Uk Trophy Ban news

I consider myself an anglofil
Well I have to be honest and I do not know much about Britain besides standard history. So thanks for clarifying those things.

I think we as a country have one of the most radical imports restrictions regarding hunting trophies. This was following the Cecil debacle. No legislation was passed, just a decree from our minister from agriculture who oversees hunting affairs.

All species listed "A" and several iconic species listed "B" were overnight banned from being imported.
Yes, Carrie Johnson is behind this legislation, however both she and Boris Johnson are under severe pressure for misconduct and incompetence so they are throwing this bill ahead in a rush to distract from other issues.

That does not mean it is not a reprehensible decision on its own, with devastating potential should it become a more common position in the world.
Who is going to tell the Queen? Perhaps they’ll show up to confiscate her trophies!
Who is going to tell the Queen? Perhaps they’ll show up to confiscate her trophies!
The actual likeliness of this proposal actually happening is extremely low. How convenient it is that Johnson was able to pull this out of his and his mistress' arses when their popularity is declining rapidly. Absolute joke that these kinds of personality based laws are even considered in a democratic country.
I can see it getting through the commons but the House of Lords is a different kettle of fish.
I agree to a point that something like this insanity may not stop hunting though it may deter some who want the mounts.
BUT, this avenue is taken by the antis only because at this point they can’t get hunting banned. So they’re taking what they can…so far.
If the hunting community ( whatever type of hunting that may be) as a whole does not start coming together to stick the proverbial finger in the leaking dam to stop these steps from being successful, I fear that that all-out ban on hunting of any kind is an eventual reality. Maybe not in the near future, but real.
25 years ago I would’ve been shocked to hear something like this getting traction. Now it’s a common thorn in our side. What’ll it be 50 years from now? Will our great-grand kids be “allowed” to hunt?
If we don’t speak up as a whole with full support of every type of legal hunting, then how an we expect to stop or slow any of it? I know my local and state reps are tired of hearing from me but they’re going to continue to hear from me.
It seems that the public, corporations, and politicians, much like this cancel culture bullshit, will bow to what they perceive as the loudest noise and biggest crowd so that can say “this is what the majority wants”. It’s an excuse for them to not have to think for themselves and get re-elected and keep their corporate CEO status.
What would they do if they heard a louder noise for a larger group?

This isn’t going away. Complacency will not prosper here. We have to speak up.

Sorry for the rant.
We've had this debate before folks. This is just another episode of the same show, just with new places and names. This is a proposed ban on importing animals, it is not a ban on hunting.

It becomes a ban on hunting only if we as hunters allow it to be. Screw the government, do not allow them to take this away from you and go hunt!
We've had this debate before folks. This is just another episode of the same show, just with new places and names. This is a proposed ban on importing animals, it is not a ban on hunting.

It becomes a ban on hunting only if we as hunters allow it to be. Screw the government, do not allow them to take this away from you and go hunt!
My point exactly Phil, thanks.

I don’t really see debate though. I see some chatter, some talk, some passion, some rants (like my own), but I also don’t see much in the way of discussion on how to proceed with our message, organization, petitions, or the like. Eventually we will be overcome by this lunacy. Death by a thousand cuts if you will. Just a fear I have as these things gain traction more and more world wide. It’s too easy for those on the fence who don’t hunt to side with the masses when they don’t have the correct information.
I keep barking at my state reps, and will continue. But they don’t really hear one voice. They hear one fanatic who’s become more of a pain in the ass than anything. LOL
My prediction may sound extremely cynical and grim, but here it is: Eventually all hunting and firearms ownership will get banned in the United Kingdom. It’s only a matter of time. However, I’m hopeful and confident that hunting and firearms ownership shall remain strong in Continental Europe and the United States.

If you compare and contrast hunting cultures in the United States and Continental Europe with the hunting culture in the United Kingdom, you will see exactly what I mean. In the United States, hunting has always been regarded as a hobby for the common average man as a means of putting meat on his table/ protecting his farm crops or even basic recreation. The same goes with Continental Europe. But this can’t be said for the United Kingdom. The kinds of hunting which are most representative of the British, are invariably deer stalking and driven grouse shooting. And in the United Kingdom, hunting has always been viewed as an elitist hobby of upper class aristocracy. This is exactly the reason why the United Kingdom will keep having such a rancid increase in anti hunters until these people manage to push their agendas and make them legally enforceable. By contrast, you have people from ALL classes in the United States and Continental Europe who absolutely love hunting and will fight to support it.

As the class barriers in developed countries slowly disappear, poorer people are becoming increasingly vocal about “Old Money“ rich people and are quite condescending towards them and their ways of life. This is exactly how British Labor Party portrays hunting - As a “ Cruel outdated hobby of bloodthirsty aristocrats that harken back to the colonial days”. You couldn’t pull this trick off in places like the United States or Continental Europe, because hunting is accepted as common practice by people from all classes . @mark-hunter is right, in the sense that Brexit is actually a very good thing for the rest of Europe. At least the United Kingdom won’t be able to exert so much influence on Continental Europe, anymore.

