I wish for another Kahles Helia red dot like I have on my double. I am unsure if the truth but was told it was a patent issue with that one not being imported anymore.
They still make the 1-8x24. Did that one not fit the bill?
I am convinced that the Z8 1.7-13.3x42 is the best overall DG scope.
Wild hogs are only a problem because people are lazy and of course some like them and spread them intentionally. They have been here since the 1400's but somehow now they are a problem? They used to be run semi feral and caught several times a year with dogs and marked. Ever seen Old Yeller? Now...
You will get many bad answers here. So many old wives tales on meat care amongst hunters. In an ideal scenario all carcasses should hang in a cooler for 7 days to gain the maximum tenderness. You should not freeze the meat before this. Game animals will hang with the skin on due to their low fat...
Why in the world would you keep the bolt open on an R8? With the decocker it can safely stay loaded at all times. You caused the problem and it is likely to happen in some form or fashion with a traditional bolt action. Close the bolt!
Probably some good averages here and thanks for posting. It depends on where you are hunting. In the bushy north you will have closer shots whereas some parts of the Free State or EC they can be very long. Where I've hunted quite a bit in the EC I advise everyone to plan for 300 yard shots. Then...
These folks have donated a bear hunt to our San Angelo SCI Banquet for many years. (Coming up March 1). Many people from my area have hunted with them for black bear with great success.
I hear you. It took me a few tries to have the right opportunity. I have taken them in Namibia, Zimbabwe, and RSA. Recently Fred Burchell and I sat in a blind over oranges and lemons to wait them out. What fun that was! I especially liked watching a Kudu cow eat oranges. That is a sight!
I can shoot the .470 ok but the .450/400 is a pleasure to shoot and about as effective. I may go out on a limb here and say that the .450/400 may have less felt recoil than some .375’s.
Exotics require very solid private property rights. This is why they do so well in Texas. We have no regulations. If you want to hunt you do need a hunting license to hunt exotics but that's it. This is equal to how RSA allows full private ownership under fence. The success of these two models...
It happens to all but the liars. I've often thought that flying over salt water can dull a hunters skills. Being in a different environment, having a group hunting with you for the first time, etc can all play a part.
I've had some fantastic and near perfect safaris and then there are those not...
Yes we already have most of them in Texas. I've been in the exotics biz all my life and as soon as I think something is it here someone shows up with it. Gazelles of all kinds, lesser Kudu, Chinese Takin, and the list goes on. New genetics would be great. EC Kudu would handle winter much better...
Thanks! Either of the two scopes I mention in the DG scope video I did recently will fit your criteria. The VX6 2-12x or the Z8 1.7-13x. Both will easily hunt the world.
I would look at one of the very attractive packages from a reputable outfitter. You should be able to find many affordable options. Buffalo will bust this budget unless you are content to hunt few others.
I suggest making a spreadsheet to compare all the costs and different outfitters.
I am sorry to tell you that you have won basically nothing. You need to take a step back and compare to many other safari operators before you commit to this donation hunt. Get your wish list and make a spreadsheet and compare the full Safari cost of some of our sponsors like @KMG Hunting...
Bob they have no way to know. DSC does not require preregistration or membership to attend and $35 gets you in the door. This system makes this disaster even worse because no one can definitively answer this question.
We hear this from time to time. I would not hunt with someone who makes those kind of demands. I am, like you, a 10% guy with generosity up to 20% in some cases.
I like what Barry Burchell says on his website about tipping. "If you were not totally happy with the services then please help me by...
If you were shopping I would say .300. Everyone I've taken on safari who has shot a .300 has done exceptionally well. If you can range and dial and use the TTSX you will do fine.
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