Nice to read through some of the comments here, seems good old fashioned reputations count for a lot.
I do however think PHASA membership is over rated and has become a marketing tool instead of a guarantee. Here is my reasoning, the PH in PHASA stands for Professional Hunter, not Outfitter. The moment these two separate entities are grouped as one you are heading down a road of conflicting interest, further more if you leave the balance of power in the hands of one entity you have a lopsided representation of what really matters. The objectives of a PH and Outfitter are not always the same, this is even more complicated if you consider that in SA you have to be one to become another, many clients see the Outfitter as a progression from PH level, yes many Outfitters still PH, but many more use PH's instead of hunting with clients themselves. Back to PHASA, If say a PH hunts for a PHASA Outfitter and said Outfitter is not doing things the way they should be done to whom does he report PHASA? How long will the above PH conduct hunts for any PHASA Outfitter? It is a counterproductive setup, my opinion is that you have a employer running the union, good for no one except the employer. PHASA relies on membership fees and numbers, just like any other organisation, so more PH's means more money, what would have been better (again my opinion) is that PHASA should have a grading system or training system outside the normal PH requirements, example: Two guys pass the PH exams both with the same experience both with the same pass mark, one joins PHASA the other does not, is he any better qualified to hunt with clients? As for the "at least you have a guarantee with a PHASA member" there are discussions on AH that clearly shows that is not the case, some even noting PHASA has not helped them after 3 years, or PHASA has not replied. Any organisation were you buy membership without being screened or checked up on only means as much as your own honesty, integrity and ability allows. Bad Outfitters and PH's belong to PHASA too, its good PR and part of their scam.
That being said, PHASA does do good work and there are many great Outfitters and PH's that have a passion for hunting that belong to PHASA. There is only one thing that almost always guarantees a client is getting the best he can and that is a good reputation gained through hard work and success.