how much space do you need?
I had a "wineador" for a long time.. I went a cheaper route though..
I bought s amall wine-cooler off of Craigslist for $25.. it was literally brand new and still in the box.. a lady got it for Christmas and didnt want it..
It wasnt huge.. it was a simple 12 bottle cooler.. but that was more than enough to hold 200+ sticks..
I then had these guys make me some custom drawers and trays for about $125:
This was almost 15 years ago.. before NewAir was making readymade wine-adors..
It was an AWESOME humidor.. I just outgrew it pretty quickly and ended up graduating to my first cabinet humidor in less than a year.. I kept the wineador for several more years though.. It wasnt "pretty" like the cabinet.. and it didnt hold as much.. but from a temp and humidity control point of view, it was the best humidor I've ever owned.. so I used it to keep my stash of "good stuff".. and my "daily smokes" went into the cabinet for several years (ultimately I graduated into a much larger cabinet.. the one I have now holds about 2,000 sticks.. and I just put everything in there)..
The biggest advantage for me wasnt the temp control (although Im guessing temp control would be a huge attractant for you in AZ).. my house pretty much stays 70 - 71 degrees year round..
What the wine coolers are incredibly good at is retaining humidity.. The doors seal exceptionally well, and the inside is basically sealed plastic box.. Throw in all the spanish cedar for the shelves and drawers.. and you have about as perfect of a stabilized humidity environment as you could ever find..