Who to take?

On both of my hunts, I was the hunter and my wife as an observer (didn’t pursue the game with me) in Zim and my brother was along as a photographer in Namibia (did shoot a cow eland… the only animal he’s ever shot).
I’d like to do a 2x2 or 3x3 hunt. Hunt separately or to together when we want and still share dinner, sundowners and the fire in the evening.
For African hunting I prefer just 1 client per PH, heck with 2 trackers, driver, parks ranger and possibly a videographer the truck is already full. ;)

I have been in camps with just me and also with another hunter. I prefer to be the only one in the camp. I can socialize with strangers on other adventures.
I’d be interested what PHs think is perfect group size. I’m thinking one no more than two from some stories I’ve heard. I’ve heard stories where the group hunts put significant pressure on PH because all persons in the group aren’t necessarily friends and insist on getting bigger trophies than the others in their group.
Assuming we are speaking about big game, then I hate hunting two on one. When my son accompanies, we always hunt with our own guide or PH. If he is not along, then I prefer to hunt by myself. I can deal with someone else in camp, though that has included two over the years that were too drunk to be tolerable (one a Russian), and a couple of those loud, arrogantly inexperienced know it alls who should have been encouraged to sunbathe on the banks of the Zambezi rather than ruin everyone's evening around the fire. I would observe they were both Yankees with one of those accents, but that is likely unfair. :unsure:

Bird hunting, quail, pheasant, or waterfowl is a far more social experience that I also enjoy. But it has to be the right people who I know well.

My spouse, a non-hunter, does travel with me on most European hunts, but that is because the hunt is typically short and we spend the remainder of our time playing tourist (which I also enjoy).
Last time, it was only my wife and I.

Time before, it was my wife, my best friend, and I.

I would have to be 99% sure that everyone was of "like-mind" and had exactly the same expectations, ethics, and camp behavior, before I would go even consider forming or going with a group to Africa to hunt.

I might go down to 95%, if the trip was to a South African ranch, where everyone could split-up and be somewhat independent with their own PH.

I've gone to 80% on fishing trips, where there is not so much at stake.

I would absolutely NOT go on a hunting safari to a remote location with anyone that I had less than 99% confidence in.
I will go 2x1 to Africa with my best friend, wife, and my son.

No-one else, so far.
@mdwest - Please correct me if I'm wrong...

Although these hunts are technically "group" hunts...the TX hunting done from stands has maybe 2 hunters and a guide in the stand and the SA couples each hunt with their own PH. So these would almost be 1x1 or 2x1 hunts where at the end of the day the whole group can get together and share your experiences around a fire.

That sounds like an awesome hunting experience and would be one of the exceptions I was talking about in my previous post.

BTW - Thank you for taking time to support our veterans.

Youre correct.. The TX hunts are 1 hunter (no guide) in a stand... occasionally we'll get a new hunter in the group.. when that happens I, or one of the more experienced hunters will go out with the new guy and sit in the stand with him and take him through the entire process until his deer is quartered and in the walk in cooler..

So there are 12 of us sharing camp for several days.. enjoying the fire, the meals, etc together.. but during hunting hours each of us are largely on our own...

In SA, it depends.. typically my wife and I hunt 2x1.. we prefer it that way.... but we've had individual hunters in the group(s) that 1x1... and when we have had our daughter hunting with us we've technically been 3x1.. but all 3 of us don't get out on a stalk.. one of the adults stays behind in the truck while the other gets out with the PH and the teen to do the stalk..

We're taking the teen with us to Argentina in a couple of months for bird hunting.. I'll be on my own with a bird boy.. mom and daughter will 2x1 with a bird boy and hunt side by side while there..
To me, there's nothing better than hunt with your good old Buddy - a chance I have sometimes.
One of my best friends, and the best hunting partner I could ask for, is my "Brother in Hunting" Steve - but we live in two different Continent, so indeed is a very rare chance.
Anyway, a party of two well tuned, very focused, well prepared good friends is hard to beat.
I prefer to go to Africa alone. Hunting is a way of life for me not a pastime. I enjoy unique adventure, hardship, and so enjoy just being in Africa. Sometimes the animal wins and that is fine with me. When I book a hunt a couple years in advance i know i will show up without fail, it is not a competition with other hunters, my first safari decades ago i went with a friend who continually put himself first and was grumpy when things did not go his way. I am too easygoing for that arrangement. I just enjoy Africa
My wife is a nonhunter and in recent years has gone with me she has her own PH, vehicle crew, sight sees and birdwatches. Occasionally my son or daughter go with me. West Africa can be a tougher environment and sometimes there may be others sharing camp when you get there. I get by with that. South African ranch/lodge hunting is not my thing but I get by fine. My own tented bush camp and a first class PH is home for me. I do not like to worry about friends from home getting there and how they may cope with my campi. Fifty years annually traveling over Africa this is how I am comfortable.
It never gets old (in a macro sense) hunting solo, but it's also very enjoyable to have good friends in camp after each day, and to help make sure the pot is on each morning. Several times we've done hunts where we hired a camp, and then did 99% of the guiding and hunting ourselves. Everyone knows they can do their own thing, take a break and head to town, stay out later, break for lunch, and nobody gets too worked up. It keeps the expectations on the level for everyone. This may or may not be as feasible on a transcontinental hunt, but it works great for hunting NA, if you find a good outfitter that's happy to sign the back of the check and leave you be.
I feel like one is the ideal number for a hunting party.

