Who would or would not hunt with another member from the site

My idea of this hunt happening would have ground rules in place to get everyone on the same page. Having fun would happen for everyone but rules would be in place to stop things from getting to far. Most outfitters have the rules in place already to stop must things that could cause problems.

Having a drink or two at night or after a great day hunting is no problem for must. This kind of hunt would be focused on getting hunters together and maybe some new blood in to a hunting camp in Africa. I myself enjoyed the 3 guys with me who had never been there before and just watching them take it all in was fun for me.

The goal for me would be having others there to have fun hunting with. Give guys a chance at some better prices being a big group. Also to have some new guys mixed in the group who the group idea would help them maybe finally go and try Africa.

+1 I've been hunting for over 40 years. I've guided professionally in South Texas and the Hill country of TX. I've also shared quite a few camps with total strangers. I have been on multiple deer leases over the years and for the last 20yrs, with a group of 14 very diverse guys. I can count on one hand the times that guys over indulged and got belligerent. It does happen, but rarely. 99.9% of the PH's in Africa or else where, are extremely professional and can handle these rare instances. (Jaco just had to deal with one of these extreme cases a few months ago.) It is a valid concern, but one that should not deter anyone from participating in a opportunity like the one being discussed. I have not, and never will, have the opportunity to meet all of the members on AH but the ones that I have at the AH gatherings and at the various shows would be welcome in my camp anytime. I really don't think the issue would arise on one of these trips. I am one that looks forward to a couple of sundowners at the end of the day after a hard day of hunting. To me, that's a special part of a safari. Most that are fortunate to make a safari want to experience everything possible and are already in a fantastic mood. (My wife claims whenever the plane lands in Africa, I turn into a different person. She says the kind of smile I have is only on my face when in Africa) Point is, don't let the rare chace of this senario happening keep anyone from experiencing Africa.

I write this because if something like a AH hunt is ever put together, it would probably be utilized more by the members that have not gone on their first safari yet and are a little hestitant in taking the first trip by themselves. Those of us that have been a few times probably forget how intimidating all the overload of "what to do" can be. While this concern may be valid, I would hate for it to deter someone from realizing their dream. My two cents.
My wife claims whenever the plane lands in Africa, I turn into a different person. She says the kind of smile I have is only on my face when in Africa

Yours too eh?
........Plus if I am making the deals they will be saving more then a few bucks ..........

Bill, now you are talking about being an agent for a group and arranging a hunt for them and making promises of cheaper hunts.

Your original question is about hunting with another/or other member(s) of AH.

I write this because if something like a AH hunt is ever put together, it would probably be utilized more by the members that have not gone on their first safari yet and are a little hestitant in taking the first trip by themselves. Those of us that have been a few times probably forget how intimidating all the overload of "what to do" can be. While this concern may be valid, I would hate for it to deter someone from realizing their dream. My two cents.

Given that thought. What do you see this collaboration looking like?

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There are certainly people/members on this forum I would hunt with both Outfitters and Hunters.

I couldn't agree more, I have hunted with Members of the forum before as well as in camps with complete strangers and have had no major issues at all. However the a-hole risk is real and knowing what you are getting into would be a wise thing given the option.

The other issue that may arise is hunting territory. If large enough no problem, however, if I were restricted and confined because of it, that would not work for me. It is one thing to share limited country with a close friend or freinds and another all together to do it with a complete stranger. You are paying a lot of money to hunt and handicapping yourself in that way does not make sense.

If conditions were favorable I would certainly share a camp with any of the regulars on here and am sure I would have a great time. Done right I would be game to share a camp with almost anyone.
Bill, now you are talking about being an agent for a group and arranging a hunt for them and making promises of cheaper hunts.

Your original question is about hunting with another/or other member(s) of AH.

No not being any kind of agent at all. If I make plans to go and let guys come with on the deal I make it is up to me. I share the saving I make don't just keep them to myself.

Pretty common knowledge anyone can get a better rate the more hunters there are in the group. Don't make more out of what I am saying because you think something else.
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Given that thought. What do you see this collaboration looking like?

Have been working on doing something like this for a few month but a lot of things to address to make it work right. More to it then you would think to pull it off.
Have been working on doing something like this for a few month but a lot of things to address to make it work right. More to it then you would think to pull it off.
I can only imagine what it would take to pull it off for just one person. Then you start adding in other people coming from all sorts of destinations wanting something different in their safari then the problems become exponential as opposed to just doubling or tripling or whatever the case may be. I am guessing that it would be a massive undertaking to get everyone lined up for a group that is relatively unknown to each other.
I can only imagine what it would take to pull it off for just one person. Then you start adding in other people coming from all sorts of destinations wanting something different in their safari then the problems become exponential as opposed to just doubling or tripling or whatever the case may be. I am guessing that it would be a massive undertaking to get everyone lined up for a group that is relatively unknown to each other.

Once a destination is determined that destination has what it has on offer.
Members can choose to sign up or not, like any other offer.
It would just add the dimension of AH Membership into the mix.
I have organised a feral Camel hunting trip for five other hunters. It cost them nothing but a share of food and the cost of travel for them to come. Two came from London. I had only met two (Aussies) before but all were members of various hunting forums. It took approx 12 months to put together with multiple emails and phone calls. Being free range with no facilities it took a lot of planning.

