Teach your kids to be resilient, to challenge themselves and to not be afraid to step out of their comfort zone. You have already taken them to Africa. The pinnacle of sport hunting on this Earth. If they liked it they will return and you will not be able to stop them. Take care of yourself, your health and build strong relationships and when they go, they will likely invite you to accompany them.
When my kids each got their drivers permit, I made it a requirement that before they were allowed to test for their drivers license, they must learn to drive a stick shift and must complete three SCCA auto-x events so they could learn how to steer into skids, find the limits of their car and brake at maximum efficiency. It was also a great confidence booster. From that experience, my son was tossed the keys to a Lotus and told to go out and find me and take me for a ride. My daughter was tossed the keys to a 1956 Bentley road racer that was both valuable and very rare. She took me for a ride in this open roadster laughing all the way. After my son's 2nd auto-x race he was driving his little sisters home from piano claase with me in the passenger seat. he hit a patch of well hidden pea gravel in the apex of a tight off camber turn and his car skidded, and he instinctively steered into the skid and recovered without my intervention at all. I smiled and praised his quick thinking and commented that it looks like the SCCA race experience was helping. His look of complete confidence and satisfaction was priceless.
I taught them all to shoot. When my daughter brought home her 1st boyfriend in high school he was a little short kid who loved Call of Duty shoot em up video games. After he had been hanging around for a few weeks, I said, It is time we take your beau shooting some real guns. His face turned ashen, lol. We loaded up and went to one of our private ranges and tested, FAL, Rem 700 in 223, 1911 in 45acp, M16 full auto, AK47 and a few others. We shot pumpkins, targets and I showed him how to hit a pop can at 400y with the precision rifle. My daughter shot every gun he did and out shot him with every one. Even those she had never handled before. She is very competitive and almost fearless. It was not too long before she kicked him to the curb for someone more worthy. Good girl. My son gravitated to racing cars but my daughter had no interest. To each his or her own.