Search results

  1. Bill DeHaan

    Barnes TSX reviews/question

    Andrew, I hunt almost exclusively with Barnes bullets, from Brown Bear to Whitetails, with rifles that shoot (very well) bullets of .270 to .416 calibers. After accuracy, Impact velocity is the key variable to consider when selecting a bullet for hunting. Be honest about the range you expect...
  2. Bill DeHaan

    RSA to be placed on “Do Not Travel” list??

    T minus 28 days to wheels up and dreams realized. The measure of one’s life is not taken of the things acquired but the experiences one has and those whom they are shared with.
  3. Bill DeHaan

    New trophy room completed!

    That re-purposed space has MAN CAVE written all over it. Well done and Congrats!
  4. Bill DeHaan

    Would you like a Cigar?

    Mort, I really appreciate your "purpose built" strategy on smoke selection. 1) Every day sticks of shorter and regular durations - satisfies those brief smoke windows and the possibility of having to discard/cast-away. 2) Favorite or special sticks for when time is not limited, and savoring...
  5. Bill DeHaan

    Would you like a Cigar?

    33 days until my Brother and I board the first leg of our flights to SA. Checking, re-checking our “travel light” list. Pre-packing weight check, and re-second guess all of the above. I suddenly realize my humidor is catostrophically low, and so an order is due to my favorite shop in Naples...
  6. Bill DeHaan

    SOUTH AFRICA: KMG Hunting Safaris & Intrepid APNR Hunts

    Whew! Very Nice AZDave. Congrats and thanks for sharing the stories with us!
  7. Bill DeHaan

    Return travel from SA they Amsterdam

    Yes I am using an agent. Thanks for the post Dudders. I have seen that myself. Prior/other posts articulated the prohibition was for persons from those countries. The odd thing is that KLM had a flight from J’burg to Amsterdam statuses as “Flight On Time” two days ago. Have tried to get...
  8. Bill DeHaan

    Return travel from SA they Amsterdam

    On May 20 I depart from the States via KLM to Johannesburg. (Both directions are thru Amsterdam.) I’ve recently heard report of the Dutch government prohibiting all citizens except Dutch from boarding in KLM flights from SA for transit through Amsterdam. I would appreciate reports from the...
  9. Bill DeHaan

    I need to have a hunt lined up

    Sharing your hunger brother. 2020 was the first year in 47 years that I didn’t hunt big game.... anywhere. All due to ‘ronna restrictions. My June safari was cancelled. My October Mulie hunt - cancelled. My October-Nov whitetail hunt - Canx. Late Muzzle loader hunt - canx. On May 20 I am...
  10. Bill DeHaan

    For Sale Tops Tex Creek XL

    It’s a small world. I’ve spent time in that drainage myself chasing all kinds of critters. Shot my first 4pt Mulie there. Heavy’ — I’ll buy that knife. Will send you a PM.
  11. Bill DeHaan

    Zoom Safari... it's about to happen!

    I'd like to attend
  12. Bill DeHaan

    How Does Recoil Contribute to the Likelihood of a Torn Retina?

    Ok, I’m on it. Shopping for sensors and will be sending more rounds down range...... for the sake of science and mankind. ;-)
  13. Bill DeHaan

    How Does Recoil Contribute to the Likelihood of a Torn Retina?

    This prior week I experienced a retinal tear/separation in my right eye. I recognized what was happening, so I quickly sought doctor’s care and had laser surgery to repair the tear and “tack down” the retina. I am convinced there are multiple contributing factors including age (62), rather...
  14. Bill DeHaan

    Safari starts today

    JDuckHunter, My early June hunt with KMG won’t be happening either. I’ve read that my Delta flight must be cancelled for me to get a refund. Otherwise the carrier will only offer to reschedule the flight. So I am wondering if this matches your experience and if so, when were you notified of...
  15. Bill DeHaan

    WIN a FREE Trophy Customs Clearance from TROPHY SHIPPERS for 2020 in a Random Drawing Giveaway

    - Currently booked for June 5-15, 2020, but likely to be canx. so hope "to reschedule for later in 2020. - Rep. of South Africa - Species intended to be harvested include "more than several" plains game
  16. Bill DeHaan

    Would you like a Cigar?

