UGANDA: Uganda Wildlife Safaris

Well done, thanks for the report
That is a great Sitatunga that anyone would be thrilled to take. Congrats. What a blessing that your miss turned into a better bull. You never know how its gonna turn out. Thats why its hunting and not killing. Glad that your persistence paid off.

Thanks Bruce, I count my Blessings every day!
Absolutely beautiful animal. Love the ivory worn bases. Congratulations!

Occasionally missed shots work out for the best. This was one of those times.(y)

Thanks @Wheels, it seems a lot of the Sitatunga have the ivory look on the leading edge of their horns from walking through the papyrus.
Just awesome!!!

I'm so excited for you! And great to hear about Uganda as well. I'd love to go one day.

Thank you @Royal27, there is more to follow! We are changing areas tomorrow
Day 6

Well, I woke at 5:40 for a nature call but went back to bed. Finally up at 9:45 a bit foggy to say the least! After a wonderful night by the fire, sipping whiskey and smoking a cigar until the wee hours the extra sleep was needed.

We had a full breakfast and made a plan to go out and look for an East African Bushbuck. I had taken one in Masailand back in '14 but never miss an opportunity to hunt Bushbuck. I told Paul that 16" was my minimum and with the density of the population here being so high it is not unrealistic. He reminded me that should we see an exceptional Nile Bushbuck I can take a second one.

We got out of camp about 11 and it was overcast and cool, relatively speaking. The morning was very relaxed after the climax of taking the Sitatunga the evening before. We went to an area of the concession that doesn't get hunted much. Another PH in the camp Augustine suggested to Paul we try this area. It was much thicker bush subsequently we saw very few Bushbuck.

A couple hours into the drive, a very exceptional Bushbuck was spotted about 150 yards off the road. Upon closer inspection Paul said "he won't make 16 but it is the biggest Nile I have ever seen here". We took off and of course the ram wasn't having any part of that and he bolted. We carried on and saw a female and younger male. Melcom spotted the big male off in the distance and Paul confirmed it was him. We moved forward as he was in a slow walk, heading away from us.

He stopped when we got to about 120 yards and turned. Paul set the sticks and I shot, he was down. As we approached there was another ram close by, all puffed up and strutting. Obviously the two had been sparring and he had no idea we were there. Also a fine ram but overall not as big as the one I had just shot. The female we saw must've been in heat, thus the 3 rams in the vicinity.

When we got up to him I was ecstatic, he was a massive old ram with battle scars and shredded ears from fighting. He had exceptional length and mass and ultimately measured 15 1/2" with 6" bases! Paul said "this is the biggest Nile Bushbuck I have ever taken with a client".

Back to camp for another great meal and we made plans to change areas tomorrow. This evening we will sit for Bushpig. I have shot a few over the years but you can find red Bushpig here and that is what I am looking for.
Awesome animal, great story. The smile on your face says it all. God is indeed Great! Congratulations.
Massive EA Bushbuck. Looks more like a Chobe.

Two days, two amazing spiralhorns!
Massive Bushbuck. Never pass up a chance for one like that. Congrats!!
When the horns on a bushbuck are 40% of the animals body length, SHOOT. :)
What an awesome trip & trophies! Congratulations. You'll have to share some details with me on this when you get back. I had just stumbled onto the Uganda Wildlife Safaris website a few days ago, started looking them up in the SCI record book for availble species, & began to consider this country. Then I saw this trip report & it seemed fate was saying to plan a trip there. Now it's on my bucket list!!
Wow what a great looking situtunga!! Congrats!

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idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID
African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?