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  1. Ryan

    Change of plans anyone?

    I should have been hunting in RSA right now. Plans have moved tentatively for late Sept into October for that. We'll see about that. Otherwise I have my usual caribou hunting and drew a mountain goat tag, so my fall is full no matter what.
  2. Ryan

    American Black Walnut-Juglans Nigra, for gun stocks

    Yep, American black walnut is stronger. But walnut is preferred for gunstocks for its beauty and working characteristics as much as strength and that is where European walnut often wins. In most cases it's strong enough for the job and it's eye catching. That said, I have a Ruger #1 in black...
  3. Ryan

    Soonest/Safest return to South Africa?

    Hantavirus isn't new to China, or anywhere else for that matter. Though it too is getting a lot of attention at this moment, an increase in infection is very unlikely since it doesn't transmit human to human. Pest control and proper hygiene will keep that disease under control.
  4. Ryan

    MYTH BUSTERS: Covid-19

    You can't make this up. And with doctor Google right at our fingertips he isn't the only idiot who ran on that theory.
  5. Ryan

    MYTH BUSTERS: Covid-19

    Heck, I'm shocked people haven't stripped the shelves of tonic syrup and tonic water since quinine and Methylychloroquine are in the same general group of drugs. People have already OD'd on aquarium medicine grade Chloroquine after seeing Methylchloroquine has potential for fighting Covid-19.
  6. Ryan

    MYTH BUSTERS: Covid-19

    Thanks Brickburn. The more facts the better.
  7. Ryan

  8. Ryan

    TROPHY SHIPPERS Notice - Trophy shipments during COVID-19

    Lovely. I just started talking to shippers about mine. Clearances in Alaska at Customs and USFWS is straight forward without a broker, but it's got to get here without killing my wallet first.
  9. Ryan

    Curious to see what action people are taking for the Coronavirus

    As an "essential" person working cargo I still go to work. But I got a different house last year (not new at only a year younger than I am) and the old owners maintained but did not improved the place. There's a lot to be updated. A lot. So aside from trips to Lowes and some small stuff at the...
  10. Ryan

    Capstick "Death in the Long Grass" is superb

    Next up would be Death in the Silent Places and Death in the Dark Continent. Great reads that keep you engaged. I've read them all twice I think. I found The Last Ivory Hunter about Wally Johnson to be pretty interesting. Among other things Wally and his son were Fred Bears PHs when he bowhunted...
  11. Ryan

    Corona question - Shot placement and caliber for these critters

    I'm going W.M.D. Bell style. A 6.5 with the right shot in the brain drops them all. And Rhinehart targets have been preparing bowhunters for dinosaurs return for a long while.
  12. Ryan

    A Rifle Related Question For American Bear Hunters

    While I agree with you that an -06 is definitely light for a brown bear, because it existed in abundance from the surplus of two world wars I know it was used for a while by a lot of brown/grizzly bear hunters in Alaska in the early to mid 20th century. I recall reading bits and pieces of this...
  13. Ryan

    Driving In Namibia

    I've been there twice and the drive to and from the place I hunted was 4 hours from Windhoek, near Outjo. While my hosts drove I would say I could do it myself no problem. Most was paved, traffic was light for the most part. The dirt roads from Outjo to the farm were in pretty good shape for...
  14. Ryan

    A Rifle Related Question For American Bear Hunters

    Living in Alaska for 20 years now I have known and talked to a lot of dedicated bear hunters and a few guides. None used a double. I could actually see a guide possibly wanting one as a back up in the thick stuff where a fast second shot is needed. But the cost of the weapon and ammo, plus the...
  15. Ryan

    Travel News - Coronavirus Advisory

    It's all good. I'm safely at home and my outfitter is cool with waiting so I still plan on going on the trip when this gets under control. Still waiting to hear from Lufthansa, but they request not calling them until three days prior to original flights. So I'll give them that.
  16. Ryan


    Well, the hammer fell. No tourists from the US after 18 March. Let's all hope this can be kept under control.
  17. Ryan

    Coronavirus and travel to/from Namibia

    Yep, the only place I see left open to fly to RSA at the moment is Atlanta. But will it be in a day when RSA makes there announcements, or a week when I had planned on flying, or three when I planned on coming back? Tough one there. And my outfitter from the past in Namibia are in Canada...
  18. Ryan


