We are talking about best calibers, but what do you take as positive in a caliber or not??
For example, for me a great caliber is a 270 wsm, is fast but a killer, all based on my experience, we now some calibers are good or similars to others in paper, if you look at balistic tables, but we realise that is a group of calibers with bery similars but work bether in the field, for example 308 and 30-06.( for me and for at least 80 % of the people I talk about this, think 308 is beter caliber on the ground) Another thing is facility to find in all countrys, for example, I now if I have to by my ammo in a diferent country than in Spain, for shure I wont find. Is imposible to find a 270wsm in Finland for example, 223 is not aloud in Spain, etc....