    SOUTH AFRICA: May 1-10,2024 With KMG Hunting Safaris

    It's nice to see that place again! Nick is very knowledgeable. I will watch this thread with interest
  23. Pheroze

    Predator Culling Study

    No the opposite. If the government is going to intervene, they need to monitor their efforts closely. If a professional hunter, one who manages an area for sustainable use, we would probably see a better outcome. Ensuring a vibrant and healthy ecosystem is what I think hunting focuses on.
  24. Pheroze

    Predator Culling Study

    I have never been a fan of government culling. I don't know what to make of this study. But I do think the government should fund outcome studies when they tinker with nature. Professional hunters who become stewards of the land would probably have a better outcome. That's my bias anyways.
  25. Pheroze

    In memoriam - RIP Namibian PH Gert van der Walt

    Thank you for clarifying that for me. This is a very tragic reminder that the PHs are selfless in their efforts for us, the traveling hunter. My condolences again to the family and loved ones.
  26. Pheroze

    Predator Culling Study
  27. Pheroze


    Hunting is motivation thats for sure. I thought it would take longer to get old! Stay fit, but I bet it's as much about your legs and core as it is the arms.
  28. Pheroze

    ZIMBABWE Hunting Information

    Agreed. As a rule I avoid things that can complicate my life.
  29. Pheroze

    In memoriam - RIP Namibian PH Gert van der Walt

    Horrible news. Pardon my ignorance, but is he Pierre van der Walt's son?
  30. Pheroze

    ZIMBABWE Hunting Information

    Where there's a will, there's a way!
  31. Pheroze

    ZIMBABWE Hunting Information

    Canada has imposed an arms embargo on Zimbabwe. I was informed about it incidentally by the officer processing my application to the USA. Does anyone know whether this prohibits hunting rifles? I asked the officer with the Export Controls Division and they cannot give advice. So the only way...
  32. Pheroze

    New SA Government

    It sounds like it was a tense lead up to the agreement
  33. Pheroze

    New SA Government

    I made a comment on the politics thread before I saw this. I thinks it's exciting. It is a peaceful change after 30 years of unfettered rule. The legal system did stem the decline, which is also a notable strength. This is the first real evolution since 1994 and a good start. I am optimistic.
  34. Pheroze


    It appears that the ANC has complied with the will of the electorate and formed a unity government with the DA. I hope that is a threshold moment for South Africa as it marks a peaceful change to 30 years of unfettered rule. Also, it marks the first real evolution of government since Mandela. I...
  35. Pheroze

    Barren Ground Grizzly

    I am sure no one would get bored with the story. But I will reach out to learn more. Thanks.
  36. Pheroze

    Barren Ground Grizzly

    I am wondering whether anyone has hunted a Barren Ground Grizzly? If so, would you mind sharing your experiences and thoughts? Thanks.
  37. Pheroze

    City Life

    New York or Toronto or Addis Ababa, the city is the place of commerce and exchange. Where ideas grow through the interaction of a thousand minds. Creativity, whether it is art or food, is supported due to the large number of patrons. I like a smaller city as it provides the community I need to...
  38. Pheroze

    City Life

    You folks who live the quaint small town life miss out on one of the great joys of city living - piecing together the random lives of your neighborhood addict from what they leave behind. My office building is downtown. The back door exits into the parking lot. The parking lot is the refuge...
  39. Pheroze


    I caught this paragraph in a recent BBC article about the elections in France. I think the last line is particularly insightful: A final thought: When trying to make firm predictions about the kind of power the nationalist right will, or will not, exert in the EU going forward, labels are often...
  40. Pheroze


    The heavy sigh at the end of the video says it all! Meanwhile, some somewhere they reported a heavy downpour of lead! Man that was a lot of shooting.
  41. Pheroze

    on a lighter note...

    That would be delicate work!
  42. Pheroze


    It looks like Zuma has power still...
  43. Pheroze


    How are the election in South Africa being perceived there? Is this an opportunity for the ANC to move politically closer to the DA? I hope the results persuade the party to abandon their more extreme rhetoric and leave the crazy to Zuma and the EFF
  44. Pheroze

    400 H&H

    My rifle started life as a 375 but I bought a new barrel for it. I never asked about reboring. Hopefully someone with more gunsmithing knowledge can weigh in. Mine is a Douglas barrel btw.
  45. Pheroze

    400 H&H

    I don't see why not.
  46. Pheroze

    400 H&H

    I don't believe so. They overlapped. I will take it out again soon and see. I am hoping to try different loads soon too.
  47. Pheroze

    400 H&H

    Does need a reamer as the case is shaped so differently.
  48. Pheroze

    400 H&H

    I am the first to admit the 400 H&H does not necessarily hold anything over any other 40 cal in the range. But, I do really like the case design. I also think it is like the middle bowl of porridge in the fable - it's just the right amount of everything to do what it is designed to do. Mine...
  49. Pheroze

    on a lighter note...

    Thanksgiving dinner with your family must be something else! What a hoot. Good for them.