Which Buffalo Would You shoot?

If I had to choose, it's the one on the right for me. I have always liked the look of a mature wide bull. Maybe with a few more years of growth he would look something like this bull I photographed in the Klaserie Reserve in South Africa several years ago. That said I would always defer to my PH for their advice.

Africa 2013 Goat-7297.jpg
Both buffalo are fairly young and should be given a few more years. But, if I was going to shoot one of them, it’d be the one on the left. The one on the right is simply too young. He’s barely past having a soft boss and I doubt he’s more than seven. The one on the right might be nine, but I doubt he’s much older than that.

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We have been very busy hunting! Lots of pictures and videos in process!

expoB wrote on Ontario Hunter's profile.
Total con artist! Bradley Joseph Clemens!
expoB wrote on Ontario Hunter's profile.
Regarding Senga Senga. Brad Clemens. Do your research with him. He owes people money…took deposits, no hunt! Two words, for anyone who wants to hire him…..background check. His character shows and this character follows every aspect of his life. Not to be trusted at all!
Grandpa Moose wrote on Ontario Hunter's profile.
Thanks for the advice/help. Hope the kids get a good plug from my mis post. Rain like crazy here