
Yep, our administration is a total clown show.
Didn’t someone in Bush jar’s administration go to jail for outing 1 CIA officer. Biden outs a whole team of Delta operators. Not a damn thing will happen to whoever released the photo.
Another Topic, if anyone Briefly Explain.

Idk how the Prime Rates dictate Bank/Savings Interest. (Basic 101)
Apx. Early 2000's, A Simple Money Market/Savings yielded good returns. Month, APY.
They had to be >3.5% .. It's sat at .05% for close to the past Decade. They offer apx. 1.20% now.

Less it's the Bank, if anyone can shed light on how Saving's Interest sit low, while Rates on everything else are catching up respectively.
Many Thanks, Dan.
You're not alone; Australia is wearing large immigration numbers, and our national broadcaster, along with most of the commercial ones, are showing a determined anti-Israeli, pro Hamas bent. Britain is the same. whole suburbs have been taken over by them, with local councils flying palestinian flags, and more ... Gives me the proverbial s*%$s!!
Did anyone else see this story about the WH tweeting a picture of Biden meeting with Delta Force operators in Israel without redacting their faces?

View attachment 565766

As you can imagine, there are some pretty pissed folks within the SOF community..

Not because of the pic that got published so much as the nonchalant “yeah, sorry jack, my bad.. sucks to be you…” attitude that’s been demonstrated by the administration over it…
This administration reminds me of a bunch of kids playing at government. Total incompetents.
I'm not arguing with you, or maybe I am, but we have to reach down to the core. We can look short term and resolve the issues or we can look at the long and see what the immigration results will be where you have an immigrant population that has no desire to assimilate, be they legal or illegal. You seem to be of the opinion that the immigrants are collecting wood to make a bonfire so we can all hold hands and roast marshmallows.

Look at what's happening in Europe, millions flooding in with no pretence of embracing their new country. They want to convert their new "safe haven"... the stupidity of the soft and woke counties that allow it is exactly what they want.

Many will see my comments as racists or ultra right but it essence it is merely common sense. Unfortunately plain speak is a reason to be cancelled. We actually have to to stand up and call a spade a spade.

There is a softly, softly approach that leads to a slow death or a line in the sand.
I don't mind a civil argument which is actually very healthy and I'm too old to understand the woke or cancel culture which is bullshit.
However I'm very open minded and coming from a place and a family who served this country for generations and treated every individual they encountered as humans first and considered them honest and trustworthy unless they proved otherwise.
Having said that the line in the sand has been crossed.
World is changing and things will be different in the future either you accept/like it or not.
It's better to adjust and educate our kids/grandkids to be leaders in this changing World instead of teaching them being devisive and xenophobic which will lead to failure and disappointment.

This is what's coming:
Census Bureau projections show that the U.S. population will be “majority-minority” sometime between 2040 and 2050. Our research suggests that this will happen around 2044. Indeed, in 2020, there are projected to be more nonwhite children than white children in the U.S.

The nonwhite population is growing more rapidly than the white population. Minorities accounted for 92% of the U.S. population growth between 2010 and 2018, with Latinos comprising just under half of the nation’s overall growth.

As far as Europe is concerned if you ask 10 EU nation citizens 8-9 of them wouldn't even consider coming here anymore like they did back in the day in masses.

Food for thought.
I read the speech given by the Secretary General of the U.N. about the Israeli v Hamas war. He did condemn the terrorist action against Israeli civilians….butchery is a better term…but had to add that these atrocities didn’t happen in a vacuum. Basically saying that Israel had it coming.

There‘s a lengthy list of gripes against the U.N. Including its latent antisemitism. The General Assembly is basically a dictators club. Iran’s ambassador leads the U.N. Human Rights Council Social Forum for crying out loud!

What purpose does the U.N. Serve? More to the point, what American interests are served by being a member?
I want a better future for my kids. I'd give my left ball (in fact both) for my kids to have my childhood in Bulawayo but Africa of the 60's-70's is history. And no matter how much we wish and hope it's never coming back. I know many Africans will lambast me for this.

