Search results

  1. Sika98k

    Custom Made Hunting & Camping Knives

    That's the point I was trying to make in my original post. "Damascus me bollix"
  2. Sika98k

    Custom Made Hunting & Camping Knives

    You use ferrochloride for etching the blades ?
  3. Sika98k

    Custom Made Hunting & Camping Knives

    Damascus me bollix ! How about acid etched ?
  4. Sika98k

    CZ537 7x57

    I will throw in my +1 for a Ruger No1 and a 7x57. I own both,just not a Ruger No1 in 7x57 :A Blink:, a good choice of round imho.
  5. Sika98k

    Double rifle jammed shut

    A while ago the action bar on my Webley&Scott shotgun broke/snapped. In the field I was perturbed and pissed off. I was initially unable to diagnose the cause of being unable to open the gun. By,I think,pure chance I pointed the gun upwards and gave the action a tap while pushing the top lever...
  6. Sika98k

    .375 Ruger Empty Boxes Wanted

    @Eddie P, I love it ! Here in Namibia at the moment using 7x57,30-06 and 303 in our happy little group. We are hunting oryx,tough beasties. We have had a couple of runners.while tracking the PH said,offhand,to me " why do you guys use such small calibres?" Trying to licence a 375H&H back home ...
  7. Sika98k

    Drink of Choice in Africa

    Windhoek lager as a beer. Jameson whiskey with ginger ale and a slice of lime. If no lime is available just Jameson and ginger.
  8. Sika98k

    Newcomer Ojava lifts his hat and greets AH members

    Welcome Ojava,your Merkel drilling sounds tasty
  9. Sika98k

    WANTED: Hunting On A Budget

    Are you set on South Africa ? I am currently on my second visit to Namibia. We are enjoying it thoroughly. Are you looking for a trophy hunt or a management hunt? Namibian trophy prices tend,IMHO,to be lower than SA.dont come looking for a cheap kudu though A little bit more info on what you...
  10. Sika98k

    Courteney Selous Boots VS. Russell Moccasins

    You can't kill these ! I am currently trying. It's a thoroughly enjoyable undertaking
  11. Sika98k

    Latest Activity to add to your Safari

    Classic line .
  12. Sika98k

    Best books about hunting in Africa

    Only 5 :Woot: ! 5 in order also ! Always up for a challenge I will give it a shot. Death in the long grass by Peter Capstick. Literary licence may have embellished it but it is a good read. Nimrod Smith by Alan Wykes.The story of Murray Smith's life hunting in East Africa. Hunter by...
  13. Sika98k

    Opinions On SxS Shotgun Brands

    There are LOTS of old English shotguns in all shapes and sizes. Things to put you off buying Stateside is the length of the chambers. Older Guns,in the majority tend to have 2 1/2" chambers. Not there more common 2 3/4 chamber. There are lots of names also. A lot of guns were purchased "in the...
  14. Sika98k

    Opinions On SxS Shotgun Brands

    I have been reading this thread with interests. A lot of good information to be gleaned from it. Single triggers v double trigger guns, if your single trigger gives trouble on a good day out you are truly bunched . European shotguns tend to come out of the factory tightly choked. You can take...
  15. Sika98k

    Scrimshaw & Art

    Great work ! . I wish I had your talent.
  16. Sika98k

    Zeiss Diavari V 3-9x42mm T* Riflescope Great Hunting Scope

    Someone got a great scope. !
  17. Sika98k

    WANTED: Wingshooting South Africa

    We have good pigeon shooting in Ireland also. Probably not as warm but the flight is not as long
  18. Sika98k

    Hunting Namibia but do I need paperwork to bring the rifle into South Africa

    As long as your airline carriers has an interairline baggage agreement if you have to change airline in Jo,burg you are good to go with just the necessaries for entry into Namibia. So if for instance you are flying SAA all the way through check everything all the way from point of departure to...
  19. Sika98k

    Sleeve in new barrels on a double rifle..

    There are no pockets in shrouds. glaedelig Jul.
  20. Sika98k

    Hi from Ireland

    Hey Donzo. Welcome to the site. A word of warning. Africa is addictive. Mind you not the worst form of addiction..
  21. Sika98k

    Sleeve in new barrels on a double rifle..