    Welcome to the forum. Nothing wrong with using the 375 for deer, it will definitely get you used to the rifle and round. Personally, for that application I'd say grab a few boxes of Remington Core-lokt.
  19. Ryan

    Travel News - Coronavirus Advisory

    I completely agree. I've said it to a few people in the past couple days. The catch is getting there and getting back. Seven days and a wake up to take off (supposedly). The odds aren't good on that right now.
  20. Ryan

    Travel News - Coronavirus Advisory

    Oh, how much fun..... I have flights through Frankfurt to RSA in a week and a half with Lufthansa. Or more likey had. Now I have to see what Lufthansa is going to do about it. I'm giving them some time since they have their hands full right now. The flights are insured if they cancel them but...
  21. Nyala Half Mount Taxidermy

    Nyala Half Mount Taxidermy

  22. Ryan

    Concept To Creation

    I've often thought one of the things that catches my eye on a nyala is it's light forelegs. So I thought that if I ever hunted one I'd try and show it off. Then A few years ago I happened across a used book called 'A Breath from the Veldt' by John Guille Milais. Interesting story and history...
  23. Ryan

    Hunting East Cape Mid September

    I was there in late August through early September in 2018, all over from Grahamstown to Capetown. Basically, in comparison to the US it's California in March. Chilly in the morning, warm in the afternoon, chilly to cold at night. Still fairly dry but maybe some rain.
  24. Ryan

    REAL ID compliant drivers license

    Yep, So of course Alaska has been dragging it's feet on it until now. I got mine a month back. Having no shortage of the tinfoil hat types up here the stories and plots behind it that pop up are interesting.
  25. Ryan

    Snakes in South Africa

    Not really, well not that you will notice. Honestly I bet more people see puff adders, which I did my second trip to Namibia. And, like rattle snakes, they usually sit there and watch you walk by without caring or you ever knowing. Thankfully my luck seems to be improving, last trip the only...
  26. Ryan

    Snakes in South Africa

    According to the African Snakebite Institute page there are eight cobra on the continent. I saw two spitting cobra in Namibia my first trip over.
  27. Ryan

    300 Winchester Magnum bullets for plains game

    If you aren't reloading go with the factory 180s and you'll do great. I dropped an eland dead as disco with 180 grain PMP factory ammo (probably cup and core) out of a 300 Win Mag and several animals including two kudu and a zebra with 168 grain Barnes TTSX bullets out of a 30-06. So it's safe...
  28. Ryan

    Can it be true...MRC is GOB and CZ is stopping the 550

    Buy? They're probably paid to take them away. From talking to the older gent who I bought it from I bet my 375 Ruger had two, maybe three boxes through it it before I bought it. The majority was not by him but by a gun shop owner to sight it in for him. Only two of the shots he did himself for...
  29. Ryan

    Can it be true...MRC is GOB and CZ is stopping the 550

    That is how I got my Left-handed 375 Ruger.
  30. Ryan

    Best beginner brand/reloading kit for big rifle cartridges?

    I can't add too much here. Honestly it's tough to find bad reloading products. Lee makes great products. After looking at a few, my first reloading manual was a Lee manual. It's the most generic out there since Lee doesn't make bullets or powder, so they list a wide range of bullets and powders...
  31. Ryan

    Checking in from the Last Frontier

    From one Alaskan to another, welcome to AH. I'm on the east side of Anchorage.
  32. Ryan

    Rifle varnish removal?

    I've stripped and refinished a couple wood stocks. My Ruger #1 was my last and I used Citristrip. No petrochemical fumes, though it is still a bit strong. And you can get it at Home Depot. I'd suggest getting some and trying a drop or two in some place like the barrel channel to see how well it...
  33. Ryan

    Help needed

    Take money to a Nigerian Prince? ;) (Tee hee) Seriously, why for. I'm heading in a month.
  34. Ryan

    Best Looking Safari Shirt?

    Four pockets and smooth leather patch that a rifle butt may slide around on. Filson used to have a nice shooting shirt and you could order it with a left handed cloth patch. Just looked and that's gone. Over some dark t-shirt I usually wear either a canvas long sleeved shirt from Cabela's...
  35. Ryan

    Soaking Clothes In Permethrin

    Pyrethrum and Permethrin are similar but are not the same thing. To most humans and mammals except cats neither is very toxic. To insects and aquatic life it's a different story. Pyrethrum breaks down quickly from sunlight and water, Permethrin takes weeks. I'd still use Permethrin on my...
  36. Ryan

    KMG Hunting Safaris AH Members Group Hunt With BRICKBURN In 2020

    I was thinking more like this.
  37. Ryan

    For those who went alone

    It's just a personal preference thing. Personally from my experience I prefer to hunt alone or with at most one other. I've done two hunts in Namibia with friends along, one in South Africa on my own and another planned on my own. The ones with friends were cool, but looking back I far...
  38. Ryan

    Can it be true...MRC is GOB and CZ is stopping the 550

    What caliber are you looking at? I am a lefty and Ruger was wise enough to make their Hawkeye African in a lefty in 375 Ruger. I own one and have had no issues with it. CZ did have the 550 Safari in Left handed 375 H&H until a couple years ago so keep your eyes open on Gunbroker and such. And...
  39. Ryan

    Bringing Home a Finished Zebra Rug in Suitcase??

    Concerning the OP's question, shouldn't be an issue since it is a completed, chrome tanned hide. @superdutch you are asking a big question. It depends on the species, country and that countries status concerning diseases. Ruminants, such as sheep you mentioned fall under different requirements...
  40. Ryan

    Namibia Taxidermists

    I had my two hunts in Namibia done by Hunters Pride. For basic shoulder and skull mounts they did good work with no complaints. communications were quick and courteous. The mounts are a few years old now and they're holding up well. If getting rugs go with Nakara tannery out of Windhoek, very...
  41. Ryan

    Looking For Left Hand

    Current manufacture: Savage 110 in several calibers. I own a Stainless version in 7mm-08 that works great. Boyds makes a nice upgrade stock for them. Ruger has the M77 in 375 Ruger in both African and Guide model, a couple choices of calibers in Hawkeye Hunter and some in the American rifle...
  42. Ryan

    Eland, is the .308 Winchester enough gun?

    Or if the caliber selection is a lighter one for the species accepting that only only certain shots can be taken, much like bowhunting. That can either be taken as a negative or as an acceptable challenge. It took two hunts for me to get an eland, I hunted with my own 30-06 the first time...
  43. Ryan

    Eland, is the .308 Winchester enough gun?

    You took that WAY out of context. My statement was simple, while we all have a lot of good experience and advise the first and most important people to get an answer to this question is the outfitter and PH. If they are hunting with Huntershill then they now have the answer. If not, contact them.
  44. Ryan

    Eland, is the .308 Winchester enough gun?

    Something no one has mentioned. What does your (or his) outfitter say? They know their game populations and conditions best to answer whether using a .308 is viable or not.
  45. Ryan

    Unplanned Warthog

    The set up mentioned is similar in specs to my Athens Afflixtion I shot until last year. I would have used that without a doubt. So if you're accurate to 60 yards I'd say yes, it would work on a kudu or even eland.
  46. Ryan

    Eland, is the .308 Winchester enough gun?

    While an eland is a bit bigger I'd put them in the same class as a moose and the majority of moose dropped in Alaska each year are with either a 30-06 or .308. The two owners of the farm I hunted twice in Namibia carried a 30-06 and .308, and each claimed to have taken a few eland over the years...
  47. Ryan

    Hunting boots for Northern Limpopo province South Africa

    I gained a pair of Danners for work a couple years back and found out their idea of wide wasn't so wide. Gave up on them. They may have changed with this model so try them on before buying or order them from a place that will exchange if they don't. Me, I'm a fan of Russels, but they are pricey.
  48. Ryan

    Unplanned Warthog

    I totally agree, shot placement is the first priority. With his statement my concern is a possible misperception that the heavier arrows would only be effective to such range. Arrows don't lose speed like bullets do. And as you stated the heavier arrows would retain more energy than the lighter...
  49. Ryan

    Unplanned Warthog

    @ Ridge Runner, What is your reasoning on maximum ranges here? Accuracy or penetration?
  50. Ryan

    .270 vs .280

    Not sure Newboomer's opinion but here's some solid info on eland calibers. HUNTING Eland