

I think Trump did pretty well in his interview on meet the press this morning. The NBC article with respect to it also was far more in keeping with its commentary of any other politician as well. Trump's comments on immigration - particularly with respect to working with democrats to find a solution for Dreamers was a welcome departure from his campaign rhetoric and some of the assumptions of many of his followers.

“I will work with the Democrats on a plan,” he said, praising “Dreamers” who’ve gotten good jobs, started businesses and become successful residents. “We’re going to have to do something with them,” he said.

No one, except the most ardent supporters of the ACLU, will argue over the immediate deportation of criminals.

I would agree with him that many of the Jan 6 defendants were overcharged and sentenced by a zealous prosecution and judge. However, there were a number of defendants that did commit violence. I trust he will be somewhat selective in those day-one pardons.

I think he is correct with regard to birthright citizenship, but I suspect that will require a constitutional amendment unless SCOTUS can provide a rather dramatic reinterpretation of the 14th Amendment.

I think Trump did pretty well in his interview on meet the press this morning. The NBC article with respect to it also was far more in keeping with its commentary of any other politician as well. Trump's comments on immigration - particularly with respect to working with democrats to find a solution for Dreamers was a welcome departure from his campaign rhetoric and some of the assumptions of many of his followers.

“I will work with the Democrats on a plan,” he said, praising “Dreamers” who’ve gotten good jobs, started businesses and become successful residents. “We’re going to have to do something with them,” he said.

No one, except the most ardent supporters of the ACLU, will argue over the immediate deportation of criminals.

I would agree with him that many of the Jan 6 defendants were overcharged and sentenced by a zealous prosecution and judge. However, there were a number of defendants that did commit violence. I trust he will be somewhat selective in those day-one pardons.

I think he is correct with regard to birthright citizenship, but I suspect that will require a constitutional amendment unless SCOTUS can provide a rather dramatic reinterpretation of the 14th Amendment.

Oh the horror!!!!! Working with Democrats?? How will he ever drain the swamp that way?? :eek::eek::eek::eek: Doesn't he know they are the epitome of evil? What on earth is he thinking?

Seriously... didn't know about the interview; thanks for the heads up. I'll give it a watch after church. A more measured president-elect is certainly a nice thought. I just hope it's a trend and not a blip on the radar.

Syria is reminding me of Iraq and Libya. I am no fan of Assad but I am not sure the successor regime will be any better and it could easily be worse.
Syria was always going to fall just a matter of time when that would be. Russia could not and can not fight on two fronts, let people say what they want but not possible for them due to lot of problems especially in logistics and when it comes to equipment ( planes , helicopters etcc as most of it is tied in Ukraine. It took them few days to start strikes as most of the planes were taken out for ukraine.

I am Pro Russian and proud to say it but call it the way i see it.

West took advantage and helped the terrorist groups along with Turkey and Israel ( i mean rebels, as they call them hahaha)

Syria will be worse off than Lybia is now and Lybia is doomed thanks to the USA back in 2011.

There will be fighting amongst the terrorists as to who controls what. We will never known the truth, this could have all been an agreement between all the players that Syria goes and Russia gets their teritories in Ukraine.
You can not honestly have Reddit as the source hahaha
The little ex-KGB strategic genius in the Kremlin isn't having a very good month is he? His proxy in Syria is on the lam while Russia's bases in the country are about to be overrun. His erstwhile Persian ally is collapsing as a regional menace, while the population of Georgia becomes more restive. His vow to retake the Donbas by December has bogged down in the Raputitsa under enormous casualties, and the Kursk enclave remains in Ukrainian hands as two "elite" Russian Brigades have essentially been destroyed for the third time in this war. When Khmeimim airbase falls, Russian ability to exercise any real conventional military power anywhere in the Sahel or Levant collapses as well.

