What Do You Consider Disrespectful Trophy Pictures?

I’m not sure about the rest of the globe, but in SA almost all of us had some blood smeared on our faces with a first animal hunted by our farthers or mentors. You also ate a slice of raw liver (excluding warthog or pigs). As far as I’m concerned you were proud of that, and it was done with great respect to the animal. It mostly entailed a line or cross of blood on your forehead and or nose and cheaks.

Most kids wanted to hunt, we showed off the printed pictures of our animals and blood on our faces after the holidays back at school and no one needed a safe space after having gone through that, nor did we have to go for counseling. Probably because we didn’t eat Tide pods...

Anyhow. As far as hunting photos go I will not easily judge. I am a gun nut and love to take a photo with only the animal and the rifle or a days bag of birds and the shotgun. Posing it neatly doesn’t disrespect the animal in my opinion, and I will always have the picture should the rifle oneday be sold, stolen etc.
Something to this extent:
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View attachment 236075

Certain poses and angles work well, and I advise hunters to take a few “normal” trophy pictures wth their animals, before trying new angles poses etc. I don’t like sitting far away from the animal, as it looks unrealistic. If you so wish to for eg. stand on your giraffe for some reason, I’m not going to stop you, but if you look like a giant knob doing that, and it is the only photo you have, you might well be very bleak about that in a year.

I also take photos of the loading, caping, skinning on occasion, and though not strictly trophy photos, you remember your trips detail that way, and sometimes those unposed “action” photos come out very nice. Lastly, if the tracker is with on the hunt, if there is a recovery crew involved or a dog that came with, it is always nice to get a picture with them in. It shows to them you appreciated their work and it is good to remind you of who was all involved.

My goodness, that impala picture is inspiring, well done!
Here is my take on disrespectful trophy pictures.. As already stated by many , it doesn't matter how "respectful" your picture may be, the leftist wont care . It is something they wont reason with, you are wrong. With the invention of social media , protesting hunting has gone over the top. I have been a victim so to say to anti hunting groups harassment and threats.

About 4 years ago I went on a bear hunt with friends and took a nice bear. Nothing huge and nothing out of the ordinary other then I got the bear with a handgun. Normally I wouldn't have taken pictures, but I was proud of this hunt, and it showed as I was grinning ear to ear in the pictures. A week or so later I shared the picture on Facebook to bear hunting magazine. Ive been in the magazine before so I thought it was a great opportunity to get in it again. An anti hunting Facebook group named "hunt the hunters" was monitoring the page and took my picture from it. They shared it to their Facebook page and that's when the threats started pouring in. Name calling and death threads filled my inbox by a few hundred. It was a tasteful picture with me crouching behind the animal with the handgun in view.

I reported the threats to Facebook and they did nothing. For the most part I brushed it off, but the messages kept coming. I was trying to be the"bigger man" in the situation and stay respectful . I tried to explain that I eat everything I hunt and I got even more flack. Most used the argument that anyone who would take a picture besides a dead animal was insane and should be locked up. Luckily I don't care HA, and I shared their page and the information to another forum I frequent, a very large gun forum. Within a week the original "hunt the hunters" was shut down by Facebook due to the few thousand reports we made to Facebook HQ.

The moral of the story? The left could care less how respectful you try to be to the game. You are wrong in the first place for even attempting to kill a living creature. period. Regardless if you use it for food or not, use it for a means of income, or just plain out trophy hunting.

To me, as long as you hunt the animal ethically and humanly, take the pictures however you please. No matter how you take the picture, someone despises you for it, and you will never win the battle.
this was one of the pictures that was left for me



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A now dead friend used to do the dry hump thing to every animal he ever shot....both front and back and had them framed and on the walls in the bar in his house.

Bad taste indeed, but the one of him and the squirrel with it mouth propped open did make me chuckle.

Everything else, who cares?

Oh....he was a Dentist.
I could not care less what the antis think, but I am respectful to the animals I hunt.

A short story, a couple of years ago, at the end of a safari, I had already hunted what I wanted, so my PH and I joined a grandfather and his grandson on our hunting group, helping them find a good blue hartebeest.

Hartebeest was found and shot by the grandson, animal ready for pictures, but very bloody. So I said, wait, lets clean this up a little, which we did with water and sand, and then took all the pics.

Grandfather took me aside and said, thank you, that was nice of you and a lesson to my grandson.
My PH asked if he could take comical pictures of my trophies with my tracker. He explained that I did not have to, it was kind of a tradition with
our tracker. I did not mind and some of them were hilarious! I don't show those pictures but I do look at them and laugh occasionally, Recalling Kristof.
If I can figure out how to get it off my phone I will post one it looks like my tracker is crossing the finish line of the derby on my zebra! Being from ky and it just happened to be
the first weekend in may I really had to chuckle!
My PH asked if he could take comical pictures of my trophies with my tracker. He explained that I did not have to, it was kind of a tradition with
our tracker. I did not mind and some of them were hilarious! I don't show those pictures but I do look at them and laugh occasionally, Recalling Kristof.
If I can figure out how to get it off my phone I will post one it looks like my tracker is crossing the finish line of the derby on my zebra! Being from ky and it just happened to be
the first weekend in may I really had to chuckle!
@Bill Bunn III
Kristof and Dale! :E Lol::E Lol:

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I hunted elephant with Luke Samaris in 2005. It was my fourth safari and I tell you he is a fine gentleman the best. I got the opportunity to meet Patty Curtis, although never hunted with him but enjoyed our conversation around our tent in the Selous. Very sad for a tough guy to leave this world the way he did. Let’s pray the murderers are caught. I hope to see Luke in Nashville.