AH ambassador
Speaking of repetitive shots with 7 mm, at lion: this reminds me of story of Ross rifle, 280 Ross, the lion, and mr Grey.
That's the story of my CBL hunt. I didn't feel there was anything "canned" about it. Yes, the bullets I was given were inadequate. Other than that, it was a great experience - and I got it done before the window for importing from South Africa slammed shut.
I can't comment on the legal aspects of the caliber. (I trusted the outfitter and my PH to have that covered - my mistake) If I ever hunt a lion again, it won't be with anything less than a 375 (even if a smaller caliber was legal).
However, Don Heath, former PH and Game Warden in South Africa eventually became a bullet designer for Norma. About 3 - 4 years ago, Norma introduced a line of bullets for dangerous game. To promote the launch of this new line of bullets, they mailed info to all SCI members (at least in the US). It began with Dan Heath describing his personal experience with a lioness. (and I believe he was using 7mm) In any case he also shot the cat 7 times in the chest (sound familiar?). On later examination, after it had charged and broken three of his ribs before being killed, it was found that those frontal shot bullets had disintegrated when they hit the super tense muscles in the lion's chest. That is apparently what also happened in my case and in the case of Donna Boddington.
No, I don't take it personally. I retrospect, I will say that I should have been more assertive and just deferred to the "professionals".I feel like quite a few people have been judgemental and gone way off topic. Don't take it personally, people are passionate and that is good. I think as long as you know what you are paying for and you get it, then it is all good.
I have never seen any bullets break up on a lion as they are not really a tough animal like buffalo.... I have seen a lot of bullets that is too hard for a lion and just zip through them like a solid, this is not good as there is no static shock on the lion and they go very long ways if the shot did not hit the vitals properly.
The bullets they used must have been shot too fast and not of very good quality, I find it really hard to believe that a muscle will break a bullet up.... Also another thing I do not understand is how they could get 7 frontal shots on a lioness without her charging / running away. With my experience and what I do is to try and find another shot angle if I see that the cat is wounded or that the frontal shots are not working. That sir is just my point of view, I understand you are just relating to what you have read and heard.
All my best,
This is the story repeated many times in last 100 years.
Grey was brother of then foreign Secretary of Britain.
Ross, rifle designer himself was well known among Victorian high society.
Ross rifles were winning long range matches at Wimbledon.
So, when mr Grey gets killed by wounded lion, with alleged failure of Ross rifle, media follows.
It was well covered by then news papers.
And then, modernday authors, look for records, this is what they find, and repeat again.
I have seen references to this story, by:
Chuck Hawks
Magazine African Hunting gazette
Terry Wieland
Craig Boddington
- your link as well, etc.
280 Ross was first serious caliber to reach 3000 fps, and story represents problems of high velocities and soft point bullets at close range at big game.
The issue of velocities vs soft points, solved, only later after ww2 with premium bullets invented.
Then modern authors repeat the story all over again, because it is history by now, and good illustration, to the high velocity problems. (repetitio est mater studiorum)
If mr Ross and mr Grey were unknown figures we would not be discussing it now.
Now if I could only get my hands one one of those rifles.....
This is the story repeated many times in last 100 years.
Grey was brother of then foreign Secretary of Britain.
Ross, rifle designer himself was well known among Victorian high society.
Ross rifles were winning long range matches at Wimbledon.
So, when mr Grey gets killed by wounded lion, with alleged failure of Ross rifle, media follows.
It was well covered by then news papers.
And then, modernday authors, look for records, this is what they find, and repeat again.
I have seen references to this story, by:
Chuck Hawks
Magazine African Hunting gazette
Terry Wieland
Craig Boddington
- your link as well, etc.
280 Ross was first serious caliber to reach 3000 fps, and story represents problems of high velocities and soft point bullets at close range at big game.
The issue of velocities vs soft points, solved, only later after ww2 with premium bullets invented.
Then modern authors repeat the story all over again, because it is history by now, and good illustration, to the high velocity problems. (repetitio est mater studiorum)
If mr Ross and mr Grey were unknown figures we would not be discussing it now.
Modern reincarnations are Blaser R8, Merkel Helix, Heym SR 30, Strasser RS14, Roesler Titan 16...
Thank you for this information sir. I will definitely look it up as I find it really interesting!