    Ok Para, I confess I am an engineer geek, but that’s irrelevant here because Your single stick humidor is neat!
  17. Bill DeHaan

    Would you like a Cigar?

    Excellent smoke,
  18. Bill DeHaan

    When have you ever been let down by the performance of your rifle on game?

    Interested to know what cartridge, approx weight and MV?
  19. Bill DeHaan

    AAA Team has joined - hello

    Hello AAA and welcome aboard from a fellow Michigander. This is the best form on the Internet. You’ll find hi caliber comrades Who are extremely knowledgeable and welcome helping with experienced advice no matter where you hunt!
  20. Bill DeHaan

    Soonest/Safest return to South Africa?

    If I could Slip my own hope in here it would be that I get tested for the antibodies and the result is positive, somehow allowing me to make the travel as soon as it is opened up. But that’s not much more likely than hair growing on my head so we just do the best we can.
  21. Bill DeHaan

    I guess I am ready for practice...

    Beautiful. You are ready for the horde of zombie Buff’s, young and old!
  22. Bill DeHaan

    Recoil Insights

    Back a few years ago... wait... I guess it was a few decades ago.... I was a rabid waterfowl hunter. My death ray load consisted of a 2 3/4” shell I loaded with 1.75 oz of #5 lead, shot thru a Mod choke. Then we switched to steel and the bird that should have folded on one shot above the...
  23. Bill DeHaan

    My Leopard taxidermy home!

    johnnyblues, I cannot add to much the comments above as the mounts and animals are clearly special. However there are a couple that may have been cheated in praise..... that Springbok is a dandy. And do I see a really heavy whitetail there with a special taxidermist treatment? Where did you...
  24. Bill DeHaan

    Change of plans anyone?

    Areo', If you lived close and we weren't on a state wide lock down (Michigan), I'd offer to meet up for some therapeutic beverages, on me. It troubles me that you chose the words "expect the worse, but pray for the best..." Kinda dark. I prefer to live by "expect (And shoot for) the best but...
  25. Bill DeHaan

    Soonest/Safest return to South Africa?

    There has always been and always will be another virus surfacing. And each year a lot of folks die from the complication of those seasonal viral infections. Fatalities in the US this year from the regular influenza is reported to be approaching 20k. I’m not sure where we will end up for...
  26. Bill DeHaan

    Soonest/Safest return to South Africa?

    mdwest and all, The media and some politicians are using fear to boost viewership and garner influence. however, that stat is not correct. Multiple countries are seeing the majority of their citizens not contracting the disease. (So Korea - 75% have tested negative) Further, the odds of...
  27. Bill DeHaan

    Sharp knives

    Seems even this old dog might need to learn new tricks. Hearing your methods, experiences and expectations have me thinking. My current practice is as follows; I keep my knives sharp, and only used for game. (I have a pocket knife for all else). I put a 20 degree edge on my hunting knives...
  28. Bill DeHaan

    Corona question - Shot placement and caliber for these critters

    Maybe I've been in lock-down too long but my brain swims with glee in considering the challenge of making a brain shot with my 416 Rigby, on a sunning Tylosaurus . Or maybe baiting is a better approach. Hmmm.... Wonder how effective a well placed and staked out Tricerotops carcass would be...
  29. Bill DeHaan

    Sharp knives

    impressive piece of machinery BeeMaa. The beginning segment when he took the edge off the knife was painful and disturbing. I will be starting therapy next week. ;-)
  30. Bill DeHaan

    Corona question - Shot placement and caliber for these critters

    Great thread - Well done Hillbilly! I learned a valuable lesson in N Dakota one fall. On even the smaller DG like Velociraptor, ya gotta break em down with the first shot or it might be a short hunt for you. Place any well made monolith solid into their primary drivers, and your follow up...
  31. Bill DeHaan