This goes along with the “Why not Africa?”thread. I haven’t had much luck getting friends or family interested and I’m not worrying convincing others to come with me.

I enjoy going to camp and having camaraderie and help when needed. Even with the ranch here in Texas, I can’t get communication about simple things like the air conditioner and game cameras. Much less going halfway across the world.

The more little things are a problem, the less I want to be involved with others.
The only person I'm currently considering taking with me to Africa is my son. He and I have been hunting together since he was 4. Once he was old enough, typically we go our separate ways during the day, but the time together in camp is priceless. He and I could hunt 2x1.
The earlier years hunting with my now ex-FIL and his cronies, and then with my former boss and a bunch of other guys, I learned hunting camp requires a better bond than just going to someone's BBQ. These days I'm fairly particular about who gets invited. Don't think I'd be up for 2x1 hunting with someone I just met. Meeting new people in camp at the end of the day would probably be ok, depending on the individuals.
The only person I'm currently considering taking with me to Africa is my son. He and I have been hunting together since he was 4. Once he was old enough, typically we go our separate ways during the day, but the time together in camp is priceless. He and I could hunt 2x1.
The earlier years hunting with my now ex-FIL and his cronies, and then with my former boss and a bunch of other guys, I learned hunting camp requires a better bond than just going to someone's BBQ. These days I'm fairly particular about who gets invited. Don't think I'd be up for 2x1 hunting with someone I just met. Meeting new people in camp at the end of the day would probably be ok, depending on the individuals.
You’ll never find a better partner to hunt Africa with than your son. In 2019, I took my son on his first buffalo hunt. He shot 2 bulls over 10 days, the 2nd one after the sun had set on our final day. As we were leaving camp the next day, he hugged me tightly, thanked me for making an incredible experience possible and told me if I ever took him to Africa again, he’d be happy to hunt nothing but buffalo in the future. I’m taking him to the Selous next August and he’ll be hunting buffalo again. We’ll be going 2x1 with Alan Vincent, who is a long time friend. My son has known Alan his entire life, but this is the first time they’ll be hunting together.

This is what you have to look forward to…

From an outfitter/ph/hunter point of view

As an outfitter phive seen it all. We handle single clients up to groups of 18 people
I have noticed some trends
Never hada single european client, they always come in groups. Wether it be family or just hunters/friends
Usa clients mostly come alone sometimes 2 hunters together

Always remember the hunt is up to the client u can be in a group of 10 but have a ph to yourself.

As long as people are hunting i am happy. Happiest when kids are hunting

As a hunter i could hunt alone and have done it but wouldnt be my first choice. The commaraderie in evening around the fire in evenings is almost as valuable as the times walking in the bush. They go hand in hand

In 11 trips I brought my wife and youngest son once, and my 2 sons once and one hunt with another hunter that went well. I much preferred by myself, though I’m planning a trip with both sons again. I really don’t like multiple clients in camp. At home I’ve hunted 50 years by mysel.
If it’s a large African hunting area, I don’t mind sharing a camp with another hunter I do not know if he is pleasant around the campfire. I did have one negative experience in Mozambique with a guy who was obviously attracted to my wife. I’m used to it and always take such comments as a compliment. However, this guy kept it up too long and said something to us about halfway through the trip that caused me to have a rather one-sided private conversation with him! He wasn’t a problem after that, apologized profusely and it didn’t ruin our trip.

I have my own trophy size standards so I am not competitive and enjoy seeing what the other hunter and his PH bring in for trophies. In my experience in the industry in North America for 31 years, the competitive guy that’s always uptight about getting a bigger animal than everyone else usually fails because it’s bad karma. I have my own personal trophy standards (usually fairly high based on research) set before the trip and if someone gets an animal larger than mine, I am truly happy for them. However, I have been around clients and friends that are not that way so I avoid hunting with them.

I have also done solo trips and with a good PH, that’s been fun as well. On my recent safari in Zambia, I invited my parents and arranged to have the camp all to ourselves without any other hunters. In Botswana in 2021, I was the only hunter in camp. For me, it just depends on the area and situation. I don’t have any hard and fast rules.
Leaving for RSA in a few days with four hunters, one is European Rep for our Outfitter, known him for 12 yeras, hunted in RSA and Spain, next is an outstanding taxidermist which I have also known for many years, both great guys to have around the campfire, the other two hunters, I haven´t met, but I´m certain we´ll have a great time.
I traveled alone on 4 of my 5 African hunts. Had a good friend with his wife and teenage son on one trip, which worked out ok. I'm going solo in Australia next year for water buff.
I was fortunate to meet a couple in camp in 2018 that were fun to hang out with and we have met in the same camp two other times, but this year the outfitter booked four other hunters into camp while we were there. Camp felt crowded and I didn't find the 4 newcomers to be good company in camp.

Having said all that, I would hunt with @KevinPeacock, but only if he will let me drive his vintage Rover. LOL
I enjoy hunting 2 on 1. I get as much (well nearly) of a buzz out of watching a good stalk as partaking in one. On all my previous trips to Africa I have gone with a group of 4.
I enjoy the camaraderie in the evening recounting the days goings on. A good whiskey and cigar help.
However you have to choose your travelling companions carefully. 24 hours getting there, another 24 getting back and then you have a week together all at the lodge. If personalities clash it can be difficult.
group hunts are just to noisy for me. some people just can't shot up and enjoy the the peace and quiet and hunt.

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idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID
African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?