I may be blacklisted for this. But so be it
Zimbabwe and Zambia are interesting cases. There is progress and upward development, and I think there may be a New Africa dawning.
Botswana and Namibia too, but I just don’t know enough about them.
I wouldn’t write off South Africa, it is certainly in the melting pot, but there is so much going for it in terms of opportunity. It has the critical mass which it’s neighbours do not.
A short but brutal clip showing a lone Russian BMP approaching a Ukrainian fighting position at speed. It would be carrying a crew of three and at least six infantrymen. The Ukrainian squad has placed mines along the main avenue of approach to their position where they can cover the location with direct fire. You can see them engaging the survivors from the lower left with automatic rifle fire. This action took place yesterday near Avdiivka where the Russians have taken horrific losses over the last three weeks.

The second post is a twitter thread talking to an issue about which I am surprised the Russian political leadership hasn't had more concern. The Russian Army revolted against its leadership in 1917 following two and a half years of brutal losses fighting German/Austrian forces in World War I.

Though the battles like Adiivka in Ukraine are of smaller scale, the proportional Russian losses of troops deployed and engaged are very bit as great as Eastern Front battles like Tannenberg. And the third winter of this war is fast approaching.

Very well made point. A macro driver that many don’t understand is economics. We talk about immigration like these European countries have a choice. The reality is that their birth rates are insufficient to maintain their economies. The only available workforce to allow for continued economic growth are Muslim immigrants. This die was cast decades ago. Current political disruptions have not caused the macro effect, birth rates have.

Do they have to be muslims ?

There are better choices, people that integrate in the host country.
I don't mind a civil argument which is actually very healthy and I'm too old to understand the woke or cancel culture which is bullshit.
However I'm very open minded and coming from a place and a family who served this country for generations and treated every individual they encountered as humans first and considered them honest and trustworthy unless they proved otherwise.
Having said that the line in the sand has been crossed.
World is changing and things will be different in the future either you accept/like it or not.
It's better to adjust and educate our kids/grandkids to be leaders in this changing World instead of teaching them being devisive and xenophobic which will lead to failure and disappointment.

This is what's coming:
Census Bureau projections show that the U.S. population will be “majority-minority” sometime between 2040 and 2050. Our research suggests that this will happen around 2044. Indeed, in 2020, there are projected to be more nonwhite children than white children in the U.S.

The nonwhite population is growing more rapidly than the white population. Minorities accounted for 92% of the U.S. population growth between 2010 and 2018, with Latinos comprising just under half of the nation’s overall growth.

As far as Europe is concerned if you ask 10 EU nation citizens 8-9 of them wouldn't even consider coming here anymore like they did back in the day in masses.

Food for thought.
So that I am fully understood, this is not a racial issue. This is a cultural assimilation issue. Those are two very different things. Only in the United States would it be possible to create a "brown" class of citizens. I don't think it matters a bit if we have a majority minority country in a couple of decades.

Most of the immigrants coming into this country are from the Hispanic /Catholic Southern Hemisphere. Some of the more recent emigres from places like Venezuela are going to be harder to assimilate, but that is because of the economic system from which they are emerging. It is one thing to come here for opportunity which has described most Mexicans and Cubans (Mariel excluded) rather than to be better taken care of by government which seems to be a legacy of those fleeing failed socialist states. But even they, and particularly their children, will assimilate.

The vast majority of these people, regardless of actual racial heritage, view themselves as representing an original European heritage and culture.

I am quite confident that Asian, Hispanic, and whatever constitutes "white' America will maintain a vibrant homogenous Western Culture that can carry on the traditions of Athens, Rome, and the capitalist economic system. I did not automatically include black America because it has stubbornly resisted assimilation since the Civil War. Indeed, I would argue those cultural differences are greater now than they were in 1963 when Martin Luther King gave his "I have a dream speech."

Thanks to BLM and a healthy dose of latent white guilt, that 14% of the population has wielded a disproportionate amount of attention over the last few years. But there too, those barriers were breaking down rather quickly before it became popular to once again be obsessed with race. I expect that to continue unless misguided efforts like reparations continue to have traction.

Islamic culture, for all the reasons I have listed above is a very different assimilation challenge. It has nothing to do with race and everything to do with the challenges Muslims face in trying to embrace Western culture.
So that I am fully understood, this is not a racial issue. This is a cultural assimilation issue. Those are two very different things. Only in the United States would it be possible to create a "brown" class of citizens. I don't think it matters a bit if we have a majority minority country in a couple of decades.

Most of the immigrants coming into this country are from the Hispanic /Catholic Southern Hemisphere. Some of the more recent emigres from places like Venezuela are going to be harder to assimilate, but that is because of the economic system from which they are emerging. It is one thing to come here for opportunity which has described most Mexicans and Cubans (Mariel excluded) rather than to be better taken care of by government which seems to be a legacy of those fleeing failed socialist states. But even they, and particularly their children, will assimilate.

