Hey you Northern Guys. Your winter showed up down here this morning drunk!! Take it back! We don't like it this far south!

Going to be a beautiful day in tucson at 70 degree's for the high.
No thank you.-16 here last night and -6 now. Forecast is for a balmy 18 today. We'll send it south so you guys can have a white Christmas! LOL
-16 here last night and -6 now. Forecast is for a balmy 18 today. We'll send it south so you guys can have a white Christmas! LOL
-33 degrees Fahrenheit Bozeman Montana — BRRRRRRRRR!
It's supposed to warm up to that here by the beginning of next week. We're all pretty excited by it. Time to get the icefishing gear out!Hey you Northern Guys. Your winter showed up down here this morning drunk!! Take it back! We don't like it this far south!
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