I haven’t as much experience as others on here, but this is what I have seen from the 3 PHs I have hunted with and 4 others I have spoken to:
PH 1 - 470 Westley Richards Double and 30-06 Benelli bolt action
PH2 - 458 Lott and 30-06 Sabi bolt action
PH3 - 458 Lott in both a Sabi and a Sauer 202 (he preferred the Sabi) and 308 Winchester 70
PH4 - Sabi bolt actions in .458 Lott and 7x57 plus an old .500 NE double rifle
PH5 - 375 and 308 Sako 85
PH6 - .308 Parker Hale bolt action - plains game only
PH7 - Mauser M98 in .404, 8x68 and .243
PH8 - Custom M98 action rifles in 8x68, 9.3x64 and .458 Lott
PH2 and PH3 were trained by PH4, which I think accounts for the preference for Sabi.
I also met a man who spends 3 months a year working in a camp, hunts for camp meat but does not take clients out. He had a Sako 85 308, a Verney-Carron 500NE and a CZ 550 375, which he used 99% of the time