The vast majority of these people, regardless of actual racial heritage, view themselves as representing an original European heritage and culture.

I am quite confident that Asian, Hispanic, and whatever constitutes "white' America will maintain a vibrant homogenous Western Culture that can carry on the traditions of Athens, Rome, and the capitalist economic system. I did not automatically include black America because it has stubbornly resisted assimilation since the Civil War. Indeed, I would argue those cultural differences are greater now than they were in 1963 when Martin Luther King gave his "I have a dream speech."

Thanks to BLM and a healthy dose of latent white guilt, that 14% of the population has wielded a disproportionate amount of attention over the last few years. But there too, those barriers were breaking down rather quickly before it became popular to once again be obsessed with race. I expect that to continue unless misguided efforts like reparations continue to have traction.

Islamic culture, for all the reasons I have listed above is a very different assimilation challenge. It has nothing to do with race and everything to do with the challenges Muslims face in trying to embrace Western culture.
Completely agree. The problem is one of a culture that in many cases wants to remain separate from the rest of society with a primary allegiance to a belief system somewhat at odds with the rest of American society. I can see this on a small scale in communities where certain businesses have brought in first Mexican workers and then later Somali and Sudanese workers. The Mexican population has worked to become a part of the community, the other groups strive to stay separate.
Ladies and gentlemen, the next Speaker of the House, from the great State of Louisiana, and my Congressman, the Honorable Mike Johnson.
Yet another Trump attorney has pled guilty in the Georgia case and has agreed to fully cooperate with the court. Interesting reversal. Ellis had a reputation of being one of the true believers in Trump.

I wonder if Trump could cut a deal to testify against Giuliani? :unsure: :E Angel:

I have to assume these guilty pleas mean nothing to the Trump acolytes? I mean, after all the governor and secretary of state were immediately written off as RINOs and swamp creatures for certifying the election and not going along with this scheme.

She plead guilty to charges related to so called "False information" related to voter fraud claims presented to the Georgia senate .

Big effing deal.

Commie Joe, and the flying monkey's, present false information to the American people on an almost daily basis. What happens to them? Absolutely nothing.!
Remember when Hillary was whining about the election being stolen from her, even after fabricating a fake dossier.?

Lying to liars is quite laughable. But when the swamp wants to strong arm and crush you, all you can do is plead guilty, or they will try and bankrupt you in the process.
This is all about Trump, and not the low hanging fruit.

It's a true shame that you act almost gleeful over these deep state Kangaroo court proceedings, under a Banana republic that is becoming less and less the home of the free.
Ladies and gentlemen, the next Speaker of the House, from the great State of Louisiana, and my Congressman, the Honorable Mike Johnson.
He’s a damn yankee. From up around Shreveport, I hear. :cool:
Ladies and gentlemen, the next Speaker of the House, from the great State of Louisiana, and my Congressman, the Honorable Mike Johnson.
Glad to see they finally figured out someone to get behind and support..

I know little about Johnson other than he appears to lean harder right than he does to the center.. and that hes a fairly low profile guy (for a congressman)..

The coming months I believe (sadly) are going to be a shit show... Gaetz has some vindication here (or at least I am sure he believes he does).. he and his clan will certainly be emboldened.. and it would appear that many of the other R's are starting to understand that they need to get behind some change or they may find themselves out to pasture in a little more than 12 months..

What that means is more gridlock and conflict in congress though.. (not necessarily a bad thing when its needed)..

I am 100% certain the D led senate has no intention or desire to negotiate anything... they will continue to belligerently stand their ground.. and with whats just gone on in the house, Im pretty sure there will be little negotiated from that side of the aisle either..

This is going to be a year + long period of each side folding their arms, playing a stare down game, just waiting to see whose going to blink first..

Dont get me wrong... I am personally tired of being a member of the party that always concedes and gives up ground...

But.. we as a nation need to figure out how to figure shit out.. or.. we're just throwing the baby out with the bathwater..
If a person unaffiliated with the federal government has a meeting with the president of an adversarial country and this meeting is totally without any federal level authorization or approval- it seems to me that this would be against the law. Did you see that VO5 hair Calif governor went to China and had a high level meeting with Xi?

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