Let's see, in just less than three years he has destroyed the modernized Russian ground forces; seen the Black Sea Fleet driven from the Black sea by a nation without a navy; has added almost 1500 Km of direct NATO border - part of it in marching distance of St. Petersburg and all of it direct electronic observation of the Northern Fleet (a fishing boat can't sail without being observed by NATO or insuring a Virginia Class isn't on the six o'clock of every boomer that sorties); he has turned the Baltic into a NATO lake (that Finnish and Swedish joining NATO miscalculation); and in so doing single handedly changed Kaliningrad from thorn in NATO's side to an indefensible strategic liability (perhaps he should consider offering to rename it Konigsberg in a future negotiation). He even accomplished what Trump couldn't do by getting the NATO membership to nearly double their defense spending.

His economy is collapsing as the ruble takes on a Zimbabwean trajectory and crude is selling at less than $70 a barrel. Interests rates in the country are spiraling out of control in an attempt to counter burgeoning inflation. The whole BRICS initiative has been met with almost as much derision as going hat in hand to the little fat man in North Korea for more soldiers to butcher.

It must take a lot to be pro-Russian in the face of such accelerating calamity.
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The little ex-KGB strategic genius in the Kremlin isn't having a very good month is he? His proxy in Syria is on the lam while Russia's bases in the country are about to be overrun. His erstwhile Persian ally is collapsing as a regional menace, while the population of Georgia becomes more restive. His vow to retake the Donbas by December has bogged down in the Raputitsa under enormous casualties, and the Kursk enclave remains in Ukrainian hands as two "elite" Russian Brigades have essentially been destroyed for the third time in this war. When Khmeimim airbase falls, Russian ability to exercise any real conventional military power anywhere in the Sahel or Levant collapses as well.

Let's see, in just less than three years he has destroyed the modernized Russian ground forces; seen the Black Sea Fleet driven from the Black sea by a nation without a navy; has added almost 1500 Km of direct NATO border - part of it in marching distance of St. Petersburg and turned the Baltic into a NATO lake (that Finnish and Swedish joining NATO miscalculation); and in so doing single handedly changed Kaliningrad from thorn in NATO's side to an indefensible strategic liability. He even accomplished what Trump couldn't do by getting the NATO membership to nearly double their defense spending.

His economy is collapsing as the ruble takes on Zimbabwean value and crude is selling at less than $70 a barrel. Interests rates in the country are spiraling out of control as inflation marches on. The whole BRICS initiative has been met with almost as much derision as going hat in hand to the little fat man in North Korea.

It must take a lot to be pro-Russian in the face of such accelerating calamity.

If their economy and everyrything else is crumbling like you say it is , how come Russia is still standing, why hasn't there been a Maidan like in Ukraine back in 2014 to overthrow him ? Why aren't the sanctions making a difference? Why are they still in Ukraine?

You spreak like Russia is loosing on every little frontline but the videos of ukranian side speak something else.... Seeing you support Ukraine do you also support how they are conscripting people to fight- find a male on the street , apprehend him beat him up and take him.... Democracy at it's finest.

I do not see the calmity you speak off , they are still standing and not crumbling down to their knees like the west would like them to be. I do not live in Russia or havy any major interest in Russia, but in this conflict i agree more with their side than what i agree with NATO.

One thing they all have in common is that none of the big powers are that innocent. They all wage unecessary wars with countless lives taken on all sides for their personal gain. For example allies in Vietnam , Iraq , Afghanistan , Lybia and many others. Russia in chechnya both wars , afghanistan , georgia....
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Not sure how Elon will dramatically reduce how much the gov't spends, ultimately Congress controls the purse strings. But I hope you're right.

What intrigues me is your statement regarding healthcare costs and prescriptions. How do you think those costs are going to be driven down dramatically?
I was reading an article yesterday which pointed out that 70% of our spending is for SS, Medicare, Medicaid and the ever growing interest payments on our $36 TRILLION debt. And much of the other 30% requires Congressional approval to trim it. Reagan tried the same thing in the '80s and ran into the same issues and it went nowhere.
I was reading an article yesterday which pointed out that 70% of our spending is for SS, Medicare, Medicaid and the ever growing interest payments on our $36 TRILLION debt. And much of the other 30% requires Congressional approval to trim it. Reagan tried the same thing in the '80s and ran into the same issues and it went nowhere.
Except at the margins, it all will require congressional approval for any meaningful change. It is why I suspect DODGE sadly will be largely symbolic. In 2023, the US government spent $6.2 trillion. with only $1.7 trillion on discretionary spending, $3.8 trillion on mandatory spending (mainly entitlements), and $659 billion on net interest. Discretionary spending includes funding for defense, education, transportation, and scientific research. All require new appropriations every year. It is why defense is always cut when budget hawks take over. No one has the political support or courage to touch mandatory spending such as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc - all of which are on automatic pilot. In 2023, 1.56 trillion went to healthcare programs and 1.35 trillion went to Social Security.
If their economy and everyrything else is crumbling like you say it is , how come Russia is still standing, why hasn't there been a Maidan like in Ukraine back in 2014 to overthrow him ? Why aren't the sanctions making a difference? Why are they still in Ukraine?

