Wounded? Yes or No?

Here is kind of a related story.
A woman from I think California was mule deer hunting In western Wyoming with a guide and she shot at a good mule deer on their way down a hill to look the guide spots a monster buck to the side he lines the lady up and she shoots at that time the record mule deer for a female in Wyoming. No place in the article did it say anything about the buck she shot at first just a great photo with the record buck?
I hoped that other people thought it was kind of strange.

I've seen and had that happen to me on both mule deer and others.

Myself and a friend were cow elk hunting here in Colorado. I shot a cow and she dropped like a rock. I looked away for a minute to grab my binoculars and my friend said that she got back up. I looked through my scope and sure enough, a few feet away from where mine dropped stood another cow. For some reason I didn't pull the trigger. When we got up to the spot there my cow was laying dead as a door nail. I could of had two elk down.

Another time I was hunting javelina in Arizona. I had shot mine and a couple of days later we just took our 4 wheelers out for a ride in the desert. When we saw one of the heaviest javelina that we had ever seen, he was huge. When we told another friend he just asked why we didn't shoot it also. I just told him that wasn't the way that we did things.
I've seen and had that happen to me on both mule deer and others.

Myself and a friend were cow elk hunting here in Colorado. I shot a cow and she dropped like a rock. I looked away for a minute to grab my binoculars and my friend said that she got back up. I looked through my scope and sure enough, a few feet away from where mine dropped stood another cow. For some reason I didn't pull the trigger. When we got up to the spot there my cow was laying dead as a door nail. I could have had two elk down.
The exact same thing happened to my father back in the 80s. We were moose hunting in thick bush and a young bull stood up not too far from him. He dropped it and was walking toward where he saw it fall. When he got halfway there it stood up again, so he gave it a finishing shot. You could have knocked him down with a feather when he got to the spot and found two nearly identical bulls lying there. Fortunately I was not far away and came running when I heard the shots. I was probably more surprised to see two dead bulls than he was. Luckily we both had tags and took care of them quickly.
If I have to draw a line in the sand - show me the proof I hit the animal; hair, blood, bone. Of course, being a reasonable person, the PH is my guide and they have the final say.
I was going through some of the old threads and happened to come across a topic that made me think that it would bring about some constructive discussion which is probably due for some renewal. Hopefully, some of the members who are yet to embark on their first safari will find this useful.
The post is simply for educational purposes.

When, in your eyes as a hunter, do you accept that an animal has been wounded as opposed to a clean miss?

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@KMG Hunting Safaris
If I know I have made a good shot and the animal doesn't react I usually keep shooting. If the animal wanders off I try and tie a marker to my shooting position the walk to where the animal was looking for anything that may have thrown my bullet off course. When I get to the spot I do a ground search for blood, hair or any other sign that the animal was hit like foot prints. The way an animal walks can tell you a lot of favouring one leg.
Then I do a grid search for the animal. If nothing is found I will come back later to check the area incase I missed something the first time.
Fortunately I have not had to do many follow ups but there have been a couple of times I thought did U or didn't I just wound as I didn't find the animal. Not a nice feeling but I know I did my best to locate the animal
So, you get set up on a Waterbuck at 30 yards. They are feeding, unaware to your presence. The shot rings, he flinches and runs off. No blood to be found. They are notoriously tough, and are known not to throw a lot of blood. How would you handle that?
@KMG Hunting Safaris
If'n that happened to me I would want to know why as he would have been hit with a big 35 cal bullet that would have left a decent size exit hole.
If he didn't bleed from that he would be one tough sob but I would still follow it up to make sure.
Blood is a good indication, but certainly not the only one. Out of the +-300 kills a year I'm involved with as PH and farm manager, plenty animals are found without ever finding blood. Some are found a couple of days later when I see vultures circling.

Good, solid hits rarely produce any problems. But it's easier to be a little off target than to miss completely. Luckily, lost animals don't happen too often if everyone put in some effort to find it.

In my opinion, trust your PH. They do this every day. A reputable outfit won't charge you unless they are certain it's a hit. They will have to pay the land owner if the animal is found dead later on
I've been in this position in Africa. On an eland no less. Multiple shots taken, and at least one where I was 100% confident of where my crosshairs were pointing at. (see my recent report).

We never found any blood, leakage, hair or anything. Tracked that bull for 2.5 days, until he finally jumped over a boundary cattle fence and just kept going.

I was willing to pay for it, as I was sure that I must have hit him at least once. And I trusted my PH for him to speak the truth and act accordingly. In the end it was considered a miss, and the eland was not added to the bill. I still do not know what happened those 2.5days.
Might have been one of them armour plated eland and you just didn't hear the bullet hit.
@JG26Irish_2 - you raise good points and I agree the animals “reaction” is not reliable to determine a “miss” - because some animals show little or no reaction to being Hit… But when you see an animal “react” - ie: fall down, jump straight up-kick, hump, staggers, limp….that is a Very Good indication of a hit and almost always correct (nothing is 100% - even blood can be from an existing wound). I would always pay very close attention to the animals reaction. As far as paying a trophy fee? Many outfits will use the term “if you draw blood” You PAY.
Once shot a rabbit up the arse with a 30-30 loaded with 125 gn hollow point at around 59 yards. Literally blew one side of the rabbit clean off. Found him about a foot down his burrow with only one bag leg a front led with some ribs and skin holding it together and an intact head
You can't judge an animals will to escape even when mortal hits are taken by them.
My best whitetail buck was years ago at maybe 40 yards. I shot him broadside, double lungs with a .375 H&H and a 300 grain Sierra hand load. I pulled the trigger and he never flinched. He stood there and I jacked another shell in. I stood there and thought there was no way I could have missed. He finally did go on a short death run with me not firing again.
One of the best bucks with a crossbow was not much different. He just never went on a death run. He walked around a little until his legs got wobbly and he collapsed.
Some time it is much easier to tell then others as far as a hit.
@K E Johnson
I've seen animals fall over dead with a shot that normally would worry them and I have seen others soak up multiple rounds that gave no indication of being hit. Just wandered around until the brain finally got the message that something was not how it should be.

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Hello Tom: I saw your post about having 11 Iphisi's for sale. I have been thinking about one. I am also located in Virginia. Do you have photos of the availables to share? My email is [redacted]

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Natural Bridge, Virginia