Those are all missing “Made in Canada” on the barrel
I wouldn't get too carried away with that area a lion "calls home" concept during a CBL hunt. I believe that SAPA rules require the animal to be released at least 7-days prior to the hunt (I stand by to be corrected). There are different provencial requirements, but a survey done in May 0f last year indicated the average time was three weeks. I would not necessarily call that an animal habituated to his environment. Though the drugs should have worn off by then.Wow. I will say that while reading this I found myself a bit discouraged at times. Or perhaps disappointed. I try to be open minded and respectful of others and their choices, even if I don't always accomplish that. It frustrates me when I read posts on this site where we have members attacking or undermining other members. And this "holier than thou" attitude is sickening. Why can't we all stick together and have each other's backs?
I feel we should just accept that one hunting style doesn't fit all.... And I mean that about the individual hunter, our quarry, and even the terrain we hunt in. There is no 'one size fits all'. Don't fight each other over it, we have a hard enough time with the antis.
I felt the original post was a sincere attempt by @postoak at gathering some information, and I think I understand what his thoughts were.
If hunting a wild lion is an experience where a hunter has a group of paid help that gets, prepares, and sets out bait, makes blinds, scouts, checks baits, etc etc etc ..... and all the hunter does is sit in the blind and shoot the lion the PH tells him to shoot, that doesn't really seem like all that much work, or really all that exciting. Hell, JGRaider's 12 year old daughter could do that!! And if a CBL hunt meant tracking a lion in a large area that the lion calls home, where it lives, hunts, etc. Not hunting over bait or even out of a blind, and tracking for days..... Well now all of a sudden the CBL hunt seems (to me) more appealing then the previously mentioned "wild hunt".
I think that's maybe what postoak was trying to say. But he was looking for information to see what the hunts were really like. Not criticism for asking.
I also think that is what @Aaron Nietfeld was getting at when he asked "Would you rather walk and stalk a wild lion, or hunt one over bait from a blind" I presume he was trying to show that if both hunts were wild lion, that one hunt may appeal more to some (most?) than the other. More 'sporting' if you will.
I think that the hunt that @IvW described when he said
"Yes you are wrong on that. If you hunt lion with me anyway
You will be part of the entire experience"
sounds amazing and I'm thinking that most members (including postoak) would be interested in something like that. I know that I for one can't afford it, so if I ever do hunt lion it will more than likely have to be CBL.
Keep in mind this is not "canned hunting" (which isn't legal anyways). I do believe most all of us believe in fair chase, and don't just want to climb into an enclosure and shoot someone's pet.
Of course it can be dangerous. So is jumping in an arena in Spain with a fighting bull. And I really don't mean to be snarky in that response. I just don't believe "danger" per se has anything to do with whether or not CBL is an ethical pursuit.@Cam Moon , I know firsthand of two cases where the PH has been hurt by the lion while CBL hunting.
So, it´s not so easy !
@Red Leg & @JGRaider I really want to clarify that my knowledge about CBL hunts is extremely limited. I found myself somewhat personally opposed to it, so it's nothing I've looked into doing. That being said, I have read a little bit about it, just out of my general hunting interests. It seems to me that not all places do things the same. My example I gave where I wrote where "the lion calls home" was purely hypothetical, but do such places not exist?
I'd love to hear from some others who have the knowledge, or even first hand experience.
Are there places that offer CBL hunts where the lions are left to their own devices? Imagine a vast hunting area that has a perimeter high fence and within it are several CBL that have grouped themselves, hunt off the land, and live as wild animals aside from the exterior fence. To me, this would be fair chase and ethical. But it may be that such a place doesn't exist. Are ALL CBL hunts the type of hunt where there's a human-dependant lion that has been drugged and recently released into a hunting enclosure? If that's what a CBL hunt is, then I do understand how it would get some emotions going.
But are they ALL like that?
And is it true that there is ALWAYS a 100% success rate with CBL hunting?
I'm asking because I honestly don't know. I DO know that I don't like it when members pass judgement and attack each other on this site, and that's mostly due to my worry of the power that gives the antis. My feeling is that we will always stand strongest if we stand together. My personal hunting choices have changed over the years, as I used to hunt only for meat, and actually somewhat judged trophy hunters. Now that I have educated myself more on the topic I feel my judgements may not have always been justified. I can now truly see the value that trophy hunting (when done properly) has in certain situations. I have not yet hunted an animal over bait. That too may change one day. Maybe not.