There are countless other reasons why the hunting fraternity in the United Kingdom will eventually collapse. The British hunting crowd is extremely one dimensional in their way of thinking. Deer stalkers and driven grouse shooters are not bothered by a ban on importing African trophies, because “We don’t partake in trophy hunting ”. If they pulled their head out of their asses, then they would see that the problem doesn’t just end here. Now that importing African trophies has been banned, will the vegan/anti hunting crowd simply shut up ? No. They will next keep coming after deer stalking, then grouse shooting and then they won’t rest until hunting is completely banned in the United Kingdom ( at which point, they’ll go after meat consumption ). By the time the British hunting community realizes that their rights have been taken away from them, it will already be too late.

Before I became the Divisional Forest Officer of the Sundarbans in 1972, I had to take a three year long course in “Principles Of Forestry” in the University Of Peshawar. And one of our text books clearly said “ Cultures where hunting is prevalent amongst all classes are far more likely to preserve their hunting traditions, than cultures where it is only enjoyed by only one particular class “.

There is another problem which nobody likes to talk about, because they’re afraid of being called a “Racist”. In the last ten years or so, the United Kingdom has had a rancid increase in the number of Indian immigrants. People who come from a culture, which is inherently opposed to meat eating and hunting ( because of their religion which treats animals as deities ). You know that the United Kingdom has a serious Indian problem, when people start demanding that Sir Winston Churchill’s statue be torn down … All because of some politically incorrect comments he made about India during the 1930s. In the United Kingdom, you will see that in a lot of places Indian food is far more prevalent than British food. And it’s disturbing.

So yes, the problem isn’t Boris Johnson ( or as I like to call him, “ The pig in the yellow wig” ) or that Carrie hooker who’s completely got him wrapped around her finger. The problem is British culture as a whole. In the past, there used to be several British companies who used to commercially manufacture firearms ( such as Parker Hale or Birmingham Small Arms or the Firearms Co. ). Today, you won’t even find one. You only have expensive bespoke gun makers such as Holland & Holland ( who, by the way, are now owned by Beretta ), Westley Richard, James Purdey or John Rigby. And with this new trophy import ban, mark my words. Their days are numbered too.

What’s most disgusting, is that the British used to tell people in Africa and Asia how to live their lives while we were their colonies. Even after relinquishing their colonies, they still see fit to tell other people in other countries how to live their lives. It was a British guy by the name of Guy Mountford who is responsible for getting hunting completely banned in India and tiger hunting banned all across Asia. In 1966, he visited East Pakistan and wrote a completely fictitious set of lies about our hunting culture in his book “ Vanishing Jungles “ and even defamed two of the best tiger hunters of the Sundarbans - The late Pachabdi Gazi ( who was alive and active at the time ) and his younger brother, Shafiq Gazi ( @PerH knows Shafiq extremely well and often chats with him ). Despite knowing that they both only kill man eating Royal Bengal tigers under the orders of the Sundarban forest department, he made it look as both of them simply kill Royal Bengal tigers indiscriminately to increase their body count. After the government of East Pakistan wanted to have nothing to do with Mountford, he shifted his interest to India. He convinced Indira Gandhi ( who had just come to power and was already a radical vegetarian/anti hunter ) to get hunting completely banned in India and to get tiger hunting banned all across Asia. Guy Mountford would eventually go on to found the WWF.
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You make some very interesting points @Hunter-Habib . The view of hunting being an aristocratic past time is especially true. For most of England's history (post Dark Ages) hunting was very much only permitted for the super rich.

So even though hunting may have been open to the lower and middle classes in more recent history, by that point I think the wheels were already turning. This notion of hunter's being exclusively rich snobs was almost cemented in much of Britain's urban population, specifically England.

Though I don't necessarily agree that hunting will inevitably be banned in Britain, the pressures will become more and more unbearable for many hunters living there. But even if Britain bans hunting it really isn't any of my business to voice my opinion. It's their country.

Though I do have a problem with them continuing to intefere with other countries' hunting traditions. They'll eventually isolate themselves more and more if they keep their arrogant worldview.
I have to say that irksome as the proposed ban is - and pretty irrational, given that there are supposed to be 7,000 species listed (are there really 7,000 endangered game species?) - it would be easy enough to sidestep for most British hunters: just get your trophy delivered abroad, and drive it home in the back of your car. If you are unfortunate enough to be stopped by the customs - who seem unable to deal with the vast quantities of drugs and illegal immigrants that are their day job - you can just say that you made a mistake and will take it away again.

On the other hand, I have a shoulder-mounted ostrich trophy, flapping his wings, somewhere in SA which I ought to get shipped back before the ban comes into effect!
supposed to be 7,000 species listed (are there really 7,000 endangered game species?)

