What is the craziest lengths you have went to in order to pay for a hunt?


AH elite
Oct 4, 2016
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Ahh...champagne taste and a beer budget. I understand the fact that some things are simply reserved for those that are born into a higher station in life. Private jets, yachts, summer homes, some things are simply beyond the old, work hard and save you your money mind frame. The safari, however, is not one of those things, some safaris..yes, none of us common folk are going to be doing a month long shoot all of the big 5 safari anytime soon. A reasonable trip, killing that once in a lifetime buffalo, getting that Kudu that haunts your dreams, these things can be accomplished with a little bit of elbow grease and some outside the box thinking. I just finished my first safari this June and before the return flight lifted off from Harare I knew I had to figure out a way to get back. I wired the final payment for this hunt and the deposit for my upcoming 2026 hunt within a week of each other. Now the only problem was how to afford this next hunt?! I knew we could do it in the three years we had left but, it was going to be an unpleasant degree of sacrifice, not to mention I still have the shipping and taxidermy to deal with from this hunt when it comes due. I considered several options for side hustles when, by chance, I texted a buddy of mine and told him what I had going and asked him if he had any ideas. It just so happened his cousin had just purchased a bar and was looking for some extra help. I have never been a bartender, but I am VERY familiar with the concept...ha ha. I mean I have spent hours and hours studying their work with only a few feet separating us, so I figured I should be able to do a pretty good job of at least imitating one, right? So quite by accident and due to my impulsive nature the Bwana Bartender was born. A few days of training with my trusty bartending partner Destiny, who I am reasonably sure is responsible for a good majority of our tips because it seems that she has certain attributes that appeal to male patrons of the bar far more than any of mine do, and I was on my way.
So now considering that Destiny has naturally built in features, along with some other modifications that seem to cause money to simply fall from men's wallets and I knew this was not going to be the case for me and if I wanted to garner some extra tips I was going to need a plan. Being a bartender seems to be in large part, playing a character, and since by nature I am already somewhat of a character I figured I would just be myself. I knew it was a calculated risk to expose the true purpose of my job there, as not everyone is warm and fuzzy with the idea of shooting Dumbo in the face, but I thought what the hell. So when people ask why I'm bartending, when did you start here, don't you work at that other place? I just tell them "oh, this is how I pay for my elephants." Now this usually draws a curious line of inquiry from men and women alike, this is where I get to explain conservation and such to some of the patrons and believe it or not people have been generally very accepting of the idea, most of them want to see pictures and ask all manner of questions and once you explain how the whole operation works with the anti poaching, distribution of meat and all the other aspects of conservation most of them become genuinely interested. Now, I will say, I live in Kentucky so the attitude here is a little more accepting of hunting in general, so this particular approach might not have as much success in some of the less enlightened areas of the country. At the moment if things continue on the current trajectory I may in fact have a trophy bull hunt in my future! There are days when it is tough to get up at 06:00 head to your regular job,leave it at 4:00 in the afternoon and drive directly to the bar and change clothes in the bathroom, then sling beer and dirty martinis until 11:00 at night only to go home rinse and repeat, but I just keep picturing those tusks and reminding myself this is the way to the promised land!
So what's the craziest thing you are willing to do/have done for your dream safari?
I went to some pretty crazy & extreme lengths to hunt this Seladang bison near Chiengmai, Thailand in 1979.
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I am fortunate to have a good job and earn a good salary doing that. I also own a business that does well and that is where most of my hunting funds come from. Also, now that my children are out of private school, that frees up some extra money. Also, I drive a 20 year old truck, don’t eat out much at all and generally keep a pretty close watch on what I spend. Also, for more expensive hunts, I’ll book them a few years in advance and make payments on them until it’s time for the hunt. That’s what I did for my 2021 Dall Sheep and Mt. Caribou hunt. I booked it in Feb of 2019 and made monthly payments on it with the outfitter until it was paid for. I’m doing the same thing now with a 2025 Cape Buffalo and Non-Trophy bull elephant hunt I booked a couple of months ago. Make payments on a regular basis and in a couple of years I’ll be hunting my first elephant.
This wasn’t 100% voluntary, but my first ‘big hunt money’ was a Dall sheep trip paid for via insurance money thanks to a thoroughly jostled neck after my car was totaled when a distracted driver went through a yield sign. Was good motivation going through physical therapy.