You spreak like Russia is loosing on every little frontline but the videos of ukranian side speak something else.... Seeing you support Ukraine do you also support how they are conscripting people to fight- find a male on the street , apprehend him beat him up and take him.... Democracy at it's finest.

I do not see the calmity you speak off , they are still standing and not crumbling down to their knees like the west would like them to be. I do not live in Russia or havy any major interest in Russia, but in this conflict i agree more with their side than what i agree with NATO.

One thing they all have in common is that none of the big powers are that innocent. They all wage unecessary wars with countless lives taken on all sides for their personal gain. For example allies in Vietnam , Iraq , Afghanistan , Lybia and many others. Russia in chechnya both wars , afghanistan , georgia....
This is a really good little tutorial on the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Reporters love to look at trees and forget the strategic forest. The maps show Russian advances and occupation over nearly three years of combat - three years in which Russia has destroyed its modernized army. What an incredible achievement for the little dictator in the Kremlin. He is lucky to have such an apathetic population. Looks more like 1918 than the action of a modern armed forces doesn't it. But do please draw your own conclusions.

The time lapse map even more clearly demonstrates the extent of Russian success for the cost of 700,000 maimed, killed, and missing young men.

Since you like to call it "like it is," these statistics are provided by a nonaligned research effort, that only counts combat equipment destruction for which there is video or photographic evidence. I would urge you to avail yourself of their data, and you can draw your own conclusions about how things are going. I should also note that they provide the same analysis for Ukraine so you can do your own comparative analysis. Bear in mind, that these totals are only those for which there is physical photographic or video evidence.

My assumption is that Putin is hanging on in the belief Trump will pull his chestnuts from the fire. He may well be right. But what little Russian arms have achieved on the battlefield has been a catastrophe for the country for which I suspect there will be an eventual reckoning.
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This is a really good little tutorial on the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Reporters love to look at trees and forget the strategic forest. The maps show Russian advances and occupation over nearly three years of combat - three years in which Russia has destroyed its modernized army. What an incredible achievement for the little dictator in the Kremlin. He is lucky to have such an apathetic population. Looks more like 1918 than the action of a modern armed forces doesn't it. But do please draw your own conclusions.

The time lapse map even more clearly demonstrates the extent of Russian success for the cost of 700,000 maimed, killed, and missing young men.

Since you like to call it "like it is," these statistics are provided by a nonaligned research effort, that only counts combat equipment destruction for which there is video or photographic evidence. I would urge you to avail yourself of their data, and you can draw your own conclusions about how things are going. I should also note that they provide the same analysis for Ukraine so you can do your own comparative analysis. Bear in mind, that these totals are only those for which there is physical photographic or video evidence.

My assumption is that Putin is hanging on in the belief Trump will pull his chestnuts from the fire. He may well be right. But what little Russian arms have achieved on the battlefield has been a catastrophe for the country for which I suspect there will be an eventual reckoning.
No one will ever know the exact number of Ukranian or Russian deaths so i do not have to read the BBC report you tagged as it is BS to me. To this day Ukraine claims 150k dead for a three year war. Draw my own conclusion? What did the USA modern army do in Afghanistan in their 20 year invasion , got their ass handed to them by sandal wearing sheep herders and ran away with their tails tucked between their legs like the russians did back 1979 to 89.

