Which is the best game meat?

Mrs Sika98k cooks up a magnificent steak from either the back straps or haunch of the Sika I hunt. In Africa the best I have eaten has been Oryx in Namibia. I ate whale in Norway, it was pretty damn good also.
Venison from Roe deer is good. It is the main game meat I eat. Have eaten jackdawns and crows in a pie, it was good. Have some Fox meat in the freezer, haven't eaten it yet.
Well Bob, that's because it's awesome!
(I so wanted to write something about it being "people flavored"!):ROFLMAO:

G'day Cam,

I must admit, I have told a little white lie, because a few years ago, I ate my words, when the Canadian bacon started being marinated in Maple Syrup, I did start purchasing Canadian bacon again, after all, how could I resist (y):ROFLMAO:

The whole marinating thing has really taken off over the last few years, which is a good thing. (y)

Really funny video This dogs loves bacon The Maple Kind!


Sable, eland, gems buck, spring buck, zebra, impala, bush buck.

Anything such as blesbuck or beast in the name is good for wors, mince biltong and dry wors.
IDK @IvW ...... Tyron and Annemarie @Moretla Safaris made homemade Blesbok burgers, and to this day, I think that may be the best burger I've ever had!
Venison from Roe deer is good. It is the main game meat I eat. Have eaten jackdawns and crows in a pie, it was good. Have some Fox meat in the freezer, haven't eaten it yet.

Fox?? Are you kidding ????
Fox?? Are you kidding ????

No, not kidding. Some Swiss hunters eat it, they call it fuchspfeffer.

Here is a video from Deutsche Jagdzeitung.

Thinking about it to experiment with it this weekend.
If I shoot it I will try to eat it
I think they must have had more wine than they cooked with!:D Drunk: :LOL: I'm also wondering how good something can be if you gotta cook tree branches with it! :Wtf: And I wonder if when they were done they did another home taxidermy job like that fox in the video?? :E Lol:
I think they must have had more wine than they cooked with!:D Drunk: :LOL: I'm also wondering how good something can be if you gotta cook tree branches with it! :Wtf: And I wonder if when they were done they did another home taxidermy job like that fox in the video?? :E Lol:

I always cook with wine, sometimes even adding it to the food :whistle:;)
Ok so so e will eat fox. I’ll skip that thanks.
Late to the party but I have to say Eland, then Wildebeest, then a surprise and then Sable. I wasn't a massive fan of the Impala and, perhaps because of how it was cooked the Zebra was far too sweet for me. The surprise was Bush pig ribs! My goodness that was tasty! I asked the PH if we could try them, he laughed and said sure, why not but no promises! Well after that he went around to all the other farms asking them to try and guess what it was. It was hilarious,nobody guessed bush pig! I had a ton of good laughs!
Still no mention of sable by anyone? As soon as these road restrictions lift we will be testing that one out, cant wait.

I tried Sable last year when I was hunting in South Africa.
It was served two ways. I liked both and I went back for a second serve.
One way was served as a crumbed fillet the other as a braai grilled fillet served with a white onion sauce.
Both were delicious.

Sounds delicious, I would have had seconds too. I really like the idea of venison schnitzel, the thinned out cuts, even if flattened with a tenderising mallet, let all the flavour concentrate between those crum blankets. Cooked onion is a great accompaniment to game, and the third leg of that taste stool is a good rich merlot.
WARTHOG - Hind quarter, pierced and filled with cloves of garlic that are wrapped in pieces of streaky bacon, basted with Shisanyama spices, light rub of coarse salt and ground black pepper. Slowwwly grilled until meat is about to fall off the bone (not to forget to be soaked in a rich red wine)...for added flavour even better in a drum smoker.
For those in the know, best as “sadza and point”
Die Jager, whatever you do, don't aim at a skunk!
Can't remember if I replied to this thread previously or not, but I'll give an updated assessment in my opinion.

First opinion: every meat is amazing IF YOU KNOW HOW TO COOK just as every sized hammer is useful for the right application.

My favorite meat in North America:

Black Bear - Braised in wine with a traditional short rib recipe it is sweet and tender, probably my favorite gourmet meal. Ground with a bit of pork and a traditional German Spice Mix it makes the very best bratwursts I've ever had in my life. (I'm from WI, so I've had hundreds of Brat recipes)

Agriculture Land Hunted Whitetail Deer - It's awesome. We eat it 3 nights a week. We go through 4-5 deer a year until we run out. As long as all fat is removed and as long as its cooked medium rare or rare, no game taste. Ground Venison makes the best ground taco meat ever with none of the orange grease of beef. Raw Carpaccio is exquisite with capers, lemon, shallots, and champagne vinegar.

Wild Pig (Sow) - If its a sow and it came from an oak area where they are eating acorns, its friggin' amazing like Bellota Ham from Spain. Nutty and tender, just awesome. (this is not Texas feral hog from the swamps my friends)

Elk - Needs no explanation.

My favorites from Africa:

Impala - As much as kudu gets the love, I think its no better than impala, we just think its better because the trophy is more impressive. Impala is a fantastic steak. The liver is the mildest of any game liver I've ever had and makes a great lightly breaded and fried appetizer. (if you hate liver, you'll love Impala liver anyway)

Cape Buffalo - Not the steaks, the bones! Braised Osso Bucco or Oxtail is just incredible. Tender. Better than beef.

Bushbuck - Bushbuck marrow on garlic bread is one of the best meals I've ever had in my life.

Zebra - Yes, zebra is damned weird tasting but its quite good. Pounded tender and made into schnitzel, its flavor is unique and quite fun. Its as strange as describing lamb/goat to a beefeater, but strange in a whole different direction.

Elephant - It's stringy and long-fiber just like beef brisket. As such, slow-cooked it has a mild and unique flavor.

Hippo - The steaks are pretty good to remarkably good. Definitely something that should not be wasted.

Sandgrouse - Great upland bird flavor!

Francolin - The only white-meat poultry in all of Africa. Pretty good stuff, similar to Chukhar Partridge in flavor. (wild, not pen raised)

Oryx - It's delicious, but its as plain as tilapia. People that love Oryx like it because they can't cook or they've had poorly prepared game. It has less game flavor than BEEF. It has ZERO scent/smell. It's so understated the most common uses here are to make Tartare, Carpaccio, and cooked rare with as roasts with some sort of reduction sauce.

My favorites from the rest of the world:

Axis Deer - Yeah, its excellent, although very mild.

Red Deer - It's righteous. Just as good as elk.
Black Bear - Braised in wine with a traditional short rib recipe it is sweet and tender, probably my favorite gourmet meal. Ground with a bit of pork and a traditional German Spice Mix it makes the very best bratwursts I've ever had in my life. (I'm from WI, so I've had hundreds of Brat recipes)

G'day Rookhawk
Now that's what I call a response, wow, I enjoyed your comments, and look forward to trying some of the species mentioned.

I will give the offal a miss though :)

Hey, just curious about the black bear, I take it that the meat is delicious out of 'Berry Season' too ?

Thanks for sharing

Rookhawk, you must write a recipe book! One of us must collate all the best recipes from this thread, Ill ask @Callie Anne Cooks if she would be willing to take it on.

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I am game for a meat and eat. My attempt at humor.
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