I was supposed to be on the trip right now but Alaska pulled the rug out from under nonresidents for this unit, so that has turned into a couple Canadian hunts instead.
Buckle up! :)
Got off my deer lease, sold UTV, 4wheeler, trailer, etc. No gas, food, feed, stands every year and with that gone can do Africa every two to three years for the same budget. Got plenty of friends that always have doe tags left and a few steaks, beer and bourbon is cheaper than a lease these days.
Both blessed and cursed. Had no interest in hunting Africa until age 70, when I went to a Wild Turkey fund raiser at Cabelas’s years ago. Was always satisfied with White Tail in New England, Black Bear in Maine, Moose and Caribou and occasionally a Black Bear in Newfoundland, and, every few years, an Elk hunt out west. Plus small game and birds anywhere. At Cabela’s, I bid on and won a Snow Goose hunt in upstate New York for the guys in my family and was happy. My Bride said “Two items down the bid list is a Hunt in Africa.” “Not interested.” “Well I am.” “If you want to go, bid in it.” Might have thrown my wallet in the table!!! 6 hunts and tours in several African countries later and my Bride, who doesn’t hunt, wants to see something new. I have a sever case of AF (feverafracianitus) so I proposed “What if we can go for free?” I negotiated a swap for a Blaser R8 Professional Safari stock with KickStop, a .458 Lott Barrel with custom sights with white gold inlay, Leupold X5 HD Firedot 1x5 scope and Blaser scope mount fire control, bolt, etc.etc. for all costs of our hunt, my Brides “observer” time, tours of the area and a nice list of plains game animals I have yet to hunt. Where there is a will, there is a way. Not sure what I’ll do next year!!
I knew someone who sold plasma...seriously. I've been selling some stuff that doesn't get used and thankfully has also appreciated in many cases. It's a bit like having another bank account. Here's something fun and scary...add up what's sitting in your gun safe, closet and under your bed...then think about your discretionary spending on everything...coffee, smoking, car leases, whatever...it adds up quickly. I've got half a storage unit full of waterfowl decoys, etc new in the box that I need to sell since I don't have good access anymore.
Ok kind of off topic but the craziest thing I did was hunt during Covid. Never believed in the seriousness of Covid. Got the shot early as I am a fireman and offered and we have three nursing homes in town with multiple false alarms. But my two sons and a daughter got it and were done in a day, same house etc. you get the point. Early 2020 a favorite ph says if I can get over the price is unreal. Was on the second plane that arrives in Namibia the day it opened. Sept 28th, 2020. Had to drive 5 hours to dc fly to Ethiopia (14 hours) layover, 9 hours to Windhoek and then no internal flights, drive 13 hours to caprivi. All one atraight shot with no stopping. The reward was an elephant, hippo, buffalo, sable, lechwe, and 6 other plains games for price I will not mention. It was 49 hours straight on forged Covid tests coming and going. And I would do it again in a heartbeat.
@Backyardsniper Work 40, live on 32, and save, save, save. Other than that, what are you driving? My wheels are a fourteen year old truck. What I save in payments and insurance, I could take two cull trips a year.
I’m looking for ways to afford Africa, I am 26 and want go when I turn 30. I don’t make a whole lot and work enough hours that another job is not an option. I borrowed money for the first time in my life to buy a 4640 John Deere.
I drive a 95 ford, so I can’t really shave any off there.
I sell firewood in the winter and save some of that.
For now it looks like the gun collection will take a hit when the time comes.
Wyatt, when you get there you will never forget it. It took me a long time and I sold a lot of guns to go the first time when I was around 30 also. It's worth it!
I was considering male prostitution…. But my wife says I will starve to death before I can save enough for a trip to Africa :ROFLMAO:

So.....I will just drive my pickup longer, work more, and save my pennies....

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Longfeather1 wrote on Cmwkwarrwn's profile.
Hello Clark
Thanks for the interest in my rifle. If you want to discuss it further you can email me direct at [redacted] or call my cell number [redacted].
Look forward to talking with you.
Jack Kramer
quacker attacker wrote on JMV375's profile.
Hello, My wife and I hunted with Marius 2 years ago. He fit us into his schedule after a different outfitter "bailed" on us. He was always very good with communications and although we didn't end up meeting him personally, he called us multiple times during our hunt to make sure things were going well. We were very happy with him.
TERMINATOR wrote on Cuthberto's profile.
Reach out to the guys at Epic Outdoors.

They will steer you right for landowner tags and outfitters that have them.

I have held a membership with them for years and they are an invaluable resource.

Way better that asking random people on the internet...WAY better

Raskolnikov743 wrote on skydiver386's profile.

Did you ever find your 30-06 CZ550? I own a fairly solid conditioned one, if you wanted to talk.