    Sharp knives

    This is an interesting topic that merits study and conversation. We’ve probably all learned the lesson in the field as I have (bent over a downed elk with a flashlight in my teeth) that there is no such thing as too much sharp knife. Following that early lesson I started carrying multiple...
  32. Bill DeHaan

    Curious to see what action people are taking for the Coronavirus

    Sgt Zim and Newboomer - I am WM at Milford No 165 in Michigan. Our GL ordered a canx on all meetings thru this month and will likely again next month.
  33. Bill DeHaan

    Curious to see what action people are taking for the Coronavirus

    I work for a large diesel engine manufacture and am a Sales Manager to the US military and foreign allies (armored combat vehicles). We were split into two work teams a week ago so that only half the personnel would be working together each week while the other team worked from home. Factory...
  34. Bill DeHaan

    Would you like a Cigar?

  35. Bill DeHaan

    Would you like a Cigar?

    Browning 325, please tell us about that interesting ashtray!
  36. Bill DeHaan

    I am sick

    I agree with our friends posts above, the odds are in our favor. So far, I believe in all countries, the majority of the citizens are not contracting the Corona virus. And I believe in all countries, nearly all of the fatalities are folks with prior complicating medical conditions. (In Italy...
  37. Bill DeHaan

    I am sick

    Give it hell and get well, JC. And have others keep an eye on your son for symptoms and have him hang up his boots for a while if he has been with you.
  38. Bill DeHaan

    Would you like a Cigar?

    Ernesto's Finest (Naples, FL) is similar to a Arturo Fuente Anejo. Dark and somewhat oiled wrapper. Very earthy, woodsy, smooth, smooth, smooth right to the finish. Maybe a bit less pepper though. Huge voluminous smoke, even steady burn. Will try to post a picture shortly.
  39. Bill DeHaan

    Hello from Michigan!!

    Welcome Dries’! I live a bit NE of Ann Arbor. Love this forum. A truly special place to gather and learn. Hope to start my first safari (RSA) on June 4. Go Blue - 1983
  40. Bill DeHaan

    Comment by 'Bill DeHaan' in media 'Pronghorn Shoulder Mount Taxidermy'

    Whoa that’s a nice ‘lope! Mount looks very nice.
  41. Bill DeHaan

    Gemsbok and Waterbuck finished!

    Whew - nice trophies! Well done in every way. Looking forward to seeing your Kudu.
  42. Bill DeHaan

    Our Son Has Really Nice Parents

    Fastrig, Sounds like a fine son, and man. Congrats to him. And congrats to his parents! Well done sir!
  43. Bill DeHaan

    For You Snipers out There

    Great summary Red Leg. One weapon platform, available and convertible to multiple calibers to meet unique mission requirements.
  44. Bill DeHaan

    For You Snipers out There

    I've handled this "new" Barrett and am very impressed. Changing calibers in this weapons system is pretty easy even in the field. I believe the phased roll out is done for reasons that relate to rifle caliber and purpose. Similarly, with the full roll out, there are a number of benefits that...
  45. Bill DeHaan

    Wife NOT for sale!!

    JD, Seems you are a blessed man. Take care of both and they will look after you for many years. Engraving your bride's initials on the rifle does three things. It says "thank you" to her, and reminds you of her every time you look at it. Secondly, it'll make it less likely anyone would buy...
  46. Bill DeHaan

    KMG Hunting Safaris Cancellation Hunt - Early June 2020

    Very nice Nyala. Amazing (dark) coat color and horn character on that second one. Am I correct that the area seems to produces quite a few dark coated Bushbuck as well? (both seem to haunt my dreams)
  47. CZ 550 Rifle

    CZ 550 Rifle

  48. Range Shots CZ 550 Rifle

    Range Shots CZ 550 Rifle

  49. Bill DeHaan

    Would you like a Cigar?

    x2 many of the prior recommends, and here are My echos of agreement and some new ones; A. Fuente Opus X - though I too have had underwhelming sticks, most were very nice. A. Fuente Anejo - mmmmmm. Davidoff Millenium My Father - Jamie Garcia Reserve, Flor de las Antillas, (have to...