Jim Golden
AH veteran
I think the .375 Weatherby is one of the best cartridges ever created. I analyzed a lot of them and settled on this one. I machined my A-Square Hannibal clone on it. I built my rifle from scratch, on an Enfield P17 action of Winchester. I actually chronographed it. 2889 ft/s with a 300 grain. If I'm shooting a .375, I only shoot a 300 grain. That's 5580 ft-lbs. More than a .458 Winchester. It is laser accurate. I plan to take a dagga boy with it. I also have an H&H. And it's excellent. I dropped a Russian Razor Back boar with it. He died instantly...which surprised the guide. Another guy that day pumped eight rounds of 180gr .30-06 into one to put it down. I was "concerned" about the beasts and took the biggest gun I owned "at that time" and waylaid the thing. 300 grain partition knocked him down instantly. He was good BBQ.
But seriously, the old .375 WBY is a good cartridge.