Certainly Luvthunt,
First off, nice to make your acquaintance and an internet handshake to you.
6 capes, 2 lions, 1 leopard, 3 elephants, about 50 head of plains animals , 4 moose, 10 or 11 bears, many deer, ,100's of pigs, ground hogs, 2 wild dogs, a turkey, a skunk and one giant alligator gar in Port Arkansas Texas.
One of the elephants I shot was a backup kill because my friends 375 wasn't cutting the mustard ant the other two were killed because they ate crops and stepped on a few people.
And for the life of me, why I shot the fish is still a mystery to me,but I am pretty sure that if ABC was there it would have made one hell of a episode of the Wide, Wide World of Sports.
My go to 458 is. An FN with a very thin barrel, a thumbhole plyeood stock with a wellhammer palm swell and a bevertail forend that has been extremely lightened and epoxy and carbon finger vac bagged, qd rings with a low power scope with illumination. Big easy to see sights with a sling mount to the barrel where it belongs.
.........and bullets of my own design and making that actually work .