There's always exceptions to the rule. For what it's worth converted to aud an $18k usd hunt is nearly $27k my money.
99.9% of my hunting has been diy/unguided and all of it unfenced (except when i dipped my toe into guiding clients for a couple of years on estates). But i don't have a problem with someone wanting to chase a big buff behind wire if that's the only way they can afford it whether it's for me or not. No one is ever intentionally offensive on this forum (which I love) but i could see how a guy could get a bit put off when people start saying "why would you do this when you could do that" "this isn't worth something done this way, only that way" etc.
That's all neither here nor there, I'm just getting at the fact that there's guys on here who obviously aren't restricted by cost and forget that most folks don't have that kind of disposable income. As long as it's legal and you're having fun, do what pleases you I say!
Yes and $20,000 USD is 280,000 Rand. What does $27k Australian and conversion ratios have to do with anything?
Who cares about DIY vs. guided hunting? It's not a contest, is it? I have guided thousands of animals in Colorado, Alaska and Mexico but I also use guides myself when I don't have as much local knowledge, time or access. I have used guides in Utah, Arizona, Wyoming, Nevada, Alaska, Mexico, Canada and Africa. I am very confident in my own hunting abilities and I probably have more experience than most but I don't take it as a slight to my abilities to hunt with another guide. It's not an ego thing - it's hunting. It can be fun to see how other people guide/hunt.
There are all income classes and types on AH. I probably fall in the middle. So what?? If you don't have the money to afford a buffalo hunt in Tanzania, so what? If all you can afford is a South African PG hunt, so what? If you can afford an elephant, lion, leopard and PG hunt in TZ, so what? Why do I always have to see posts about the income disparity of individuals on AH? There is always someone with more money. So what? I just enjoy the AH site and hearing about other hunters safaris whether it's in SA or TZ.
As for the guy that started this post, I don't have a problem with him researching areas where trophy quality may be higher than others. That is what I do. The experience is also just as important and I am betting he knows that as well.