Personally no I had a single shot turkey gun for a while and ended up in a bare knuckle fight with a turkey. I am not interested in repeating this performance with larger game. It’s your life though so live it on your terms.
Well said. The Ruger no 1 is a great rifle, but ranges from 22 hornet to 450/400 etc. I have a Jeffery 450/400 3” falling block, and the barrel weight, stock design etc just make it more pleasant to shoot.I would definitely use a single shot for buffalo. My problem would be in finding the right single shot. IMO, Ruger number ones have a poor stock design and are typically too light in heavy calibers. Those that are heavy enough gain their weight through wall thickness instead of barrel length taking away the sleek appearance a single shot should have.
To me, a heavy caliber single shot should have a twenty six inch barrel of medium wall thickness, a well designed stock with a large butt, and a proper recoil pad. Ruger came oh so close.
That would be stupid with any rifle