I have never eaten African game. That said Caribou from the NWT diced and made into a sandwich (Inuit recipe) has been my favorite game meat, to date. Am I the only one that thinks southern whitetail venison is just not that good (steak form)?
I have had North Carolina and Tennessee deer.
First off deer is not beef or pork or chicken.
I'll say this about southern (US) venison: It is all in what the deer have been dieting on.....Then it comes down to who and how...cooking and seasoning, marinating, and wood and/or charcoal when grilling or BBQing the meat.
Very import lesson learned (the hard way).....never ever under any circumstances use drift wood for a cook fire!
Sadly to say, I have cooked my share of...not so very tasty deer and goose, (mainly trying different recipes, and over cooking and cooking goose to quickly).
Then again I have cooked more than a fair share of the best deer and goose to rival the great chefs.
To put a perspective on your question:
Grain fed deer as grain fed beef is better than grass fed beef and acorn, grass fed deer.
Meat its whats for supper! ....breakfast, lunch, between meal snacks.