What do you consider disrespectful trophy pictures?
AfricaHunting.com's logo portrays the traditional pose of the proud hunter squatting beside his trophy waiting to have his picture taken. Can leaning, sitting, laying, squatting, standing, riding or having a foot on the trophy for a photo be disrespectful to the animal?
We have all seen a picture of a hunter posing with their trophy which questioned our thoughts on whether it was demeaning to the animal or not... Myself received on a couple of occasions comments from members telling me that they did not approve of a particular trophy photo posted in the forum as the hunter was posing "inappropriately" with their trophy and requested for the pictures to be removed.
The SCI Safari Magazine advertising content guidelines clearly states that the Publications will not publish advertising containing certain characteristics and among the types of advertising that are rejected are ads that might appear to be disrespectful of wildlife. I don't know where they draw the line and understand the use of such verbiage, but I also can see how every hunter has his own opinion when it comes to etiquette when posing with their trophy.
Vintage safari photographs clearly depict some of these poses, and for some of us they have been a great source of inspiration and example. These black and white trophy photos with their hunters, sometimes famous, posing proudly in various manners which may be considered today as inappropriate were emulated by a lot of us. These yesteryear poses, sometimes suggesting heroic triumph, were really a symbol of domination over their query, showing the success of their hunt, the chase conqueror, the triumph of man over beast.
These types of poses are often seen with hunters posing in Africa with one of the Big Five, could an exception be made based on the type of game and can a pose be disrespectful? What is your take and where do you draw the line?
Here are a few examples...