What is the world coming to?

steve white

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Feb 9, 2018
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Well, it's not the END of the world, but since I have had a Cabela's credit card for nigh on 25 years, I thought they could trust me. My card was denied three times today for online book purchases. I called and was told that I am 85 cents in arrears. Yes, there was 85 cents left unpaid on a late charge that I took care of. The current month's payment is still in the mail, mailed two days ago, so no help at all they say . Sure, I'm getting forgetful and was late one day on a payment because to my horror I discovered it was in my truck console and two days away from due date. I mailed in a check that day but had no idea that 85 cents in interest was somehow still owed. It is still a bit fuzzy to me where the 85 cents came from. Carrie, Cabela's ID# YZM339 manager seemed nice enough on the phone but dug in her heels for 85 cents! And she said she was a senior finance manager, that there was no one higher to appeal to. I told her I had just read Bill Heavey's book, "You're Not Lost If You Can Still See the Truck" wherein it stated in one of the articles that Cabela's had THE best customer service, even replacing a year old toilet seat "because the wife got tired of looking at the fishing lures embedded in plastic." How that they did that because they wanted to keep loyal customers. "Well, you have an unpaid balance, sir, so we cannot allow the card to be used," was her reply. Even if they allowed it, you can't just put 85 cents on another credit card for payment, can you? In the meantime, I lose a special offer, have to re-order some books--heaven help us if the charges go through and then I re-order, only to have to return one. Just an unnecessary irritation.

I could understand a computer being inhuman, but a Cabela's senior finance manager? Over 85 cents? Only about a day from getting the latest check in the mail? Did it not occur to her she could lose a customer? (They won't but I didn't tell her that) Still, that's all you get after 25 loyal years, except some irritating expired points you don't get back if you don't shop often enough? I'm still just flabbergasted.
No help here but I use the EZ button, online payments. There's too much thievery in the check writing world. An acquaintance got schnookered for five figures because he didn't use a gel pen and used the U.S. mail.
You need to move from paper checks to online banking.....

It sucks.... and I wish we could still pay everything with cash and a paper check ......
Well, it's not the END of the world, but since I have had a Cabela's credit card for nigh on 25 years, I thought they could trust me. My card was denied three times today for online book purchases. I called and was told that I am 85 cents in arrears. Yes, there was 85 cents left unpaid on a late charge that I took care of. The current month's payment is still in the mail, mailed two days ago, so no help at all they say . Sure, I'm getting forgetful and was late one day on a payment because to my horror I discovered it was in my truck console and two days away from due date. I mailed in a check that day but had no idea that 85 cents in interest was somehow still owed. It is still a bit fuzzy to me where the 85 cents came from. Carrie, Cabela's ID# YZM339 manager seemed nice enough on the phone but dug in her heels for 85 cents! And she said she was a senior finance manager, that there was no one higher to appeal to. I told her I had just read Bill Heavey's book, "You're Not Lost If You Can Still See the Truck" wherein it stated in one of the articles that Cabela's had THE best customer service, even replacing a year old toilet seat "because the wife got tired of looking at the fishing lures embedded in plastic." How that they did that because they wanted to keep loyal customers. "Well, you have an unpaid balance, sir, so we cannot allow the card to be used," was her reply. Even if they allowed it, you can't just put 85 cents on another credit card for payment, can you? In the meantime, I lose a special offer, have to re-order some books--heaven help us if the charges go through and then I re-order, only to have to return one. Just an unnecessary irritation.

I could understand a computer being inhuman, but a Cabela's senior finance manager? Over 85 cents? Only about a day from getting the latest check in the mail? Did it not occur to her she could lose a customer? (They won't but I didn't tell her that) Still, that's all you get after 25 loyal years, except some irritating expired points you don't get back if you don't shop often enough? I'm still just flabbergasted.

Hey deadbeat pay the 85 cents…


Credit card companies basically don’t care anymore. I have 2 cards that I use for one of my companies. The average spend is 50k each (per month) and I use them for the airline travel perks including free flights.
I had fraud on one of the cards that required a card replacement and when I requested the card be expedited out to me was informed that they had no way of doing that. When I mentioned that the cc made its vig on my purchases every month (from transactions fees) and that a FedEx or UPS overnight should be available, I was informed that it was not an option.
Got my new card about 8 days later and haven’t used it in 2 months. No one is going to call me to ask why I’ve stopped using the card.

It’s the business world we live in now.

I might write 1 check a month if even that, all other payments are either automatic transfer or done by me when due. A couple of clicks on the keyboard and it is done. I canceled one of my credit cards years ago just because they wouldn't do bank transfers, their payment had to be a check.

As for a Cabela's CC, Bass Pro took all that money and ran, in my opinion the Cabela's card was one of the reasons that they wanted Cabela's before they ruined them.
Bass Pro has destroyed Cabelas
I make sure to tell them that on every "Would you like to leave feedback" chance I get. I also tell them the "Bass Pro" credit card company is anti-gun. (They have refused and cancelled business accounts for small gun shops in the past)
Cabelas lost me when they were bought out by Bass Pro. I went into a Cabelas up in Montana back 2019 and thought I was in a Bass Pro - cheap clothing store feel. I do as much as I can with online payments. But, still almost forgot to pay my truck insurance the other day. And, State Farm didn't even send me a polite reminder.
Cabelas lost me as a customer when they got bought by BPS. Ditched my cabelas black card and everything. Haven’t ordered anything from there in years. And it’s for reasons such as yours that I left as a customer. They used to be smaller more personal. Now they are just another corporate conglomerate.
I refuse to have a credit card these days.
I use a debit card or pay cash. I also use a credit union and they know me by name when I walk in.