    Pondoro,you should talk to Ola Nyhuss. If you don't already know of his work,you should. He has turned out some lovely stuff. Nyhuss Vaben,Klippan, Scania
  22. Sika98k

    Sleeve in new barrels on a double rifle..

    Nigel Teague in the UK has done this to shotguns. Mainly old Damascus barrels as far as I am aware. Rifles ? Dunno,but the web should find him.
  23. Sika98k

    NAMIBIA: Two Safari Rookies Travel To Uhlenhorst Hunting Safaris

    What can I add to your report that hasn't already been said ? Great report,tremendous detail and outstanding photography. well done,sounds like a great self drive trip. What was your total mileage covered if you have any idea?
  24. Sika98k

    Comment by 'Sika98k' in media 'Fallow Deer Hunt in Romania'

    Wow ! Serious shovels on those bucks ! Waidmansheil whoever ðŸ‘Â
  25. Driven hunt in Hungary.

    Driven hunt in Hungary.

    One of our members takes a beating. He had shot his first red deer.
  26. Sika98k

    Comment by 'Sika98k' in media 'Hunting Boar in Hungary'

    Mihai, I remember you guys. Zoli,s friends. Was it you beaten for your first red deer ?
  27. Sika98k

    My New (And last) Rifle - .300 Win Mag

    Great looking rifle ! Congratulations. We look forward to the christening
  28. Sika98k

    Barrel shortening

    Suppressors,moderators, call them what you will are extensively used on this side of the pond. I do a lot of night shooting of foxes and use one,a Hausken,on my Ruger No1V in 22/250. The most common type is a reflex,only adding maybe 3-4 inches to overall length. If you chop 2 inches of the...
  29. Sika98k

    Your average shooting distance in your hunting-property ?

    Usually shots are 60-120 metres in the woodland. Out in the open areas it can be out to 350. That's not a distance I like to shoot sika. They are a resilient animal. A poorly placed shot out there will ruin your day tracking. Fallow deer tend to keel over relatively easy. My two buddies help...
  30. Sika98k

    Rigby 275

    Spike,I think a little winter holiday in Hungary will be first .. But for sure I will be taking it out in the sunshine.
  31. Sika98k

    Rigby 275

    At last able to oblige you.
  32. Sika98k

    Best animals to hunt on first Safari

    To my mind Gemsbok are "the" Namibian animal. Wildebeest would be next on my list and warthog are in abundance. Five days could be tight for filling your bucket list but you can always go again !
  33. Sika98k

    Comment by 'Sika98k' in media 'Maneater Lioness'

    The thought of that wandering around might make me take a potty to my room/tent at night 😳
  34. Sika98k

    Rigby 275

    That's a nice looking rifle/s you have there spike. I am now at a disadvantage with an unscoped rifle. Maybe a peep sight fitted on the back of the bolt ?
  35. Sika98k

    Rigby 275

    Yes I did but owing to the tardiness of my firearms officer the substitution on my licence has not been effected. So no photos. Are you reading this Sargeant ?
  36. Sika98k

    Gun Porn...

    One on the left is my 308. Middle one,Mauser 66 IIRC is in 6.5x55, Mannlicher on the right,Ivars,is 30-06.
  37. Sika98k

    Gun Porn...

    Two Mannlicher Schonauers and a Mauser 66 in the centre.
  38. Sika98k

    Boar, Hog & Pig Pictures

    Back to back they prepared to fight to the last drop of blood. A few from Hungary,a great place to hunt.
  39. Sika98k

    Rigby 275

    Now and again something of beauty crosses our path. A few stories cross paths in this tale but if you have time.......I will try to make it interesting. Some years ago a Norwegian friend invited me up to Trysil in Norway to try my luck for a moose. Well I am still trying for that moose but...
  40. Sika98k

    Hello all! and hunting in Kenya..

    Sorry,an amendment to my previous post. It should be one David Darnborough I shot with near Tsavo.
  41. Sika98k

    Hello all! and hunting in Kenya..

    Welcome to the site MOV. I was in Kenya two years ago and squeezed in a couple of days bird shooting. Sandgrouse,guineafowl and francolin. Ok,it's not cheap. The logistics of how much ammo you can hold,where you can buy it ,import duty and taxes made each cartridge an eye watering $1.50 a...
  42. Sika98k

    Going to South Africa from UK

    Is this a requirement for exiting the UK ? Or entering SA ?