Well if you push them harder than what they say what do you expect. I have never had your stated problem with the various calibres I use in the Woodleigh bullets. I have found the opposite with their 358cal protected Points. I do note that has only occurred in one calibre and I do not expect that to be case across the board. Please explain how firing a bullet from a double rifle at a given muzzle velocity results in different terminal effect to shooting it from a bolt rifle.
Woodleigh do field test their bullets on various game, including Cape Buffalo and Elephant and not just one or two examples, so their recommended impact velocities are from actual experience. Not many do that.
I do appreciate they are not every bodies cup of tea.
Doubles are typically loaded from 1900-2100 fps which seems to fit nicely in their recommended velocities of 1800-2200 fps.
And as you rightfully state, as did I, that at higher velocities they do not perform.
I never mentioned they would perform differently at the same velocities from a double to a bolt. What I did say is that at my preferred speed of 2300-2350 fps they overexpand and do not perform and I therefore do not use them. I need a soft nose/expanding bullet to give controlled expansion and maximum penetration at these velocities and the Woodleighs fall short.
They perform well in double rifles due to the lower velocity(would not use them in the 500/416 though).
The heavy for caliber bullets seem to work better(due to reduced velocity and heavier bullet/more material). I have not bothered to test them as since I switched to Rhino solid shank bullet's, have found the ultimate expanding bullet readily available, that works every time I pull the trigger.
I have however had the normal weight ones over expand not only at higher velocities but also when hitting solid bone. This from a 500 NE that hit the point of the shoulder on a buffalo bull and failed to enter the chest cavity. Another failed to penetrate the chest cavity from the point of the shoulder on a giraffe bull. The 500 NE is one of the best penetrating double calibers available.
There is a big difference in field testing bullet's in a normal hunting situation as opposed to having to take shots at DG in a charge have to stop situation.
I would gladly use Woodleigh soft points if I was the hunter taking the first shot and placing it correctly. I would however not use them in my bolt actions as back-up when following up DG.
They are great bullets and probably the best ones you can use in a double.
Agreed they are not everybodies cup of tea, not mine for sure.
If used within their specifications(which in my opinion is double rifle's), they work but for DG at velocities over 2200 Fps(which would be basically all the popular DG bolt actions), they are not the best option.
I would be hesitant to use the 400gr SN in the 404 Jeff @ 2400 fps even though the recommended velocity is 1900-2400 fps.
There are better consistent performing options available.