Haven’t shopped at Cabela’s since Bass Pro bought them out.
Well before Bass Pro bought Cabelas out, the stores were in that phase of transformation into a Cabelas I hardly recognized. I went into the shop here in Phoenix one day and they had the guys at the front pushing whatever CC deal they had going. I thought it was a pretty decent deal and signed up for the card then and there, was approved and able to use it immediately.

Somewhere along the line I made a rather large purpose and of course the next months balance reflected this. I jumped online and paid the balance, so all's well that ends well right? Not so fast.

I have a credit monitoring service that I'm sure many here have also. Shortly after paying the balance I got notified by the monitoring service that I had a new credit inquiry. I jumped on this quickly as I knew I had not applied for any loans or credit recently. It turns out that the bank running those Cabelas credit cards decided to run my credit report without my approval. I was not pleased. As many of you I'm sure know, credit inquires can actually lower your credit score. In this case it wasn't likely to as I think it takes a few of them close together to actually lower the score, but it was the point of the matter.

I called the phone number on the card and asked why that had happened? After all I was not applying for new credit with them, I saw no reason for the inquiry. I was told by the bank that when customers have a significant balance and then pay that balance off immediately that it was their normal SOP to run the credit reports on the card holder. I asked why and the answer was that it was a warning sign that the customer may zero out the balance to maximize the available credit ASAP and then quickly run up the balance to the credit limit and then default on paying it. This was their way to check if that was what I was doing with any other lines of credit I had at the time and I guess to protect themselves if that's what I was doing.

Ok, I can see that situation has probably come about. But in the end I was behaving as a good customer, why should my credit score be potentially penalized for paying my bills I asked. The CSR was indignant and it was clear they didn't care. My response was okay, please confirm the balance on the card is zero, which they subsequently did. Great, now cancel the card....."but, but sir, you have to understand that is our policy!" Sorry sir, it is my policy that no one runs my credit score without my knowledge and never for reasons other than if I'm applying for a loan or credit.

Fortunately now the credit monitoring service I use has a feature that allows you to block inquiries. You just have to remember to unlock it when you apply for a new loan or credit. Once the report is pulled, you go back in and lock it back up.
@steve white

It's just another sign of the monopolies that we face as modern Americans; everything from banking, food processing and now even retail stores are being consolidated and with lack of competition comes the attitudes we are not seeing ....... "why offer customer service, do they have any other choice?"
Well, it's not the END of the world, but since I have had a Cabela's credit card for nigh on 25 years, I thought they could trust me. My card was denied three times today for online book purchases. I called and was told that I am 85 cents in arrears. Yes, there was 85 cents left unpaid on a late charge that I took care of. The current month's payment is still in the mail, mailed two days ago, so no help at all they say . Sure, I'm getting forgetful and was late one day on a payment because to my horror I discovered it was in my truck console and two days away from due date. I mailed in a check that day but had no idea that 85 cents in interest was somehow still owed. It is still a bit fuzzy to me where the 85 cents came from. Carrie, Cabela's ID# YZM339 manager seemed nice enough on the phone but dug in her heels for 85 cents! And she said she was a senior finance manager, that there was no one higher to appeal to. I told her I had just read Bill Heavey's book, "You're Not Lost If You Can Still See the Truck" wherein it stated in one of the articles that Cabela's had THE best customer service, even replacing a year old toilet seat "because the wife got tired of looking at the fishing lures embedded in plastic." How that they did that because they wanted to keep loyal customers. "Well, you have an unpaid balance, sir, so we cannot allow the card to be used," was her reply. Even if they allowed it, you can't just put 85 cents on another credit card for payment, can you? In the meantime, I lose a special offer, have to re-order some books--heaven help us if the charges go through and then I re-order, only to have to return one. Just an unnecessary irritation.

I could understand a computer being inhuman, but a Cabela's senior finance manager? Over 85 cents? Only about a day from getting the latest check in the mail? Did it not occur to her she could lose a customer? (They won't but I didn't tell her that) Still, that's all you get after 25 loyal years, except some irritating expired points you don't get back if you don't shop often enough? I'm still just flabbergasted.
@steve white
Unfortunately loyalty means Diddley squat nowadays.
To me the younger generation ( I could be wrong) and computers along with bean counters are more interested in the might dollar than the customer .
I remember when a handshake was a man's bond and mostly he never let you down. Now it's got to be written signed in blood and stored on a cloud so everyone can access it.
Unfortunately in this modern world of business and scammers life has become more difficult.
Wait until the reverse happens. I had a Telco want to refund me one cent and asked what account to put it in when I ceased business with them. I told them they could keep it but no it upset the computer. Never did tell them where to put it but was tempted to not be nice.
The decline of Cabelas started when they first went to publicly traded and got worse when Bass Not-So Pro bought them. The end of summer bargain tent sales from the original Cabelas were the bomb! I have their Credit card but no longer use it, opting to get airline miles with my other card.
Cabelas was a nice retailer when you ordered from that big “Cabelas Bible”. Then the Internet blew up and everyone shopped for the cheapest things.
Why would you even have a Cabelas/ Bass pro card.Better options
When I sold my house back in 2006 in the UK I ended up having to pay in GBP 1.71... they hounded me for a cheque for over a month! I had just completed a GBP 165 000.00 transaction but they needed that (less than $2) to complete the sale etc... their time and effort involved:rolleyes:

ps... to the OP: if you want loyalty, get a dog.

We are all just digital 1's and 0's to the banks.
IMUO, this is the best card now:

If you want fool with "signing up" for 5% cashback every 3 months for different vendors. I use this one:

One year, I made nearly $4,000 in cash back rewards by juggling different cards.

I would not use a card that limits you to "rewards" that have to be used with a specific retailer - miles, etc.

Cash is King!

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