I believe you need to watch some videos online of ukranian people posting videos of them recording how big the cemetries are in Ukraine to get a better picture of how things are going and unfolding. You can be in as much denial as you want too but the picture you paint is not the reality of what is happening on the ground.

Both sides are dying there is no doubt about that but it is not what BBC or CNN tell you. Talk to people who are there on both sides to understand it more not just read BBC reports or listen to CNN.

The eauipment list in that last link may be the truth or may not be i can not say but what i also wonder is how come the so called greatest tank in the world did nothing to change the course of the battlefield like the west said it would along with the Challenger and Leopard, , or your Patriot system how it would shoot down everyrning dlying in the air - it did it shot down a Russian plane in Tussia that was carrying ukranian priosners for exchange.
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No one will ever know the exact number of Ukranian or Russian deaths so i do not have to read the BBC report you tagged as it is BS to me. To this day Ukraine claims 150k dead for a three year war. Draw my own conclusion? What did the USA modern army do in Afghanistan in their 20 year invasion , got their ass handed to them by sandal wearing sheep herders and ran away with their tails tucked between their legs like the russians did back 1979 to 89.

I believe you need to watch some videos online of ukranian people posting videos of them recording how big the cemetries are in Ukraine to get a better picture of how things are going and unfolding. You can be in as much denial as you want too but the picture you paint is not the reality of what is happening on the ground.

Both sides are dying there is no doubt about that but it is not what BBC or CNN tell you.
My professional opinion is that Russia has been losing troops and equipment at a four to one ratio with Ukraine.

Moreover, the Black Sea Fleet has been defeated and no longer dares sale on the Black Sea. Unlike Syria, no Russian fighter bomber dares enter Ukrainian airspace. For Gods sake, their tank troops are now using T-64's from Soviet era storage. Those are facts. No other conclusions can explain Russia's monumental failure to date in their "three-week" war.

I am somewhat hopeful, if not confident, that the Russian people eventually will awaken to the scale of the catastrophe perpetrated on them by the little despot in the Kremlin. Your sort of assessments are what gives him hope. Keep right on listening to Vladimir Solovyov and Margarita Simonyan. Their every word is approved by the Kremlin - a far better source than the BBC.
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My professional assessment is that Russia has been losing troops and equipment at a four to one ratio with Ukraine. The Black Sea Fleet has been defeated and no longer dares sale on the Black Sea. Unlike Syria, no Russian fighter bomber dares enter Ukrainian airspace. Those are facts. No other conclusions can explain Russia's monumental failure to date in their three-week war. I am somewhat hopeful, if not confident, that the Russian people eventually will awaken to the scale of the catastrophe perpetrated on them by the little despot in the Kremlin. Your sort of assessments are what gives him hope.

If you say 4 to 1 they should have nothing left by now.

This is a hopeless exercise talking , reminds me of the one that America told it's people about Iraqi WMD which turned out to be BS but hey you still probably believe it. A pointless exercise that saw thousand loose their lives and Hillary Clinton saying that 500k children killed in Iraq is for the greater good but hey the west is here to give peace.

My assessment is based on knowing people there on both sides who are in the conflict not relying on BBC or CNN to tell me.
If you say 4 to 1 they should have nothing left by now.

This is a hopeless exercise talking , reminds me of the one that America told it's people about Iraqi WMD which turned out to be BS but hey you still probably believe it. A pointless exercise that saw thousand loose their lives and Hillary Clinton saying that 500k children killed in Iraq is for the greater good but hey the west is here to give peace.

My assessment is based on knowing people there on both sides who are in the conflict not relying on BBC or CNN to tell me.

I've been reading your posts and as far I can tell, you're expecting us to believe you because you say you know people on both sides and that should be good enough I guess. It's not.

@Red Leg has posted a number of facts that can't be denied. Russia is relying on old equipment, it's been seen on the battle field in rubbles. Are all of those videos we've seen of Russian soldiers committing suicide all fake? How about the declining value of the ruble and sky rocketing interest rates in Russia? If it's going so much better for Russia than we are lead to believe, why has Vlad called on North Korea to provide troops? Is that all made up to?

And for any rebuttal to all of this, do you have anything to support your arguments other than your word?

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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.
Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!