This is unrealistic and unprecedented, to the level of ridiculus. For this reason, I do still have hope that even if the bill is passed, it will be reduced, maybe as per some cites status. There may still be a chance that such list will be revalidated periodically based on actual conservation status of some species.
I have an area that has a large herd of Bontebok. Since they have been banned from entering the USA, no one really hunts them anymore. The manager has told me that they are now planning on culling the entire herd since they compete heavily with other grazers.
I have managed to delay them a bit since I think they might open up again, but this shows you how a ban works.
If they do happen to get the permits in order and proceed, I'm considering having it filmed and putting it out there in full view for the world to see. From impact shots, to skinning with a visual of 100's of Bontebok hanging on hooks. I want the world to see what happens when you ban importation and animals lose their value.
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Don't worry we stopped making stuff years ago. We just import cheap shit from the rest of the world now people and goods

You still make some good whisky, which I will keep on buying :D Drunk:
I have an area that has a large herd of Bontebok. Since they have been banned from entering the USA, no one really hunts them anymore. The manager has told me that they are now planning on culling the entire herd since they compete heavily with other grazers.
I have managed to delay them a bit since I think they might open up again, but this shows you how a ban works.
If they do happen to get the permits in order and proceed, I'm considering having it filmed and putting it out there in full view for the world to see. From impact shots, to skinning with a visual of 100's of Bontebok hanging on hooks. I want the world to see what happens when you ban importation and animals lose their value.
Right on. You can specifically set it up on the internet so when someone uses Google for "trophy hunting ban" or "animal rights" it brings up your post. Rub their noses in the destruction they have created.
Right on. You can specifically set it up on the internet so when someone uses Google for "trophy hunting ban" or "animal rights" it brings up your post. Rub their noses in the destruction they have created.

Quite sure YouTube will be blocking the bejeezus out of such a video.

I would rather try to get this story into a few big mainstream publications, showing clear cause and effect.
Quite sure YouTube will be blocking the bejeezus out of such a video.

I would rather try to get this story into a few big mainstream publications, showing clear cause and effect.
Incorrect. Youtube is probably the easiest and most reliable place to share something like this. Tons of creators have made a career off of exposing mainstream narratives and it actually works in getting people to listen.
Quite sure YouTube will be blocking the bejeezus out of such a video.

I would rather try to get this story into a few big mainstream publications, showing clear cause and effect.
Edit it to be a documentary type story with toned down gory bits. Maybe work with a group like Blood Origins to keep it "front of mind" as the folks like to say.
Hunter-Habib.........I fully agree with you. You and I have both seen it happen, others may not have. The question is not IF, but WHEN. Only the time frame can be changed now. I will work hard to push it back as far as possible.'re quite correct. YouTube censorship and blocking are well known. Not bad in the hunting arena yet, but they blocked 568,000 videos in the USA alone last Quarter. Their policy requires that videos violating "Ethics Laws" be blocked. As a US company how would this affect UK law? (what is much more common than blocking a video is the parent company, Google, deleting the account of the vlogger) So don't count on any intelligent dialogue after a ban law is passed. I live in the USA now. My State amended the Constitution to make hunting "a right". Just one idea. Better to to address this now. .....FWB
Hunter-Habib.........I fully agree with you. You and I have both seen it happen, others may not have. The question is not IF, but WHEN. Only the time frame can be changed now. I will work hard to push it back as far as possible.'re quite correct. YouTube censorship and blocking are well known. Not bad in the hunting arena yet, but they blocked 568,000 videos in the USA alone last Quarter. Their policy requires that videos violating "Ethics Laws" be blocked. As a US company how would this affect UK law? (what is much more common than blocking a video is the parent company, Google, deleting the account of the vlogger) So don't count on any intelligent dialogue after a ban law is passed. I live in the USA now. My State amended the Constitution to make hunting "a right". Just one idea. Better to to address this now. .....FWB
Maybe in the West, but not here. Though hunting obviously won't last forever. You guys have to remember that us Africans hunt as well, a lot more than tourists that come here. Sure, you may not see many videos of ONLY South Africans but that's because it's usually on an unattractive farm or a small piece of communal land which simply aren't viable for tourism.

Almost every South African male has experienced hunting in some shape or form, even if it's someone else pulling the trigger. Overtime that will eventually develop in your psyche and you'll see it as normal. Not denying that tourist hunters take up a huge part of our industry and economy, to whom I'm thankful for, but we overall hunt more than tourists do here. Though I'm not denying the threats that face modern hunting.
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Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!
To much to political shit, to little Africa :-)
Spending a few years hunting out west then back to Africa!
mebawana wrote on MB_GP42's profile.
Hello. If you haven't already sold this rifle then I will purchase. Please advise. Thank you.
jbirdwell wrote on uplander01's profile.
I doubt you are interested in any trades but I was getting ready to list a Sauer 404 3 barrel set in the 10-12 price range if your interested. It has the 404J, 30-06 and 6.5 Creedmoor barrel. Only the 30-06 had been shot and it has 7 rounds through it as I was working on breaking the barrel in. It also has both the synthetic thumbhole stock and somewhere between grade 3-5 non thumbhole stock

Jaye Birdwell