It was one of, if not the best hunting trips I have ever had. I didn't shoot anything till the last day after everyone had shot multiple animals. I worked hard to get everyone onto at least one camel. One of the poms had spent 30K pounds on three continents trying to shoot a true free range feral pig and got two the first morning. He could have gone home then and there.

One guy turned out to be a moronic, right wing, conservative nutter with only one view of the world, his own. But you get that.

Would I do it again ? Possibly. When you have a fantastic trip you always run the risk of ruining it the next time.
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The hunting planning is the easy part as like brickburn said the area is what it is if you sign on for a hunt like that. The hardest part is making it as easy on the outfitter as possible when it comes to everyone getting in to be picked up and then leaving. I think a group trip would get to show how easy it is to really get to go to Africa to some new guys. I am talking south Africa also.
One guy turned out to be a moronic, right wing, conservative nutter with only one view of the world, his own. But you get that.


Is he still on a Walkabout in the Northern Territory? ;)
Is he still on a Walkabout in the Northern Territory? ;)
No. This was in western Qld. on 660,000 low fenced acres. He is entitled to his views but there was no consideration shown for the others in the party. He's probably the same everywhere. :Dead:
Once a destination is determined that destination has what it has on offer.
Members can choose to sign up or not, like any other offer.
It would just add the dimension of AH Membership into the mix.
Totally agree Brickburn. All I was saying is that everyone is different and wants different things for a safari. Getting people on board for the same hunt will be another challenge and then someone wanting to change animals will have to be discussed. Just a dynamic that has to be considered.
Totally agree Brickburn. All I was saying is that everyone is different and wants different things for a safari. Getting people on board for the same hunt will be another challenge and then someone wanting to change animals will have to be discussed. Just a dynamic that has to be considered.

Outfitters have to deal with individual choices every day.
Just like heading to Vegas: Get your own room, walk the convention how you like, get together, celebrate, tell lies as late as you like. (or not) Do it again.
It seems to me that is is quite simple to post "looking at July 2016 with xxxx, love to see other AHers there". And then say to PH " i have solicoted the troops. Let me know if you get more bookings". Hopefully, Mr PH will make it fair and right with the gang. If one of the gang is a drunk that is up to PH to keep his house in order. He/she is a client like any other.

When I went moose hunting last fall I basically advertised the fact and hoped to see someone. Alas, no one was there to watch me get lost and not fill my tag...in retrospect probably a good thing .
Here is how I did it last time for the group. Got the day rate for hunting 2x1 or 1x1 for a group of 4 or more. We then got a pricelist on animals that everyone had for prices. Everyone was free to hunt anything they wanted on the list.

I did get a list of animals from each guy so the outfitter would have some idea what would be hunted by each guy. If other animals want to be taken by a hunter he was free to do so. The list was more to see what guys may want to hunt. Also so the outfitter would know just in case a few guys wanted some of the harder to get animals . Must outfitters can handle a group of 6 each wanting impala or blue wildebeest but a group wanting 6 eland would be dam hard to do and would not work well really.

The trick is to make sure the rules are in place to stop any problems from happening. Some basic ones are a coin flip decides who had first chance to hunt that day. Then the next day it is the other hunters chance to hunt. That means if the first guy wants a kudu your going to hunt kudu.

If by chance you come across another animal the first hunter still has the choice if he wants to take it. If he decide to pass on it the other hunter can take it. Hunting 2x1 you just dont pass on a trophy size animal that is on someone list. Then you just go back to hunting org. animal. The next day no matter what happen or what animals are taken the next hunter goes after his animal. Only way the rules change is if the hunter who's turn it is wants to switch it back to the other hunter.

This way it is just luck of the day when anyone gets a trophy. Could be day 1 when the kudu is found could be day 4 but it is just how it would happen not planned out for anyone guy.

Now if your hunting 1 x1 the rules would not matter.

All the rest of the stuff like food and lodging would be the same way the outfitter always does it. His rules in camp are his rules if it is one guy or 10.
I personally think its a great idea and a great way to meet new folks. I would at least want the internet/email relationship first so that you have some idea of what you are getting into. This would work especially well for those times when the wife isn't traveling and you can spend your time socializing and BSing with the guys. (Not that the wife doesn't do that herself or allow me too, but sometimes you have to experience Africa in other ways too..............)
Always interested in meeting like minded people and comparing notes.
However, I'm not interested in bashing around the bush in close proximity with some unknown person who, is also carrying a very powerful rifle.
In other words, at the camp fire and around the dinner table / breakfast table I'd probably be OK, even possibly with someone who had a drinking problem but, 2x1 hunting with someone I just met would definitely not interest me.
To be honest, the 2x1 style of hunting does not appeal to me, even with the people who I am most familiar with - relatives and/or friends since childhood types.
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EC HUNTING SAFARIS wrote on MarcoPani's profile.
Happy Birthday, from Grahamstown, South Africa.
I hope your day is great!
EC HUNTING SAFARIS wrote on Ilkay Taskin's profile.
Happy Birthday from Grahamstown, South Africa! I hope you have a great day!
Cheers, Marius
idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID